Nature of the Mind

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His Holiness the Dalai lama talks on the “Nature of the Mind” at the University of California Santa Barbara Events Center on April 24th, 2009. (

Video courtesy of University of California Santa Barbara

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Pan says:

I am not a Buddha but even if I would die from it, I would never eat an
animal. And I know an old friend, very sick, that still refuses to eat
medication tested on animals. So…

Amabel Romney says:

*The mind’s nature is illusions, instincts and ego.*
*Do you want to get rid of these? Even Dalai lama haven’t done it.*

*Go to TruthContest•Com if you want to learn the*

TheWombat PPC says:

Number 1. is a Baby. And he will now be kept that way. Think of Ratty and
Moley from wind in the willows. where the to weasels find the little boy..
and than Toat comes along and says.. I’ve found him… and they then
say.. He’s been found twice already. 😉


Sandra C says:

The nature of the mind ~with Dalai Lama, UC, Santa Barbara

+Bem-Estar Mente e Alma / Wellness of mind / soul originally shared:

A Natureza da mente na perspectiva Budista, em conversa com Dalai Lama,
Prémio Nobel da Paz, em 1989. Video em Inglês.

Natasha Z says:

Honorable Holiness!
Everybody dreamingRe:-Liberation&Truth.SocialReality-is soFar from to build
thisEternalHumanDream,whereAll&Each areHappy&Kind.Thanks4Buddhism People
who still courageous toSpead&Explain”The Good Message”ofLord Buddha to
4my”western”,usual mind-difficult ! to understand this deepWisdom.
But asAllPeople around theEarth,please,let me express eternal !Gratitude 4
Your beautiful(so contagious!)-Laugh; 4-indescribableReal Kindness ofYour
Face,always looking gently toPeople;4 Enlightenment of Your(“Godly”-
compassionate!)-smile, which brought so muchLight ofLove to thisSuffering
Mommy-Planet!.Please,allow us-People to keep forever,(to “possess”) Your
smile in our memory&hearts 4our eternal “journey”,due toYourTeaching&Lord
Buddha Himself – are now Part of Mommy-Earth.We all are-Grateful Eternally!

rakuna üçyüzdört says:

If there is no permanance, everything is impermanent, why is Nirvana state
permanent? Is it the permanent death ? How can one erase doubts, fears,
anxities, hate, skepticism from his brain without knowing absolutely
everything. Is it possible really? Honestly?

jussbeautiful says:

If not for the greater and lesser teachings of Buddha, I would be something
worse than Satan. Now I’m only Lucifer trying to work his way back into

Philo Thanato says:

More bullshit, if you wanna understand the mind go to a neuro-scientist. We
do not need this unenlightened crap 

meltingEyeballs says:

If an Alien civilization ever want to quantify the ego of the human
species, the youtube comments will be a rich data source.

eric abernethy says:

……lol i love this man but put that shit on x1.25 speed

TheWombat PPC says:

Death.. It might hurt like a bugger… But then you foat of into a bubble
as a crying child. This then finds a New Stronger Host.

Jonathan Van Hassel says:

What’s the old man doing in the beginning? Did he lost his dentures?

TheWombat PPC says:

Don’t freak. I am Number 4. with Number 5. who is number 1 beleive it or

Aaron L says:

Skip to 14:00

Rahul Joshi says:

stupid,boring,sleepy,divisive. the no of likes > 3lac.

zaka127 says:

The Dalai Lama should protest against the genocide of the Rohinga in Burma.

bluntgent says:

He shouldn’t give speech in English as he is not good at it.. and thus make
him sound like any old Asian guy u found at local Chinese Supermarket in

Scott Rader says:

You have the Dalai Lama on stage and you sit and ramble for nearly 15
minutes? Only in (academic) America.

TheWombat PPC says:

We are now in Flux. The Trasition, from a high note, to a low count

TheWombat PPC says:

Some knowledge may be lost. Henc this technology.

yatakrish says:

Buddhism deals directly with reality, of the mind, just like a
dermatologist deals directly with real issues of the skin, or a dentist
with the teeth. That is why I like Buddhism: we deal with the situation
ourselves, rather than asking from Jesus.

Atom Bigod says:

Sitting by the fire, staring as if to find, a ladder going higher, to
levels beyond the mind.

Tiberio FERNANDEZ says:

Nature of the Mind :

TheWombat PPC says:

Dreams. a Joint images from a past, a present, and your futures.

Amil Deshapriya says:

Regardless of the religion please listen carefully and patiently until the

hans lombard says:

brilliant! i can seeeeeeeeee :)

Josephine Vernice says:

Get to know the nature of your mind that distort the truth and your true
self: Go to *TruthContest◘com* and click on the top entry *~The Present~*

Donald White says:

None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.

Ilaisaane West says:

He is a man of Peace and Tranquil and you Reverend Eslam an evil force 

Tom Kast says:

let me try to add to that last question — is the subtle mind neutral or
good. as HH started to say, the subtle mind relates to the absolute truth
were duality (e.g. words) are fully consumed. but it is true that there is
a foundation for the greatest kindness in the absolute truth. yes, the
absolute truth embraces all things, like a river does. yes, a river does
not take sides, but look at the result, no mater how foul the input (e.g.
nuclear waste) the river accepts it. that kind of non-individual identity
is the true absolute foundation for kindness. meditation is a good ground
for developing familiarity with the absolute truth, words, not so much

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