Joe Rogan on Deepak Chopra Not Knowing What He’s Talking About

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Joe Rogan and Sean Carroll talk about Deepak Chopra.

Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1003.


The Dave says:

When people deny god, they fill the vacuum by worshipping people that they should not worship, like Deepak. A good number of hippies have be swindled by supposed enlighten yogis.

agent smith says:

Watch the doc on Netflix about Deepak & his son .its very enlightening in regards to him not practicing what he preaches.

NiceGuy Hello says:

80% of the people Rogan has on fit this description perfectly. Joe himself fits this as well. Rogan gets nearly all of information from full of shit people. Even this douche bag goes on to say that it's "totally plausible" we're all living in a computer simulation Matrix reality.

FPS50 says:

i find it funny how joe who doesnt even have an undergraduate degree is saying someone with a PhD doesnt know what he is talking about

Jonathan Tales says:

JR: I mean, what an outlandish thing to say
Smart Guy: Yeah, it's not in the siense
JR: I was like, dude are you stupid?
Smart Guy: Yeah haha, not siense.

Good shit, joe

Fedora Delk says:

Yet some of the founders of Q.M would agree with deepak. as well as hundreds of other physicists. Generally after the retire from academia. a
A fact. Easy to source. Feynman said no one understands Q.M. so just do the equations. This materialist ignores that and says he understands it. lol

bonehardaggin says:

"The future shapes subjective possibilities"

C Rizzy says:

Joe Rogan… buys into just about any bullshit that he hears but he is at least onto Deepak.

Bill Esquire says:

Joe Rogan is the exact definition of woo woo

It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan. says:

Sometimes I wonder how easy it would actually be to start a cult and have grown women drinking my "chi". I'd like everyone to see through that immediately, but then I remember all the people that fall for this shit.

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