Neale Donald Walsch – God Does Not Have A Plan For You

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The New Travel says:

"Can you imagine a god as loving as that? Can you imagine a god as needless as that? Needing nothing, and therefore demanding and commanding nothing?"

Yes, I can. No God at all.

Svingvejv Af kungsorn says:

what religion is this?

Romain Pela says:

Self determination :
1. If God has a plan for me then : A. I am separated from god : " me " and " him " .B. He gives me orders or decide for me. As a result I don't have self détermination and by definition can't choose to refuse whereas I would have self détermination.
2. If God has no plan for me thenA. I'm responsable for all my choices : self determination. Or B. Life is a flow of shapes running according to random : nothing decide ( life is unexplainable ; no self determination; god doesn't exist )
Judgment :
1.If no self détermination, god is acting trough me then he can't blame me for killing people or hurting people because he is acting trough me; if he does blame me, that would mean that god is judging himself acting trough me.
2. If I have self determination It means that god "allows" me to do what I decide to do, then God can't blame me because he can't deny what he said before :" you are free, do what you want to do ".
Ontology of "God" :
1. If god has a shape and a particular identity then he is necesserily limited by the properties of itshape ; as a result that kind of god couldn't be omniscient, omnipotent, absolute power. Then that kind of limited ( shaped ) god wouldn't be able to be or create every possible thing. Then he would necessarily be inside something greater than him. By définition god has no shape.
2. If god has no particular shape then he is all the possible & contains everything. Then, as we are inside that everything we are part of that whole called god. Because god is everything in that whole He logically cannot be separated from what is inside himself. As a result we are parts of god itselfs having the impression to be separated from the whole.
Ontology of the human saoul :
1. If the human saoul is purely autonomous ( ontologically différent ) it logically ( by definition ) implies that it is separated from the whole. How can something been separated from what it is inside/part of ?
2. If the "human" saoul is a piece of god's saoul then it is formally diffèrent – the part is not the whole – but ontologically similar – the part is composed of the same essence the whole has; the whole experiencing a part of itself. As a result there is no human saoul but only god's saoul trough a body experiencing a particuar shape.
The last question : is it possible that there is something ( a universe for exemple ) and no reason/ will for that ?
Scientists are saying : yes it is the case ; there are physical laws but this is pure random. The universe comes from nothing is blinded. We don't have self determination because everything is running according to physical/biological determinist laws and consciousness is a product of brain chemistry. No exception possible; the end of times is already written as violence, pain were already felt by you.

Clayton Hernandez says:

But what if I don't believe in a God?? I think God is simply a metaphor for the law of attraction and when people ask for something, it isn't a God, it is just energy bringing to other energy(You).

I'm kind of a big deal says:

Thank u so much for my penis being 10inches longer now

Glenda Peglau says:

Completely disagree with alot of this video.. he makes it up as he goes. Thumbs down

Robert Williams says:

God has no plan for any of us. God does have a plan for all of us. I choose to say both are correct.

Neil Goloy says:

Wonderful video. God does not have a plan for me. I found this to be true after so many years of trial and error. Pastors always cough up the slogan about the almighty's plan for my life. Thank you so much for pointing out this reality. Namaste.


Mr neale donald walsch…

Laurie Norman says:

It is strange that you say God doesn't have plan for us answer this question where does visions and dreams come from of your future

Francis Kim Chinchontic says:

Ah, that's a spirit!
Noted. =)

Alphonzo E. Brown, Sr. says:

This is very good & enlightening…..

jo ho says:

How does this guy know what God wants, who God is, and what God wants, and if God has a plan for us? Why does he think he knows God any better than the rest of us?
How much money has Neale Donald Walsch made off his pretension that he can speak the "truth" for God? To me, this guy is no better than a televangelist.

Mats Ekman says:

I know what I want to do and what I am supposed to do. This is the easy part. The rest can be really tough and heavy.

Nucc3 says:

New Age bull baloney.  God has a purpose for creating us  and a plan for fulfilling that purpose whether you are rich, poor, see,  blind, deaf, dumb, retarded, black, white, oriental  middle eastern,  native .    It's SIMPLE … Isaiah 43:7 Therefore, the ultimate purpose of man,  is simply to glorify God.

Adeste says:

People think this message is of a new age and Age of Aquarius an age of self-enlightenment however this message has been popping up since the creation of this universe and echoed through the centuries by people like Alice Bailey Huxley Aleister Crowley madame blavatsky Nimrod the Conqueror excetera excetera it always has the same pattern you take the god of Abraham I am and make him yourself so you yourself say I am and through this practice there are three promises: that you shall never die, you shall be like God, you shall receive the knowledge of Good and Evil. Genesis Ch. 3 4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Jesus stresses one-point point over and over in the last days do not be deceived as he says in Matthew chapter 24: 4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
be careful who you follow because not only those this life depend on it but so does your eternal life you will die in the flesh however your spirit will live on forever it is up to you whether you want to live eternally in God's presence or not. Yoo can follow many men but there is only one Jesus one God one Spirit fortunately or unfortunately your true God gives you the sovereignty lets you make the choice. Do not be deceived!

Dianna Mifflin says:

Am I the only person who thinks he'd make a GREAT Dumbledore?

Eduardo Corrochio says:

is any of this nonsense scriptural?

Da Detonator says:

Lovely I'm 17 btw isn't it strange I read his whole book

Chloe Poppies says:

I'm too busy actualising myself to have any time left to occupy. Half-truths from 'gurus' are more dangerous than untruths.

A Mc says:

I am in a odd place right now. I am tired of my job for sure, I do not let it define me as the real me, but it has controlled to much of me. not usre if that makes scense. However, I have always beleife that certain things are my purpose, for exsample being a Mom. However, I realy do try to focus my thoghts on more happiness, and a job I find more fafilling, and yet im still were I am. What is divenity exsatcly? I have the love to help others, do things for the greater good. I sometimes think there has to be more, question is what? Is there more for me? I do beleive in some ways there is a blueprint within us. FOr exsample some are good at mathmatics, and love dealing with number. Some are more creative types, and like myself love to create. You can not take the mathmatician give him a creative project to do and he may do it, but he may not feel a love for it like the artistic type dose.

Jeff Sadowski says:

Neale…Try not making any more books, or any more videos about God, or anything of the like. God DID have a plan for you, as nothing else in your life worked before. Each person has a physical movement that allows love to flow through them at the highest level and in the easiest way. Feeling, form and function ARE ALL ONE Neale. Please remember where you came from. It's all about – the way = we express that love we feel. There are a few ways that we get closest to this – that is our calling. As THIS is yours.

Farhan Imaan Abro says:

Even the complicated riddles can be sorted out finely if the one explains it simpler, Indeed it is true people are confused about job and life purpose now this explains job occupies you while your life actualise you. it really doesn't matter what you for living as long you know the Devine purpose. amazingly explained 🙂

Bobby Bandz says:

spinning in my desk chair at a hotel in holiday inn, and my life was a turmoil for a yr..lost everything and backs turned .. But i was enlightened by Gods word and will . Just lost my fiance that thought i was crazy on manifestations thru the spirit , and laws. i opened so many audio books and just knew it would be Great for my kids and myself .. Today i did a 40 k deal with no insurance and bonded company no dba #. My business partner of 3 weeks just offered i can use his and back to back deals.. 4 months ago i wouldve never imagine it …NOW MULTIMILLION DOLLAR DEALS ARE COMING.. THATS LAW

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