Deepak Chopra & Menas Kafatos: You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self (Part 1)

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Deepak Chopra, MD and Menas Kafatos, PhD visited the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat in the Bahamas for a series of conversations on their new book, You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self.

The event marked the book’s International release, and led to profound discussion about the scientific and spiritual nature of existence and humanity’s role in it.

In Part 1, Deepak and Menas discuss several mysteries of the universe and the current state of scientific understanding. Deepak then weaves scientific knowledge into the fabric of the world’s great spiritual traditions.

You can watch Part 2 here:, #YATU, #youaretheuniverse,,,,, #SivanandaBahama


Alejandra Silva says:

"Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking Inside a radio for the announcer.". Thanks Deepak & Menas.

Ken says:

Thank you Deepak for your teachings over many years. I'm still trying to get over the idiotic Donald Trump comment by your mental midget interviewer. Look at London tonight, Manchester weeks ago, and with Hillary you'd have that in your home town. Deepak wants you to wake up, wake up that the world is a horrible place right now and only strong leadership will save it. You hate TRUMP, but do you hate strong law enforcement, a military that lets you sleep at night, how's your 401K looking. Trump loves this country, you love yourself. How inappropriate to bring up your fascist liberal bias in front of a respected evolved spiritual thought leader who offers boundless wisdom.

Vesa Järvensivu says:

don't mention the big bang…don't make a point of it

Toni D. Johns says:

neutrinos … neutrinos … 😀 😀 😀

foad nowshadi says:

experience and awareness of it are the same which rises in consciousness [ attention in I ] which in itself manifest in 'I' . To be is to disappear .

Tomas Nofziger says:

Would love to have heard a lot more from Menas Kafatos … Chopra is great, but so is Menas.

Daisy Cardona says:

Thank you for your knowledge, I truly appreciate you.

Spiros Kabasakalis says:

33:10 "How does the unverse fit inside your brain?" REALLY? REALLY? No, YOU are naive Chopra. You fail to realize that the brain just acts as a lens and pick ups an image. Why is it hard to realize that rays of light coming from far away can finally converge into something small and create an image? This is kindergarden stuff. While it's true that this image does not represent actual reality, it is based on it and we can use it as a pointer to wake up.

Lindsay K says:

how fitting a Jesuit come up with the theory since they are a false church

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