Dalai Lama speaks on Inner Peace,Inner Values & Mental States

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Excerpt from a public talk -Ethics of Our Time) given at the University of California Santa Barbara April 2009.

Full video: http://www.dalailama.com/webcasts/post/49-ethics-for-our-time

Video rights- www.dalailama.com

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Grace Barzyz says:

Everything he explains is true……😢

Priyanka Gupta says:

Om mani padmehum😅😅💐💐
You are the light in this world😘😘

Brennan Moriarty says:

Technology i Bring when my life easy. Exceptional Technology, peace love and unit E: cooperation.

Jesse Partridge says:

Spending all that time meditating, finding answers and asking questions regarding the human condition..needs an English translator because I can't understand a damn thing he says. Being so enlightened, one would think that mastering the English language would project your ideas much further, much more clear.

Destin says:

Am i the only one who can't understand his accent?

Deeak Z says:

its all about having a good heart <3

Hana Dolgin says:

Compassion, spirit of forgiveness and a realistic attitude. That's what brought him inner peace. Great formulation.

Jessica Stead says:

what a beautiful man , he either makes you smile , laugh , wonder or cry and it just shows how someone in this world can be so knowledgeable , humble , compassionate and loving . we need more people like him in our world

Yang Dorje says:

long life HHDL

copy says:

talking like my grandpa

Coffee Jack says:

Venting frustration/sadness/anger in front of others instead of dealing with the issue.
Two friends of my mother comes to mind.
Always so uncertain even now in their 40's.
Either calling or showing up just to talk for 2 hours about stuff they could deal with.
It's not even something serious most of the time, some unpleasant remark or action at work etc. If the suffering is due to my own mistakes, then i will keep it to myself and try my best to deal with it.
Nobody can carry us past the finishing line.
I feel sorry for my mother who has to listen to this.
It's seldom a visit without "bad news" being brought up

prashanth simha says:

The Tibetan leader of a peaceful Buddhist religion.. his land forcefully taken over, then he was driven away & now he is living as a refugee. I am amazed on how he has maintained sanity & civility. Maybe teaching peace is stupid.. smart is learning to be cunning & greedy.

Jure Dežman says:

Always good to contemplate on inner values !

barbarbarbar2 says:

Quesrton to HH: if it involves with self sacrifice, underwriting some one debt, defending a country from terorist, helping someone drawning while one barely float, how this theory of kindness be practica. Is it just a ming game and talk?

Joy Yu says:

I agree with his message, but chairman mao, yikes..

qwertyuiop123456789 says:

are the close captions written or detected by algorithm? google's speech recognition algorithm is tremendous if they weren't written by somebody.

Hi says:

i love u his holiness

Russell Anderson says:

dalai lama saved my life in 2009 just by hearing his words. I have been Buddhist since,

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