His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets Russell Brand

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama with Russell Brand at Manchester Arena Saturday 16th June 2012. http://meridian-trust.org

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nativesupport2 says:

You really need to stop calling this guy “his holiness”. There is nothing
at all “holy” about a meat eating Buddhist monk. He has close ties with the
CIA and violently suppresses the religious freedom of his own people.
Tibetans need a new leader. Not this one.

Charl Spalding says:

Please please be carefull Russell. They will try to kill you. They have
killed many before you. What an absolute crock of shit! Religion in its
purest form of Bull SHIT! This “godly” man is NOT a god. The Dalai Lama is
just a man, not a living god.

Paulie Walnuts says:

I have gained respect for Russell Brand as I have taken time to listen to
him speak over the past year or so.

I used to think he was just a sex addict and former junkie. I now see there
is a lot of good in him, he is fairly intelligent and sea to care about his
fellow man. 

Λόγια Σx says:

+tekobari You guys had a really interesting discussion there. I just think
you should know that “Buddha” did not create or speak for Buddhism.
Buddhism was created after him by his closest followers. He had nothing to
do with it.

Suzi says:

It’s incredibly sad to see how many of u people still know nothing… It’s
not a question anymore if God exist or no. And you don’t even need a
religion to know this. Give respect to those who know where they came are
from and where they are going.. Not like you people walking around in the
dark with no any small idea where you need to go… ( Taste ur poison
before u split it out…)

Ksisskanikkanaa says:

What many privileged (myself included) are not good at perceiving now
(thanks to all the tech and noise), is that a very old, very solid, very
simple set of primal human ideas and practices are lodged too deep into
ourselves for many of us to even access. 🙁 PS To all you who criticize
Russell in this clip – let’s see YOU guys figure out how to talk
one-on-one-on-camera to this world-renowned, stratospherically-respected
individual. RB did a great job reining in his reflexive comedic instincts
while being respectful but not fawning, Who of us YouTube commenters at
home in our jammies could have done any better in this moment… and if you
think you could – well stfu til you go make that shit happen. cc me on your

Liz M says:

People disappoint me, he is not a god one earth, Buddhism has no god, the
Dali lama is just the spiritual leader and teacher of Buddhism and is the
ten carnation of Buddha, he is not a communist a-hole but a man that is
full of love and peace and encourages people to be who they are. And those
saying he is wrong and Buddhism needs a new leader, the Dali lama is
conflicted wether or not the world needs him anymore and may not be
reincarnated. Please before saying such negative thing about a man who I
have had the chance to meet is a wonderful and kind man do some research
before hand, before saying such negative things 

Carrina Murphy says:

Just a little tidbit I picked up: China told America that they weren’t
allowed to meet wtih Dalai Lama because of relations. Obama ignored and
meets him anyway. Judge that however you want I just thought it was a
little typical of world leaders to be so petty and misaligned. I also
applaud Obama for doing what he wants regardless of international
relations. Especially because there is so much anti-media against him. 

Chris Ulmer says:

I resonate ENORMOUSLY with what Russell Brand talks about but how do you
people revere this guy “The Dalai Lama”? He was the leader of an EXTREMELY
oppressive regime where the ruling class, religious elite owned basically
everything while the rest of the masses lived in total desolation and
poverty (basically it was a feudal/caste system.) In truth, with actions
doing the talking and bullshit walking, he’s really the opposite of what
Russell Brand advocates for. This guy “The Dalai Lama” is just reflective
and indicative of the so-called “new age” Western World movement of
hedonistic people who just constantly seek out pleasure and do everything
they can to block out anything they perceive as negative, REGARDLESS of if
it’s the truth or not.

Minahh says:

Two favorite people (of mine) … Dalai Lama busted Russell a couple of
times (as well as a lot of the rest of us) . Wonderful advice from the
Dalai Lama … I am going to listen again and let it sink in when I am more
awake. Time for sleeping. I wish I owned stock in You Tube for a lot of
reasons, one major one is that I love it so much. It is such a mix of
learning, art, music, dance, languages, crazy stuff, NDEs, spiritual
matters, ohhhhh, just so many great things and to top that off, one can
just expand their world by getting in the social parts of You Tube and its
other part Google + … I feel that there is a relationship … anyway,
thank you people of You Tube for making all this possible. I have met
some wonderful souls and some that need some spiritual work done …
however, that happens. I pray for all of us.

Buddhist James says:

I know Russell. Actually, I did my treatment with him years ago in North
London. Cool, kind guy and at times irritating.
I’m glad to see that he is using his fame to look into things. Go well.

Jaka Bombac says:

It seems some people here in the comment section are having some serious
problems getting out from their stiff, rigid (enslaving) political or
religious convictions, to find their spiritual core (or at least some other
core, which is not a byproduct of somebody else’s system), without which no
practice of any religion should ever be allowed. Seems that the western
world is full of empty people who just choose to belong “to one side or
another” to feel a tad more fuller, whilst viciously (and for no reason)
attacking (with predictable statements) all other sides, everyone that find
meaning in something else. It’s total absurd and it derives in 95% from a
very childlish and completely unreasonable fear of defeat; the same fear
that will only haunt you and keep you in cyclical movement for the rest of
your life.

Kevin Bate says:

Why is it that you can’t find a comment section without haters? And even
with two of the most loving people known to the world .

lizard man says:

This reminded me of talking with my drunk grandad i have not got any idea
what he was going on about

IcanSPELLmyNAME OG says:

Title should be Russell Brand meets Dalai Lama.

tenzin kalsang says:

These days we human become too smart that we forgot the love and sense of
oneness among each other. and its very sad to see all the judgements made.
why not people just enjoy the love or give more attention in the mental
level which is what Dalai Lama is giving focus on. . 

AJ Shreevs says:

I am an atheist and I believe the world would be a better place without
religion. I used to be ‘spiritual’ until upon further investigation I
realised feelings of higher consciousness were merely chemical reactions in
the brain, however if practicing the teachings of Buddha creates wisdom and
genuine compassion such as that shown in the Dalai Lama then I am all for
it. I know Buddhism isn’t technically a religion however it is far better
than any alternative than I have seen and I respect its overall philosophy.

carryall69 says:

it’s hard to understand him, but nevertheless, i like his base-cap..**

Frank John says:

Name a single thing that makes this man worthy of the title “his holiness”

Vinyl Rat says:

The Dalai Lama never claims to be a god, his people claimed him to be a
reincarnated buddha figure. The word buddha only means “enlightened one”.
In his own words he claims himself to only be a monk, nothing more and
nothing less.


Buddihst believe in reincarnation, which is about as crazy a religious
belief as you can have. 

Husna M says:

Its 3,32 right now and he just shouted at 3.30 I was so confused for a
second haha.

bill fill says:

you are a horse. horses are slaves. trotting is when a slave runs.
working is when a slave gathers and hunts.

sil8ty01 says:

Love to both of these men. Amazing people. Learn from them both.

Gianna Orue says:

Russle doesn’t appear impressed, he’s just looking at him at first.. like
trying to figure him out.. then he just left unimpressed

Andy Melia says:

The Dalai Lama shows us what true goodness is, allows us to have hope. A
truly beautiful Human Being.

A Malevolent says:

His Holiness the Dalai Lama needs Google translate.

Let’s fucking kidnap him, and bomb him to democracy so that he needs
was… sure thing… swiss clockwork.

Jan Edmunds says:

The topic of religion brings out the craziest comments… Dalai Lama
anti-Christ — really?

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