Deepak Chopra explanation of conciousness

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Deepak Chopra explanation of conciousness (


Lukas Majerik says:

Deepak is idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot. When he meets with professional from his field, biologist, evolutionist, physic, they tell him, politely, that he is idiot. It's the king of fools, that say, I got it all figured out, but the science ( all the super smart minds of these days ) are stupid. Follow me. If he would meet newton, he would say him, forget your gravitation law, apple felt down, because of the consciosness. His sentences, if I put out all those smart words, that are used anyway incorrectly, he says nothing. If his methods are so revolutionary, it can be MEASURED and REPEATED. He is as humpback anglerfish.

Anna Pol says:


Row Deo says:

He is a nut

imbecile2000 says:

Scamming pseudoscientific arse-wank.

Tom Conley says:

Charlatan ALERT.


Im not hating on the interview i do beleive some of the explanation to be true but some of it doesn't make sence of how someone can cure cancer that fast. I also beleive that this man is a smart and wise man I just hope that he doesn't get to over himself about what he knows. In all he is a good man and brilliant in his own special way.

MrOhWhatTheHeck says:

I've seen some more recent videos of Chopra where he didn't seem to have a clue what he was talking about, but here he is actually making a lot of sense. What happened?

Sen Der says:

"People just don't realize it. Consciousness is superposition of possibilities within the thought of existence of quantum state particles. It is directly related to the higher dimensional geometry and can be derived from the quantum state energy principle."


Graham Black says:

Wow, he was always completely full of shit.

Mohrp 87 says:

I have power
I have power to achieve where I want and get what I want
I have this energy and I have this energy from childhood
My brother die from cancer when I was 8 years old this is not mean I can have cancer
I am healthy and I have control on my body so even if I get ill I make my self no ill 😷 any more so illness run a way from me.
Because I commended to illness to don't come around me because I don't willcome illness in my body.
All human have this power but they don't believe.
Human don't used their energy on what they want
They vested all their energy
They feed them self with negative energy so they attract all they want to them self, if they feel sick and tired they will attract tiredness and illness to them self.
Body and mind is human power , so as juses said common to sea to comedown and it will come down.
This energy is fantastic gift and u should work on it to improve it.

opan pro says:

Many of you in the comment section don't know this,but Deepak Chopra has produced some good works before going Woo Woo.

Jamie Kelsall says:

Although I have always considered Deepak as having an excessive ego for someone who offers spiritual guidance. It seems in his earlier years his ego had not yet taken hold as strongly as we see now. He certainly is familiar with spiritual contexts but the ability to regurgitate them offers him no right claim a guru status.

Brejo Fundeiro says:

WOW, How amazing ! I Love it when these 'intelligent' people explain things so well that even I can understand what they say. How Inspiring to hear the things he says, as it confirms so many small bits of information we have been gathering in our search. I am so grateful to have found this recording and inspired to get off my arse, to get my bodytype analysed so I can start to adjust my life accordingly to reap the benefits!

Papirri Meister says:

Mr Woo Woo wooing us with his bullshit

Aultun white says:

i can see how this approach can work for someone predisposed to this kinda philosophy..but how do you get someone who is a typical smoker,drinker .drug abuser…etc "unenlightened person" to take this up…??

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