Does money contribute to happiness? Deepak Chopra, MD

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Does money contribute to happiness? Deepak Chopra, MD


Artofunk says:

Thouroughly Enjoyed This Deepak!$$

Annie Lewis says:

Are you ok. You are looking very tired. I hope you are ok

Santosh Agarwal says:

Don't obsess over money. Don't let money become a source of stress for you.
Don't think of money directly, think of abundance consciousness, think of how the way you earn money reflects your values and think of how you spend money reflects your values.

Santosh Agarwal says:

The best way to make money …Dr Deepak Chopra
The best way to make money is to ask yourself how would I express my unique skills and talents, how I would express my passion and purpose if I had all the money and all the time in the world. That is what is called being in dharma.
When your passion, your purpose, your job which is what you do everyday, your career what you do over a life time and your higher calling which means– Are you want to make a difference in the world? When they came together then you have what is called abundance consciousness and that is the best way to make money.
Take a little time to reflect, if I had all the money in the world, if I had all the time in the world, what would be my passion and purpose and how it makes a difference in the world.
Abundance consciousness also comes when you are grateful for what you already have, even you are struggling so many things to be grateful for. So gratitude also opens the door to abundance consciousness.
That's the best way to create money through abundance consciousness not through poverty consciousness.

Rawan Makeen says:

Thank you 🙌🏻

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