Deepak Chopra Class on the Mystery of Consciousness

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Deepak Chopra’s Lecture on The Mystery of Consciousness. Video produced by Alan Steinfeld and Images provided with permission for NewRealities from the Chopra Center and the artist Alex Grey. This is Deepak’s opening lecture to his Seduction of Spirit retreat.

The Seduction of Spirit retreat is one of the Chopra Center’s programs, where in 5 days participants learn the secrets of meditation, unlock the stillness that rests within your soul, and connect to their inner essence.


Manoj Yadav says:

What I am behind my eyes

Gladiator Man says:

Deepak is the ultimate in BS word salad.

vijay bhat says:

Deepak says that consciousness doesn’t reside in spacetime and at the same
time he says that things in universe are co-related through consciousness.
The universe exists in expanding spacetime , as such the argument has a
contradictory logic. Moreover the argument that color is also projection of
consciousness doesn’t cut much ice because the perception of color is
provided by the cells called rods and cones. That seems to be more logical
because that explains color blindness which consciousness can not. I am
still of the opinion that Deepak’ s view of consciousness needs to be

christian wake says:

Deepak, I love you man…..Question: If you can’t think or see etc. without
consciousness so I understand the physical kinda enables
consciousness…How can the consciousness recreate itself when we/physical

Don G Ward says:

Astrophenix – you took the WORD out of my mouth!

astrophonix says:

Everything about this guy screams CHARLATAN, from his silly specs to his
even sillier ideas. He says big phrama are bad ‘cos they’re making millions
of dollars even as he is also making millions of dollars with his mystical
quackery. These fraudsters point to other fraudsters as a way of
distracting people away from their fraud as a form of misdirection. At
least it’s only the stupidest people alive who fall for this crapola.

Open-minded Skeptic says:

For many of us, it is indeed difficult to accept the possibility that there
may be an “unseen aspect” of our reality, based in and connected to
consciousness, which plays an integral role in how our “reality system” as
a whole operates. And yet, this idea persists, not only because many people
wish it were true (as skeptics point out), but because there are both
personal experiences and empirical data to support this claim.

Objective evidence and subjective experience suggest that the reason this
unseen aspect is difficult to detect is because it exists at a “higher”
fractal level than observable reality. So it is therefore logical to
postulate that the conditions in a possible superset to our observable
reality (here proposed as a subset) may be vastly different from the
physical laws we have come to accept as normal, and all there is. And
because our constrained subset perspective doesn’t allow for a clear,
coherent understanding of the perspective-obscured superset and its
conditions, we (quite naturally) assume that it doesn’t exist.

It’s rather like the difficulty researchers have in understanding all the
quantum strangeness at the subatomic level: it’s because (as we have
discovered) that this different fractal level of reality has a vastly
different rule-set, consisting of what can only be described as bizarre
physical laws when compared to the way Newtonian laws operate at our
observable level of reality. As a result of this discrepancy, it took many
scientists of the day a long time to accept this “new reality” when QM was
first being explored.

Even a genius like Albert Einstein rejected what he called “spooky action
at a distance” until near the end of his life. But eventually he went
through some sort of “conversion,” which he displayed in a letter to David
Bohm on October 28, 1954 that contained some pretty out there views,
considering his former position. Here’s an example: “One has to find a
possibility to avoid the continuum (together with space and time)
altogether. But I have not the slightest idea what kind of elementary
concepts could be used in such a theory.” At this point, Einstein strongly
suspected that there was much more to our reality system than the current
understanding/perception – and was even willing to “avoid the continuum
(together with space and time) altogether” in pursuit of a new theory – but
he was clearly at a loss as to what this new theory might be, or how to go
about looking for it.

In spite of these difficulties, tiny rays of light can be seen glinting
through the “clouds” that “separate” our fractal level of reality from a
proposed level (or levels) “above” ours – just as the clouds that separated
us from a level “below” ours became less obscuring with the discovery of
QM, and the technological development of tools that could “see into” this
new realm, with its weird new rules that defy logic and are foreign to the
physical laws we are all familiar with.

We must also keep in mind that it is even more problematic to design tools
and experiments to try to discover evidence for (and the accompanying
rule-set within) a higher fractal level than ours. Imagine yourself
existing within the fractal perspective of the quantum world and trying to
figure out what the hell is going on at our observable level of material
reality, and you can (hopefully) begin to understand the difficulty.

With that being said, there are indeed evidences for a non-material
component (outside of space and time) within the totality of our reality
system, in both a proposed higher level, as well as the one known lower
level underlying our level of observable reality:

In the first one, physicist Nicolas Gisin discusses how quantum behavior
points to a type of connection in the subatomic world that he describes as
occurring outside of space and time. This could prove to be highly
significant. Because if it can be verified that there is an element of our
reality that is beyond space and time – that it is an actual piece of our
overall environment – it will no doubt lead to further avenues of inquiry
that will seek access to and take advantage of this (potential) hidden
aspect of a system that may be far more dynamic than many of us could have

“A 2008 quantum physics experiment performed by Nicolas Gisin and his
colleagues in Geneva, Switzerland has determined that in any hypothetical
non-local hidden-variables theory the speed of the quantum non-local
connection (what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance”) is at least
10,000 times the speed of light.”

Nicolas Gisin: “Physics has a word for the cause of these non-local
correlations: entanglement. But physics offers no story in space and time
to explain or describe how these correlations happen. Hence . . . quantum
correlations just happen, without any time-ordering, somehow from outside

Are There Quantum Effects Coming from Outside Space-Time?

These next two are from researcher Dean Radin, who presents forty years of
empirical data that demonstrate clear evidence for psi phenomena (which by
its nature would likely be outside of space and time). In the second video
Dean discusses why this information is not being given fair consideration
within mainstream science.

Was Buddha Just a Nice Guy? – Dean Radin

“Science and the taboo of psi” with Dean Radin

This next one is by physician Pim Van Lommel, who has compiled evidence
(one among many) to suggest that Near Death Experiences are more than
hallucinations because of the corroborating information patients report
afterwards – information they shouldn’t be able to know because they were
comatose at the time – like operating room procedures, or conversations
that were happening elsewhere in the hospital, etc. This and other research
implies that the mind is not constrained within the body/brain boundary
(what researchers refer to as non-local consciousness, also potentially
outside of space and time), which is another possible indicator of a
fractal level of reality that is “beyond” observable reality.

Non-local Consciousness by Dr Pim van Lommel

And here’s a compilation of some interesting NDE experiences:

Near Death Experience Documentary – commonalities of the experience

Last but not least, we have an ex-NASA physicist who has put all of this
data (and more) together into what he calls “My Big TOE” (My Big Theory of
Everything). His theory is pretty out there when viewed from the
perspective of our fractal level of observable reality. But if he (and
others) are right, and there is indeed a superset level of reality that
exists “above” ours – and we are mostly unaware of it because of the normal
obscuring dynamics within a fractal system (meaning it is highly
challenging to detect levels “above” ours) – it’s a real game changer.
Einstein may not have had “the slightest idea what kind of elementary
concepts could be used in such a theory,” but others now appear to be
finding their way toward this new reality paradigm.

Tom Campbell in Spain: Consciousness The Ultimate Reality 1/13


Addendum: Human beings have a powerful, deep-seated need to believe that
they live in the reality they think they live in – be it a particular
religious worldview, a materialist reductionist worldview, or what have you
– because of the psychological stability/foundation it provides us. Which
is why even the mere thought of significantly altering our worldview is
(understandably) like Kryptonite to Superman for many people.

As a result, science has always been and will always be controlled by
orthodoxy, because it is the normal way that human institutional systems
function. Which is why the axiom, “Old ideas die hard,” will always remain
true. It is also the reason why this next axiom is true: “Science is
profoundly advanced most often by those who dare to think forbidden
thoughts.” But because the old guard are so reluctant to consider radical
new ideas, and they hold all the power, simply having novel ideas and
following through with competent research is still not enough. Fortunately
there is one “final-kicker axiom” that can always be counted on to keep the
ball of progress rolling. As Max Planck so insightfully stated: “Science
advances one funeral at a time.”

I read some good advice somewhere along the line that really hits home as
to the most advantageous mindset to maintain while pursuing evidence that
describes the true nature of our mysterious existence. It goes something
like this: “Never get too attached to your current models/theories of
reality, because new ones will be coming along soon that will alter/replace
the old ones.”

Something to ponder.

Pavan Swan says:

Please allow me to tell you about the controversial, spiritual thriller
featuring Deepak Chopra himself. Shape of Life (free at or is a FREE ‘metaphysical
fantasy’ novel that blends fantasy, spirituality, erotica and horror, and
features a cast of real-life celebrities. If you enjoy cutting edge
spiritual ideas, complex storytelling and explicit sex-scenes, you will
want to read this unique and highly controversial new book. Set in both
this world and the afterlife, it follows the afterlife of Princess Diana, a
twenty-one year old Sasha Obama (and her father, Barak), Deepak Chopra, a
terrorist known as the Captain of Shadows, and a scarred and sexually
twisted assassin named Mary Jane Simpson. This is a novel filled with
action, fantastic worlds, shocking horrors and explicit erotica – along
with answers to some of the deepest questions of our time!

Rajendra Rajasingam says:

You -God and me are one but you like waves in the ocean. when the wave
subsides it is the ocean .I feel my interpretation is correct There are
people who say if consciousness is not in the brain what happens to it if
the brain is damaged or disabled.W hen the television is damaged it become
blank but that does not mean there is no transmitter or transmission
waves….The question I ask is…How can people in different level of
consciousness perceive an object without previous knowledge of its
presence and location reproduce their perception as they had seen the same
object both in name and form.What we can infer is perception is depend on
both consciousness and vibration of the object.It mean every object has its
own vibration and we are able to identify it through their vibration of
waves but objectified through our consciousness.Can anyone give some light.

mrgreensound says:

what full of shit great money making scam this is… holy shit

Darian Gray says:

Hi there. Definitely Depaak Chopra is one of the great masters of personal
development. Deepak achieves that perfect combination, being spiritual and
corporal, he teaches us to achieve a perfect balance between body and
spirit. His course and seminars are fantastic. I congratulate you for
uploading this video. And I invite you to my channel where I have the video
of the final year of Deepak Chopra and other interesting videos. Hugs.

dereck johnson says:

consciousness explained

fani frayfeld says:
Hellen Laespriell says:

Would be interesting to have him debate Dawkins!

Jake Thomas says:

This material isn’t something that could be understood by those who have
only just stumbled upon this information. It’s so radical from what we have
been told and thought we have learned that we cannot create the connections
from our information to that given in this video. This video is very
powerful and informational, you just have to understand the true
implications of what he is saying.

When he tells you to close your eyes and for you to picture something, your
conscious mind sifts through your past references to create the sensations
he is describing. What you have to realize is that the world is just as
real when your eyes are closed as when they are open. Images are only
another form of “subtle intention” whether you are prepared for it or not.
There won’t be people telling you that what you are about to see is going
to subtly but intentionally influence your experience, but that is what
happens. Here, he influences you through the sound of his voice, telling
you to imagine something.

By eliminating the sense of sight, it allows you to focus on what he is
subtly influencing you to imagine without the distractions of other images
on the computer screen. Imaging things with your eyes open is like trying
to imagine and experience the sound of the ocean in the middle of a packed
out stadium of a sporting event. Our sight isn’t reality, we just
unconsciously view it to be that way. It is only one of our senses that
captures information.

View yourself in 3rd person, now understand that that is the real reality.
Understand that your body is only a tool that manifests what your mind
desires. Your name that you were given at birth is not the name of your
mind, it Is the name that our biological body is given. Use your mind to
control yourself in 3rd person, exactly like you are playing a video game
because in reality, you have that much control over yourself, you just have
to think deeply enough to understand it.

Himanshu Khole says:

I have a question. If we all have a common one consciousness, than why when
we say ‘mango’ in each individuals consciousness have different
pictures(different in colours, shapes and size) ? 

moqutpar says:

God throws the dice behind the Game master’s screen.

jeff lee brown tv says:

Walter Russell totally explains consciousness. Not quite Deepak..

Daves Yoga Blog says:

Deepak Chopra is the McDonald’s of Hinduism. How about a little Advaita
Vedanta to go with the fast helping of the Vedas? Sorry but a guy who sells
the religious and philosophic ideas of India for $$$ is just bad karma.
Swami Vivekananda’s teachings are simple and free on the Internet. Why not
learn from a true Saint who came to teach out of love and not for profit.

dondamon356 says:

never heard consiousness so much in such a short period of time

guillermo uribe says:
Jan Kowalski says:

Deepak Chopra has positively influenced my own journey throughout many
years. If you can somehow connect to Chopra’s concepts, this well might
support you on your personal way too 🙂 Give it a try & keep up the good

Doge says:

Deepak, you are one of the biggest charlatans on the planet. Your
viewpoints are barely discernible from gibberish. People go slack jawed
and cross eyed just listening to your shite.

Luke o'mahoney says:
Johnathan Mccurdy says:

Deepak Chopra Class on the Mystery of Consciousne…:

wladwlad says:

He should be awarded a Guinness Book record for the most shit packed into a
single person.

Guillermo Pangilinan says:

Is there a second continuation video to this where he talks about me being
you, you being I. stuff like that?

John Paily says:

One fallacy of modern west is that it is looking for consciousness in mind
and brain – but consciousness is beyond mind and brain and exists in the
heart and beyond it. Life can exist in brain dead state but not in heart
dead state. An experience [enlightened] comes when we become conscious and
then links with Universal Consciousness and intelligence. Modern man
governed by western thinking lives in illusion and he is unconscious. Yes –
lot of materialistic advancement is achieved. With all our mind power we
have failed to understand nature and truth. We are not even in a position
to observe nature with our eyes. Since Adam was thrown out of Eden probably
Newton was the first person to observe nature. He saw an apple falling to
perceive gravity. Then came Einstein who observed spider crawling on a
globe to bring us relativity. The developments since then have led us from
simplicity to complexity. We claim we have made immense developments. But
look around and see what we have done to nature and our only abode that
supports. We have only exploited nature and created havoc. We are moving
into huge black hole or death. We have not learned anything to live in
peace and order with nature. What the west and its thinkings have failed to
note is life. Life is anti-gravitational. It has a space-time field that
transforms gravity and death back to life. Deepak is Right but to know what
he is telling we must trace life back to atom and invent a space-time field
and God Particle that creates the vibrations of life. Universe is living
and conscious and self-organizing system. Good News is that it is evolving
from the darkness in to light. We are in due to enter golden age of
Knowledge. I am not sure how must destruction we have to endure before our
ego breaks down to see Light and Truth.

chris tina says:

loved it!! thnx for the upload!!

AVC NS says:

So someone please answer this for me…. If all the senses are within our
consciousness and nothing environmental really exists in the way we
perceive, what does a person who has never seen a candle see when you tell
them to close their eyes and visualize it? My point is, everything that our
consciousness can possibly present to us is based on repeated past
experience of that which is being realized. Can the blind see in their
mind’s eye without any initial sensory input? The deaf, can they hear the
ocean if you ask them to imagine it in sign language? If we never saw the
moon, how could we imagine it? And if it was never there in the first
place, where did it come from to stimulate our consciousness to remember
what it looks like? :/

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