Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion – AUDIOBOOK by Sam Harris

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Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion – AUDIOBOOK by Sam Harris


“For the millions of Americans who want spirituality without religion, Sam Harris’s latest New York Times bestseller is a guide to meditation as a rational practice informed by neuroscience and psychology.

From Sam Harris, neuroscientist and author of numerous New York Times bestselling books, Waking Up is for the twenty percent of Americans who follow no religion but who suspect that important truths can be found in the experiences of such figures as Jesus, the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Rumi, and the other saints and sages of history. Throughout this book, Harris argues that there is more to understanding reality than science and secular culture generally allow, and that how we pay attention to the present moment largely determines the quality of our lives.

Waking Up is part memoir and part exploration of the scientific underpinnings of spirituality. No other book marries contemplative wisdom and modern science in this way, and no author other than Sam Harris—a scientist, philosopher, and famous skeptic—could write it.”

Visit http://www.SamHarris.org

After you’ve listened to WAKING UP, take ‘the next step’ and listen to another (1-hour) audiobook that’s changed countless lives:

The Key: And the Name of the Key Is Willingness by Cheri Huber

It’s the kind of message you can listen to a hundred times and still keep learning from it and applying it to your life!


Sam Harris YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNAxrHudMfdzNi6NxruKPLw

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Gristly-Knuckle says:

Harris doesn't wake people up. He brings them back from Hela's Abyss to fight against Yahweh.

Crazy Snake says:

How do you down vote this? In what universe does that response make any sense?
If you felt compelled to down vote it, what were you doing here in the first place? If your answer was simply to show your disdain for Sam by systematically down voting everything pertaining to him on Youtube I would believe it, for no other reason makes any sense to me.

Adam Southworth says:

How can one know that the "Self" is an illusion with certainty if you only know by inference the existence of other minds beside your own? To sustain that metaphysic, it seems one must have this subjective knowledge, and the knowledge not only that other minds exist, but that they are like one's own. Even if I were sure my own sense of self were an illusion (a persistent one till now), what subjective evidence should persuade me my insight were an objective truth about consciousness? I prefer Harris and Hitchens to New Atheists like Dennett and Dawkins. But why trust the subjective experience of selflessness reflects reality any more than the self-elevation attested by other mystics? A third question I would ask him is what led him to follow a specific meditative practice in the first place.

banana hammock says:

god i love it when an author reads their work to me it's like a continuous stream of coherency washing over me

Noe Berengena says:

"Religion East and West": (30:33)

Marc Piechowicz says:

Big fan Sam

Think outside the Box says:

Guide to Spirituality is a Guide back to Religion of your own making isn't it. Either you make yourself a GOD or you obey the creator GOD

Elric of Melnibonè says:

real life morpheous.

Kiran Chapagain says:

I found a $5 dollar bill outside of work today! I was going to give it to my manager the next day,however i changed my mind! I am going to donate it to Sam!

Kurt Boldt says:

buy the book. I read it while listening to this. very cool to hear his vocal inflection and point emphasis. awesome

Brad Colin Young says:


Calvin at DrifterStudio says:

lsd on fewa lake… don't do it…

Gabriel Concha says:

Wow this is the most mind blowing thing ever.

staunch c says:

earth is flat. WOKE.

Jen Curtis says:

Just wanna say that because of this upload I'm gonna buy like 4 of his books!

Cameron Moore says:

My favorite horseman.


What a fantastically remarkable man, he will undoubtedly be impressed upon history as a titan amongst the rest.

Kerrie Anne says:

Oh no it looks like Eastern Religion/ New Age has got Sam 🙁

Karl Schmidt says:

0:00:05 Chapter 1: Spirituality
1:14:08 – Enlightenment
1:26:52 Chapter 2: The mystery of consciousness
1:56:41 – Strukture and funktion
2:16:25 Chapter 3: The riddle of the self

Consciousness knows itself, through itself. says:

"The mind is a bundle of thoughts. The thoughts arise because there is the thinker. The thinker is the ego. The ego, if sought, will automatically vanish.

Reality is simply the loss of the ego. Destroy the ego by seeking its identity. Because egois no entity it will automatically vanish and reality will shine forth by itself. This is the
direct method, whereas all other methods are done, only retaining the ego. . . . No sadhanas [spiritual practices] are necessary for engaging in this quest.

There is no greater mystery than this—that being the reality we seek to gain reality. We think that there is something hiding our reality and that it must be destroyed before the
reality is gained. It is ridiculous. A day will dawn when you will yourself laugh at your past efforts. That which will be on the day you laugh is also here and now."
Ramana had knowledge.

Steve Jennette says:

Sam made me feel (appropriately) guilty on his last PodCast, and I'm in the $7 a month club. Wish it could be more. His is a special mind, an amazing guy.

Joshua H says:

i just committed a $1 a month to this guy, his strive for honesty and truth, i am almost certain, will help me along my striving for the same…

Noe Berengena says:

Sam was in a 23-day wilderness program with three days of fasting and contemplation at 16? This person was well ahead of his peer group, but it sounds like one or both of his parents were carefully shaping him to become the great thinker he is.

supravista says:

I bought this book, read it twice, and now I'm going to listen to Harris read it aloud.

*Harris is the tops

Ed O'Meara says:

fuck. the recording messes up at 3:52:31 when Sam is About to give is the big answer. is this intentional?

Aaron Schula says:

Muslims don't like pork and ham, they do not like it Sam-I-Am! 🐷🍴

ish says:

Sam's gonna flip

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