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His Holiness the Dalai Lama calls Sogyal Rinpoche “disgraced” and stresses that nobody should follow the teachings of any lama without question – not even from himself – stressing that they must live up to the teachings of Buddha and what society expects. He also reiterates his advice from 1993 that lamas who behave badly should be exposed in the media. TRANSCRIPT IS BELOW
Recorded at the inauguration of the seminar “Buddhism in Ladakh” @ Central Institute of Buddhist Studies (CIBS) in Leh, Ladakh, India on 1st August 2017.
For more information on the allegations against Sogyal Rinpoche and Rigpa, see:

(With all due respect to the Dalai Lama’s English skills, I have attempted to correct his grammar, without changing the meaning)

“I feel some of these lama institutions have some sort of influence of the feudal system. That is outdated and must end – that feudal influence. Then eventually a lama institution creates lama politics [DL laughs heartily]. That’s very bad.

An individual lama’s disgrace doesn’t matter, but it gives a very bad impression about a monastery or a monk. Very bad. So we must pay more attention.

You should not say, “This is my guru. What guru says I must follow.” That’s totally wrong! Buddha himself mentioned, “You must examine my teaching”. Similarly if one particular lama says something, you examine whether this goes well according to Buddhaʻs teaching or according to the circumstances in society. Then you must follow. If the lama says something; if you investigate and it’s not proper, then you should not follow the lama’s teaching. Even Dalai Lama’s teaching; if you find some contradiction you should not follow my teaching.

As far as Gelugpa is concerned, Lama Tsonghkapa clearly mentioned; if a lama teaches something that is against the dharma it should be avoided and opposed. If the lama’s teaching is in accord with the dharma it should be followed, if it is in discord with the Dharma it should not be followed.

Many years ago in Dharmasala at a Western Teachers Conference, some Western Buddhist teachers mentioned some Zen masters and Tibetan Buddhist Masters had created a very bad impression among people. Then I told them them; these people do not follow Buddhaʻs advice, Buddhaʻs teaching. We cannot do. So, the only thing is to make it public, through newspapers, through the radio. Make it public!

These lamas, although they don’t care about Buddha’s teaching, they may care about their face [points at his face, indicating shame]. I told them at that conference, almost 15 years ago I think. Now, recently Sogyal Rinpoche; my very good friend, but he’s disgraced. So some of his own students have now made public their criticism.”

Extract is from full video of event here: https://youtu.be/S6yzH-1si8o?t=1h15m10s

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Leo German says:

This cocksucker is still alive ?

Scott Campbell says:

I am thankful that I get these reminders that the reason I see flawed gurus in the world is because I myself have impure karma towards the guru principle. If one does not have the karma for something, one cannot experience the result, which of course is the fourth attribute of karma. This world is broken. Samsara cannot be fixed.

henri jolicoeur says:

Kyabjé Künzang Dorje Rinpoche just shook his head when asked about Sogyal Lakar. Then he looked out of the window and remained silent for a minute. It was evident that he found the mention of Sogyal Lakar distasteful. Kyabjé Künzang Dorje Rinpoche was born on a khandro day in 1930 in North Eastern Tibet, into a gö kar chang lo family lineage. He was recognised as the incarnation of Charong Drüpchen, by Dzigar Potrül Rinpoche. At the age of fifteen, he was sent to study at Gomang Gompa for seven years. He left at the age of twenty-two in order to become a wandering yogi. Kyabjé Düd’jom Rinpoche requested Kyabjé Künzang Dorje Rinpoche to lead rTsa rLung and gTummo retreats, and to write commentaries on the gTummo and sPrul‘khor. These commentaries are now incorporated into the Düd’jom gTérsar lineage." – http://instadoor.online/post/BXlpulXgLS8

"HH ’Khordong gTéchen Tulku Chhi’mèd Rig’dzin Rinpoche. Rinpoche told people quite candidly as far back as 1976 that Sogyal Lakar was not the incarnation of gTértön Sogyal. Rinpoche said that this man was merely the son of a fabulously wealthy trading family who bought he fame for him. He was brought up as a little prince and was sent to the most expensive school in India. He was later sent to Cambridge University before launching his career as a cult guru. Since then he has perpetrated sexual abuse, violent physical abuse, and financial exploitation for three decades. Fear of denouncing him is now over – as the Dalai Lama has spoken out against him" – http://instadoor.online/post/BXkMlG1AXW3

henri jolicoeur says:

October 2017 Sogyal as CANCER …and his "rinpoches" associates want to make his disciples believe that this CANCER is related to them breaking their SAMAYA VOWS ….here is a video saying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOQnMciWonU

ramterry says:

You are right Dalai Lama about the corruption of Sigyal Rimpoche, but, what about you.. you are still eating the meet of poor animal killed for the satisfaction of your tong. Buddhism is based on compassion for all living entities, including the animals.. Stop eating animals dear Dalai Lama, stop being a living contradiction; become at least vegetarian and non violent towards animals… then I will listen to you!!

mickey morgan says:

Sogyal Rinpoche's book, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, gave me more Dharma. This Dalai Lama is causing schisms all over the world's sangha .. . . disrobe and imprison! How disgraceful he is to so many brilliant Dharma teachers. BAD karma for the poor Dalai Lama!

henri jolicoeur says:

IMPORTANT QUOTES OF THE BUDDHA ….useful in the case of Sogyal "Rinpoche"

Jose Ferreira says:


heilfroh klangundform says:

The Dalai Lama is keeping up the view. In his words and in his heart.

Tshering Dorjee says:

haha lama Dalai
ur not good teacher you mix Buddha Dharma in to politics

Karma Gyamtsho says:

Guru? Disciple? Samaya? Dakini? Buddha please help

henri jolicoeur says:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSiXegrxZUQ look up my videos on Sogyal

JanJoost Aukema says:

Mother Meera said in her book: sexuality and spirituality are two different things

Precious Fischer says:

Ban Sogyal rinpoche conducting any preach!!!. He might do sexual assault again. Stop him preaching any topic. Put him away from limelight

Erik Ooi says:

Follow the Vinaya rules set up for the monks.

Ian Graeme says:

I agree with HH. If anyone cares to look closely you can see he is 'just a humble monk', and one who cares deeply.

MrYubaru says:


Please do also take a moment of your time to read this post, undistracted from the first to the last word.

And to, His Holiness
and Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche.

Thank you so much for your sharing your wisdom and compassion.
And helping us out.

jp jp says:

Go to the source : buddha

Hari Steinbach says:

i m afraid there is a lot of stuff going on behind the curtains in the tib. buddh. world,…its like katholic monasteries i reckon…or vatikan….
surpressed sexuality is no t good nowhere…..

Great White says:

Please have a look at another case where His Holiness is in "roaring silence" yet, and allegedly identified the fake lama as "guru of my gurus" : https://halkoriatimes.wordpress.com/2017/06/23/is-ram-bomjon-recognized-by-the-dalai-lama/

Tandin Peljor says:

Sogyal Rinpoche is a great master and he will hardly harm other. Rinpoche aims to help other's and spread happiness, so please believe what Sogyal Rinpoche says. Rinpoche says from his heart. May peace prevail on Earth.

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