Eckhart Tolle about marijuana (napisy PL)

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Weed is one way to relax yourself, but problems in the mind are independent from weed. So if you have worries weed will amplify that. But if you have calm weed will amplify that. When i smoke weed sometimes I can see more clearly things.

Krzysztof Rogalski says:

haha! Smart! By Eckhart should to increase amount of weed finally! Or pussy:D

Thomas Jørs says:

Its almost like meditation. But its toxic to the body, especially in the long run. Your cognitive skills will be really bad after a while. Coping skills with feelings and stress will get worse and worse.

Mr Mistery says:

in another interview he also talk about his experience with lsd. It s great that the talk about these thing that can help humanity

aeopmusic says:

Bad idea- pot is not for paranoid people with hyperactive minds…

miamigroove says:

Time to take my brain to IHOP for some maple syrup treatment.

Diane Plymel says:

Hi Eckhart Tolle, Marijuana is beneficial in many, many ways. Check it out. Much Love.

niemand2099 says:

Exactly.. He should have tried space cake in Amsterdam 😀

Радомира Григорьева says:

кто нибудь знает, есть ли
перевод на русский?

Dashizniz Manizzle says:

weed is great man

REbELIa says:

guru of soft religion for lemmings

199X says:

Weed is stupid, don't smoke weed if your dealing with anxiety, depression, etc. MEDITATE to quiet your mind and to relax. Most of the people that watch this shit and who smoke weed for that matter don't even meditate… MEDITATE, and don't get carried away with it too. Use meditation as a way to see how your minds reacting to certain things that are maybe happening in your life, or how your thought patterns are but don't turn it into a religious thing where your trying to become enlightened or any of that bullshit. Just use it as a simple tool, and you will see why it is so effective. Weed has contributed to a lot of people becoming more anxious (depolarization, derealization) and what not, because it is a stimulant, meaning every time you do it you become stimulated and if your doing it as a way to relieve your anxiety your DEPENDING on a stimulation which is just putting a bandaid over your problem. Learn how to practically meditate and that's it. And this is coming from someone who use to smoke weed all the time, and who still does from time to time but I'm not delusional and think that weed is a great way to become present that's a fucking joke😂😂

One Love says:

hehehehe he is right.. I was smoking marijuana for years when I had psychologic problems but today I feel good and I don't know what I liked on it ….

1995yuda says:

I've the most active brain I know of,and let me tell you something – he is right on the money…I could not describe weed any other way. Aside from that Syrup part,that I didn't get.

Andrew Hibberd says:

yummy yummy tree glue for the brain

Andrew Hibberd says:

medical pot may be worthy we dont know

Marcella Hearnsberger says:

It makes me feel in the now!!!

Neil Azavedo says:

What I have heard is that it intensifies your sensational experience when you are under it's effect. It creates a sensational field within you that is hard to ignore.:)

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