Joe Vitale TV Show Attract Money Now (2)

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Dr. Joe Vitale, from The Secret, teaches his 7-step formula on how to attract money fast using the Law of Attraction in his own national TV show and with his free e-book. Get the motivational, self-help book at

Visit to see what I have been up to lately, learn more about the law of attraction, how to attract money now, and how to bring about success and miracles in your own life!


theglimmerman5 says:

Joe you should run for president!!! your fantastic

Stars lite says:

We need to reprogram the subconscious mind first

Agata Palach says:

This background music is very distracting…

Steve B Swift says:

I saw this video and started in money attraction right away

Zac Blackthourne says:

You know I really do have to comment . I'm sure people will say I'm just negative or I just don't know how to do it , or I just don't understand . however I have bought several books on The Law of Attraction . I have downloaded several ebooks  on the same subject . I was even a member of Bob Proctors  " Six Minutes to Success " . I have bought a couple books of Joe Vitale  " The Attractor Factor " , "Money Beyond Belief " , " Attract a New Car ", and so on . I even bought the book  " The Secret " . and I even bought the program on " The Secret Mirror " , yes people I have studied all this Law of Attraction stuff 
for nearly 11 months now . My comment is ,,,, why with all the money I have spent does it not work for me ???
why after all I have done, receiving all these emails telling me my next step nothing happens ???
oh I get it, nothing will happen until I spend at least $50,000 right ?  sry my bad .
I forgot yeah It takes money to make money .
I have only spent right near $2000 on everything .
so sad …
I have even done the  " EFT Tapping " but I'm sure if I donate enough somebody will finally let me in
on  "The True Secret "  It's only for people with " Money " …..
So yes I now truly do believe that If you were born poor . That's your destiny .
The Bible says the rich will become richer and the poor will become poorer .
so are you going to say that God is a Liar .
I think not … 
we the poor were meant to be poor and the rich to stay rich …..

LifesMystery777 says:

Wow good info thanks!

mika kohira says:


MindMovieSiteReview says:

The only real way to get rid of counter intentions is to keep reinforcing the beliefs you want. It's all about repertition.

ali forouzanfar says:

I do not believe you doing this for free .

Financial Market says:

I just want to say thank you Dr. Vitale. You gave me the tools, the inspiration and the power to change my life. I deeply love you!!. Please keep helping people.

Michael Smith says:

Thank You so much Joe! 🙂

Axhacker 111 says:


merci7 says:

i love you Joe♥♥♥♥♥

Henry Fadl says:


Wasantha Ramanayake says:

Thanks Joe,By watching the movie"The Secret" I began to transform my life from the hell to heaven.I am so grateful to you for showing me the light.Thank you,thank you,thank you!!!

Cris Gomes says:

@metalmadajax totaly agree!!!!!

account caldwell says:

@metalmadajax ….For the LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil -1 Timothy 6:10

Peter Rodriguez says:

I really like this guy Joe Vitale, he is just so motivated , excited, and animated about his methods. I am so ready and deserving of a life full of blessings and prosperity to do and live as I desire and help others. I wish all the blessings of life to you all….remember to keep God first. Its cause of Him we have these incredible powers to make our own lives…And because of these enlightened teachers who are showing us the way. Please pay it forward when you prosper. God bless you all……..

Carlos Soriano says:


podercreador says:

Oh! I'm grateful for this opportunity of Universe to attract money, thanks!!!

1966pencil says:

you are so generous. you don't make people to buy your books. I LOVE U, PLS FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I'M SORRY. I want to buy all your books even more. thank you. Sue/London

Ebook Money Secrets says:

"Great job! Would love to stay connected!"

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