Fifteen Minute Miracle with Joe Vitale

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Fifteen Minute Miracle by Joe Vitale.

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Michael Angelo' says:

i wanna share with you i did some biblical research because to be honest even many pastors are denying it most of the church will not even ask god.
i try to tell them but they won't listen. i spoke to him and he said to me that the Hoponopono is really just a technique of repentance not just for yourself but for your enemies too. you can vouch for someone else who is suffering and confused and the divine can forgive them and clean them too i asked the divine to bring a woman back to life she committed suicide she jumped head first from the second floor and broke her skull open and her eyes were hanging out. Me and the other man Eric asked the divine' to bring her back and forgive her, and she got back up off the ground and was not only alive again, but without a broken skull and her eyes back in, and she didn't even have a scratch.

E Galindo says:

Thank you for sharing. 

Bonnie Sailor says:

I LOVE YOU, JOE!!!!   <3   <3   <3

solrsys says:

I love that this helps other people in your life as well!

Michele Morrisette says:

Thank you .. This is incredible, My friend just forwarded this to me !! What a gift!

Michele Morrisette says:

Thank you .. This is incredible, My friend just forwarded this to me !!

michel Charbonneau says:

you are a good man Joe….you are helping me very much..Thank's

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