What Can Make You Irresistible? Ask Deepak Chopra!

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Three ingredients of an irresistible, magnetic, charming person:

1. Presence: You are present in the moment, attentive to what is. Everything about you reflects that. You do not have the luxury to be distracted. This all reflects life-centered, present moment awareness. Experience life, relationships and enviroment as they unfold in your awareness in that moment.

2. Self-esteem: You feel beneath no one. You are fearless, immune to criticism and responsive to feedback. You are centered in yourself beyond your self-image. You know who you are, what you want, what your skills are and how you can use them. You are clear about your values and true to yourself.

3. Divine emotions: You exude loving kindness, joy, compassion and equanimity. This connects you to the eco-system, the web of relationships of which you are an expression.

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Sorry for some comma and full stops which are left even after editing 😁😇✌️😂


I think you are very much right sir. But I think you left the most important part without that you can not get those or even you will try, you wouldn't be able to achieve them in their true sense, that is "destiny" . Why I said it destiny, not because I don't believe in the spirit of man, but rather, as you said presence , euinamity (sambhav) and grounded in true self esteem for being a charismatic leaders (example swami vivekanand). Each one mentioned above is a feature of a enlightend soul. Now for reaching upto soul u need to cross the mind and even after that, your past karmas should be diluted because until there are some karmas left one can not see his true self. And process of karma is really complicated. We make every day new and we pay off for the earlier ones.
So In my opinion for being that charismatic there can be two roads :-
(1)you should have the destiny (I.e the previous karmas got almost settled and at the same time u are not creating new karmas) and you also keep preserved above three qualities mentioned by you (by not creating major new karmas so that your soul doesn't get clouded).
(2)surrender yourself to God completely and the result will be almost the same because you will get leap to cross your mind and karmas will be settled by the super conscious called god(as mentioned in Sri gita. "sarv dharman parityajya mam ekam sarnam vraja, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo mokshayisyami ma such.) and you will be like isko laga Dala to life jhinga lala😁

Don't mind my mistakes sir I know I am very young to say something in front of you but what I felt I said.
May God bless you, me and everyone 😊✌️✌️😇

Kirk Russell says:

RPens, you will not disrespect Deepak.

Kirk Russell says:

Are you talking to me/you Deepak?!! 🙂 We are…

Brooke Sanders says:

You are brilliant Deepak – I learn so much from you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom ❤😊⚘

tallladyjay says:

Deepak Chopra is revealing the secrets most of us don't stop to think about.  But it's not easy to have all three of these attributes if you weren't taught them as children and if you have suffered injustices throughout your life, but were not able to get the much needed positive closure or simply closure itself to support high self-esteem and becoming secure enough to live in the present.  That being said, divine emotions can't be attained by most people living in this uncertain and unruly world today, unless our mind is retrained to think differently about the world around us.

rebecca sargissian says:

This man is brother from a Other mother 🙄A'Ramis ☝️

Mirko di Wallenberg says:

This is utter BS, because what he describes as
characteristics is almost impossible to achieve by anybody! This is pure phantasy what he tells us, if you have those characteristics you are a saint! We are humans with faults otherwise we would not be on this planet! So forget this trash! Makes you just unhappy!

Robin Shubb says:

A true human man

mukadder ozturk says:

i can make myself irresistible such as wearing sun glasses in the dark room like you Just kidding Thank you you are a divine servant for the human family and beyond..many blessing

Slyniggashynigga says:

You're a genius

Åsa S says:

Best advice ever! about how to be irresistble…Simple and easy to understand: I am going to start practising this 3 things today. God; I so want to be a Light for this World!

Lark says:

Lovely. There is a book which i keep by me and is helpful to me. It's called The Presence Process by Michael Brown. Each time I read a passage it speaks to me. I am not on commission but simply recommend it as it is a kind and deeply positive influence on my growth. I wish I had read is many years ago and I would have accepted the bounty I was being offered. But hey, it is never too late

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