David Hawkins on his Kundalini Experience

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The Full interview at: https://youtu.be/b7k1dxdv10g
Best selling author David Hawkins talks about his experience of NYC and the manifestation of his kundalini experience. For the whole inteview contact: newrealities@earthlink.net


t0lek3i john miller says:

Ok so consciousness level has a finite limit ending at the number 1000 based on log 10 orders of magnitude? No, sorry… the universe is infinite and vibration is mathematical but not based on 10 cus in music the 12 notes (13 in octave) relate frequency to the ratios from fibonnaci sequence numbers 1 2 3 5 8 13 which can derive golden ratio, pi, phi, etc. etc. etc…… and you can use any base for a numbering system if you want but 12 is probably the best not 10 if you wanted to trick people into a retarded system, CMON PPL !!
Just think, if this man was legit, your friend could write a number 1 to 10 on a piece of paper, then Hawkins, without knowing the number, could test this phrase for numbers 1 to 10: "My friend wrote down the number X", and then once you prove that you have psychic abilities could collect the millions $$ prize offered to anyone who can do that… because apparently in his later years he was needed money to ask $2,000 to calibrate your energy level. SCAM $$$ !

Carisse Hastie says:

He's talking about dunamis power like jesus

Ian Pandy says:


OddPersona says:

An advanced student of Dr. Hawkins, Robert Smalley, can calibrate with astonishing accuracy. I've worked with Robert for over a year now, and he has helped me immensely. He can provide your own level of Consciousness, alongside other various spiritual attributes, at yourspiritualreportcard.com

the devil cried says:

well,he could fucking use some kundalini energy while expressing himself
on that video!
that'd be easier for us to listen to it.

Anonimo Brasilia says:

Real story of spiritual enlightenment e kundalini. 

I am Brazilian and I can not speak English but want to tell my story and if possible get a spiritual orientation, I'm using google translator 

Tell quick rundown on what I went through to reach the direct experience of enlightenment in 1991 (was 19) suffered a car accident in which I hit my head, but specifically the forehead on the steering wheel, almost 6 years of headache over human to sleeping actually only slept 1 hour per night in the first 4 years, the fact is that it took me to a mental concentration beyond human to endure the pain,,,,,,, also entered a period of profound reflection on attachment to matter, since the car was my mother and she suffered because I hit your car, I just thought it was only matter and nothing more, did all the examinations of the time, various experts, and not computed tumografia discovered nothing abnormal, I also began to feel a sort of enormous pressure on the genitals and muscles enregecimento the coast about 15 cm below the neck and began to feel as if my body was going into a violent pressure inside, sometimes felt the pressure so strong that the genitalia masturbated to relieve pressure and also began to feel as if anchored on the planet, also began to feel like I'm disconnected from the world, universe, a creepy feeling, it seemed that it was an errant stone, not felt anything for anyone, it seemed that my heart had dried completely, felt no love for anyone or anything, I started having thoughts macabre, but it was like a part of me was there watching everything that was happening inside me, in my mind, seemed I was struggling in my own mind with an army of millions, every day I felt clarifying my own mind all the time, I started studying spiritual, spiritualist, yoga, Ramatis books, and apply the teachings of Jesus, and everything felt Ramatis it was good for me, I started attending a Kardecist center and participate in charitable works during this period met a girl that made my heart move, but at the same time felt that one day she would let me, I began to feel love for her, something that amazed me so far because I did not feel anything or anyone and anything, felt a walking robot, and after 1 year of dating she left me, she was already 16 and I 24, the fact is not had sex and I treated her like a goddess, so the way to play it,. talk to her, but not trasavamos, over time she and I began exchanging caresses but sharp, burning more horny in the popular, but I felt that my chest growing for her and also felt the love coming out of her skirt love chest, as if I was absolved his magnetism, his energy, while I was doing charity work in the center as distributing soup to the needy and the gospel I applied myself, I became a vegetarian and started to watch my words, and my thoughts kept inside dialogue, it was as if I was explaining another being within myself, that increasingly became more gentle, docile, I tried to get rid of the pain that consumed my head, in a state of quiet desperation, after 1 years of dating we decide to have sex, but I was too sensitive, and I was very nervous, could not sleep with her, just failed, I had no erection (because I was feeling like my body was being transformed from the inside, I felt energy moving within the my body and how I was going through a kind of rejuvenation and biological evolution, felt the internal organs being remade), we made other attempts, but even with erection was very nervous and had premature ejaculation, was picking up energies of the environments she eventually leave me, and after three days walking and acting like a zombie I heard in my ear on my bed before bedtime a voice saying to forgive her, at the same moment I said a prayer with all my heart for her and for all humanity, thick tears streamed down my face and my heart exploded like a bomb, I felt a lot of energy moving from genesic to the heart chakra, also felt like you were breaking layers within my heart and I felt a presence within the living target chest inside me at the same moment I felt that two beings appeared in my room with a sense of infinite love for me, one of them touched my forehead and feel an energy flooding and fell asleep immediately after years practically without sleep, was my first night's sleep about 8 hours later years, come flying me to a diáfamo place and there talked with a female entity who felt it was lit and told me that she would return when I woke up the other day something inside me had changed, felt love for people and established a deadline of 10 days to return it, what really happened, but the dating was no longer the same, felt that soon she would let me definitely, one day kissing had something appalling, felt that she had destroyed me in a past life and feel a deep hatred for her, but went in a matter of seconds, I had the intuition that should love her deeply and I did that, my love for her only grew, but at the same time growing by people, people I never met, animals and even stones, my nightly prayers began to feel tears coming down and a growing love for people, animals,, felt the energy coming out of my chest, something else began to happen was that I started focusing on the forehead, increasingly when he prayed, because I read in some book that spiritual light annihilated the psychic bacilli mind and that they were coming from past lives barely lived and what was needed incenerá them through the light, I began to pray concentrating on the forehead and felt a very strong energy at a point on the forehead between the eyebrows like an ember buried on my forehead, the funny thing is that the pain did not subside, did was increase, but I grew stronger inwardly, I started feeling a walking fortress, no longer complained internally of enormous pain felt in the head actually started to thank, it was like something redeeming at that time was already studying everything that came ahead in terms of spiritual books, spiritualist, yoga, etc, in endless thirst for knowledge, but felt that studying much that was very superficial, had not yet read anything about kundalini and how its mechanism worked and how it worked in relation to sex with love, in my dating Sarros and tried to continue the sex, but I could not and she was nervous, but I played more with veneration and she told me that she felt so much love for me that was afraid, told me that after we got when I kissed her she felt her heart in flames, as if something had,, opening at the same time I knew she also activate your heart chakra, continue dating a while, but I continued to feel that dating would not go ahead and that I should prepare myself for the moment of rupture, and that's what I did, was living in a way that felt out of my chest love for everyone and everything felt the same energy, the spiritual center he attended one of my hands skirt I felt very strong energy that was used to cure also started to catch people's thoughts, both incarnated as disembodied, as if I knew essentially what people were thinking and feeling, my head began to weigh as if it weighed 1 ton, it was as if my whole being was inside my head, I continued studying and applying it on myself while all the good wished for people, I began to feel an infinite humility, treated all beings until,, ants with affection and love, sometimes felt a light to invade my mind, but could not tell what it was when there was a break from dating, I feel a sadness without end, but still felt a growing love for her and all beings, he felt he had opened a hole in my chest, in a lecture in Kardecist center he frequented something strange happened, but I did not give much importance at the time, the moment was an ardent prayer blessing the people, the world, all suffering, I felt that something was simply attached to the base of my spine with a tremendous force but that did not hurt me, after two weeks we had finished dating I went to a nightclub with a friend, but the night before bedtime ,, (now I was able to sleep) I felt someone an inner voice told me that I would be given a rare opportunity that something big was going to happen, I did was sneer, and said inwardly, "what will be, as already 'passei through so much, as this endless pain that consumes my head and this moral heartache for opening a hole in my chest, before proceeding, I mean that when I slept, it was like waking from beyond,, felt it was going to many beautiful places and spoke telepathically with entities of light, and also felt like pervades sounds for me that I was the sounds heard over there,, sounds beautiful and harmonious,, you can not explain right,, returning to the disco, arriving there began to dance like a normal young, the nightclub was full, and I was behind a girl dancing a few cm of his buttocks, but without any sense of sensuality, but suddenly feel a tremendous force in the genitalia and an overwhelming erection along with a fire that looked like a blazing volcano with a pressure that looked like a giant magnet sucking the energies of the environment and a sense of enormous lust, and wanting to engage in that girl in your buttocks, startled and immediately moved to place even felt the energy around at the other place I returned to dance normally, but the girl who was in front of me her hair got stuck in my button of my shirt and tried to loosen it and caught my attention so harshly and I responded with authority that she came too far back, I managed to undo the entanglement of her hair on the buttons of my shirt and she continued to dance in front of me, she was very beautiful, I suddenly feel again the deafening wave of heat and a vigorous erection with a strength of a giant magnet, as if a volcano erupt wanted, not to mention the feeling of lust, desire to possess her the girl and feel an inner voice telling me to just watch, so I did and gave me an infinite desire to make a prayer right there in that place, I prayed the prayer asking God would never betray the infinite love I felt for my ex girlfriend, tears fell from my eyes, as I was half light nobody realized at the same instant I felt that something exploded in a violent force in the genitals like a volcano and climbed into my heart and felt a burst of light opening in my chest when I left the nightclub felt something strange and special screaming inside me that I had won, I got my car and I went home to bed with the feeling that something extraordinary had happened, coming home, 
to lie in bed to do my prayer feel an energy being sucked from the base of a column force and pressure from another world, a heat like it was on fire and my genitals as they prayed big tears ran down my face as I felt something climbing the column with a deafening noise, something wonderful and scary, but I gave myself to God at that moment, and felt the energy arriving at the base of the neck and felt an incredible lightness in the body, I fell asleep immediately, the other day I woke up with an infinite joy it seemed that everything was good, I felt a joy that felt like it would explode at any time and an infinite love for people, walked and looked like it had not body weight, felt like an inflatable balloon to soar, that same day I went with my brother seek my father at his job I had 25 years, we were in the back listening to soft instrumental music in the car, when suddenly I looked out the window for a loose horse on the ground near the road, just feel an infinite love for them and I was suddenly the horses and they were me, and I saw that I was all that time, it was a Monday, I kept feeling love radiating from my chest spontaneously to everyone and everything, when I was showering, already taking cold bath, at the instant the water fell on me, I felt the chakras it falling over it, I could feel all the chakras, had no thoughts and a sense of unity when it was on Wednesday, I attended a lecture at the spiritual center who attended, but as far as the speaker spoke, I just felt like hugging people actually looked like he was in another dimension when,, I just find some people who were distributing soup for needy people arrived, they saw a ragged child and that was not stinking bathing several days, made ​​me want to pick her up, but my mind went into action,, to say "this child is splitting" and the real me, "I said I'm not unlike her,, have to uproot any feelings of superiority "and picked her,, and started playing with her ​​and pointing at the moon (full moon beautiful,,)) and was talking to her moon, and,,, suddenly an infinite joy came over me,,, and the soles of my feet felt million volts flooding me, I was pure energy, when I look at the moon I was her, and it was all,, was the whole universe, ,, simply disappeared,,,,, I no longer had a sense of humility and infinite power, while a love that seemed it would burst took care of me when I got home,, simply fell asleep consciously, it was as if the other side were also without center in unity spread throughout the cosmos, when I woke up, I noticed that the sounds of the birds had an amazing harmony sounds I was, I began to hear divine sounds,, I was also at the same time they heard that, and had no mind,, outsized thoughts of pure intelligence began to thunder in my mind, knew everything instantly but without intellect,, while felt the unity of intelligence,,, interpenetrating everything and everyone I was all that and was not ,,, nothing was in that state of love, unity with the cosmos 3 months, had no time, past, or future,,, I,, I was being,,, the name you want to give,, and felt a respect unlimited for everything, since my body became the body of the ant, my father, mother,, people who have never seen,,,, distant planets you can not explain in words seemed mystical experience than I did not exist and there while my body seemed that defied the law of gravity, felt as if floating on the floor, had absolutely no weight and started staying awake with full consciousness even in sleep. I discovered what is nirvana, but knew nothing about it then, I know now because I have read several books on the subject and kundalini, lost the opportunity of enlightenment because it wanted to know news of my ex girlfriend, I tried a girl who was a friend of my ex girlfriend and had had an affair with her (had sex when we were in together), the result let me take their sensuality and took some fun with it, not even got to fuck, but I ejaculated and feel the energy down the spine, I got but be warned even on top of the hour as a thunder in my mind told me "if you do this you may not recover in life" but gave no importance, result lost enlightenment, kundalini down, and today I have 43 years, I am well sexually experienced, but it does not interest me anymore, only the lighting interests me, my lighting was at 25, and I'm ready again to try to spiritual ascension, the more interesting that after a decade one that my ex girlfriend ended dating with me, we met again and married, but I have to admit I no longer feel love for her, but still continue with it because I have two daughters and I intend to enlighten me anyway, because I feel that is an inner commitment of my soul. 

Aldmer Taron says:

GTFO hahaha. How convienient that he doesn't have this "energy" anymore.

robert smalley says:

Kundalini is an amazing experience. It happened to me and my third eye and crown opened up.. Now I do calibration work like Hawkin's does. I have a 64 point test to check emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of a persons life. This can be of great help.. You may look this up at robertsmalleyorg.

robert smalley says:

Dr. Hawkin's is great. I have a 64 point test to know thyself. robertsmalleyorg

NewRealities says:

Because the energy gets integrated into the system and the being raising to another level that is more whole so it does not stand out from the vibration that the system is now at and there is new level of consciousness… That is what I suspect…

summer12601 says:

I wonder if anyone could explain why those energy phenomenons would fade and not happen anymore. He said these amazing things happened for maybe 5 years and then no more. Just wondering. Thanks.

Adam Young says:

Yes I could, it helps if I know the person, if I have as much info about them as possible. The thing is you have many different souls or parts of consciousness not just 1 and I am able to contact 1 of those, as in your soul from this body/time period while you are still alive. Dead peoples souls I cannot contact directly, although they are present at all times around us Just as souls of living people are.

nfcoard says:

You say you can contact the souls of living people? Can you contact mine and tell me what it communicates to you?

robert smalley says:

Yes Dr. Hawkin's is great. also check out robertsmalleyorg

robert smalley says:

Yes, it was a kundalini experience. I know how to calibrate and I got a yes it was kundalini. R. Smallley

Adam Young says:

I didnt even know what Kundalini was till 10 years later LOL I thought I was the only person this happened to and was GOD's chosen person! Only a year or so ago did I even discover it was a kundalini awakening. What do u mean I had the best awakening though? It came outa nowhere 1 night. Pure LOVE and bliss overcame me indescribable I did briefly die about a year or so b4 it happened, I looked down at myself from up in the sky for about 2-3 seconds. Maybe that has SOMETHING to do w/ it? I dunno?

Adam Young says:

well it happened when i was 17 out of nowhere. I experienced a few months of absolute craziness and all kinds of different experiences every single night. Then somehow I realized I was able to contact peoples souls and that they basically lived within me. I cannot turn it off they r always with me. everybody's soul is different. They all have different colors powers & believe it or not tastes. Some taste like candy very sweet. it sounds ridiculous but it is my everyday. they tell me things etc.

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