Deepak Chopra: A Crest on the Ocean of Reality

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Deepak Chopra is the author of more than 80 books, a quarter of them New York Times bestsellers. His medical training is in internal medicine and endocrinology. In this interview he talks of science’s approach to consciousness, suggests that it is matter, not consciousness, that is the hard problem, and explains why scientists can be described as naive realists.


Bizarre Berserk says:

Gestaltherapy (Psychology) for example does just that

A3Kr0n says:

Unsubscribed. There's no reason to listen to this man. Ever.

Marc Pelletier says:

Can you experience that which you do not already know?

Genius says:

You can measure conscuiousnes and understand it, cause everything what consciousness do is measuring through condensing. The measuering of pure consciousnes is just the recognition of silence. Recognition is also a form of measuring. At the moment i am conscious, i only get conscious about consciousness self in different forms, condensed in structure or not condensed.

How is it possible to say, that something is an illusion? Parts of consciousness cant be an illusion … if someone says, that condensing is an illusion, than he dont recognize, that there is no difference between a condensed consciousness and uncondensed.

There is nothing else than consciousness. So everything we do is being concsious and condensing consciousness, which means measuring. Even oberserving is measuering.

Science dont mean, that there is a machine, who measure. Even the machine is consciousness, who tries to give information about the resonance. You are the machine, the science, who measure.

There is nothing like an illusion … everything has the same trues, cause everything is from the same consciousness. Subject and object is measureing densed consciousnes from different perpectives, where the perspective has structure in form of condensed consciousness … the process of the intelligence of consciousness.

Subject and object also never seperate from uncondensed consciousens … its a movement in the condensed form and go in resonance to measure. Its like sun light and create an shadow, to get information through sense perception.
Even telepathic is sense perception. Even if you dont have any concept about reality, it still has his forms and laws.
There is nothing like, that the reality is just a concept. Reality is not a concept. Realtiy is the mechanics of condensing consciousness about which its possible to build abstract ideas (concepts) to reproduce it in creative ways.
Even nature himself build concepts about reality.

The science already recognized consciousness. He just try to recognize the mechanics of condensing consciousness.

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