Why Does God Allow Mass Murder? Peter Chowka, David Hawkins & Russ Dizdar

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ZiderParty says:

David and Field from Able Danger are five or ten years ahead of most of us.

ZiderParty says:

we use to be able to watch Fox news in the UK on Sky channel 509, it has now been pulled so we no longer get fox news. all the news we have for the USA is left wing channels, Bloomberg, CNN and CNBC. We have RT as the only balance news channel.

hairtech322 says:

To your title.. because God gave Man free will.

Jeff Long says:

Heavenly Father we your children come together in one accord and we lift up to your Holy Throne of Grace O Lord Doug and Joe and Russ and steve and Tom and LA and and All the guests on the Hagmann Report and Father we plead the Blood of Jesus over All them and there families. Heavenly Father We All bind the strongman in the name of Jesus and we bind every foul and wicked spirit right now in Jesus name Father we take Authority over each and every demonic spirit and we bind them now in Jesus name By the power and Authority of The Lord Jesus The Christ We Decree and Declare No weapon formed against these guests and there families shall prosper and every tounge that rises up in Judgement shall be condemned in Jesus most Holy name. Heavenly Father we Decree and Declare Psalm 124 over All these guests and there families O Lord Father we decree and declare every trap that has been set and prepared by the devil and his demons for these guests and there families is destroyed and demolished right now in Jesus name and Father we Bless your most Holy Name and we adore you Father for you are our God and Father we are your people and forever we are yours and we all say thank you thank you thank you in Jesus name and we all say Amen and So be it King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus is Lord.

zepbigfoot bearcove says:

The same reason he allows isolated murder.

Shannon Brown says:

Praise God for Russ Dizdar.

13cbrennan says:

I am a teacher.  I work as a substitute in the public schools.  Very few children are being brought up with any kind of religion these days.  Combine that with the anti-American, anti-family, white people and heterosexuals are bad curricula and you have a real communist brew.

13cbrennan says:

A lot of these so-called SJW/antifa people seem psychotic.  They are totally hate-filled and irrational.  Possessed?  I don't know, but many of them have probably been on psychotropes since childhood.  Gee, how are those meds working for you?

SRV. 123 says:

God allows mass murder because he is too busy doing his nails.

a phillips says:

God doesn't allow it, we do. We are free Children of God, it's our mess, not His.

Jhuan Perrales says:

Our Father God. the God of all Prophets. Jacob Now Abraham and so on….Hates Death…Soon. He will give the orders to stop the prince of death and Jesus Christ army will destroy all Demons of chaos and hurt death and sorrows… keep looking up thus us the last signs….stay strong. don't fall away. Luke the Bible says a great falling of Faith will happen in last days. I see it here. in this chats. falling away if Faith….DONT BE A FOOL. GET STRONGER..IN GOD. LOVE. ITS THE ONLY SAVINGS OF SOULS

Colleen Casey says:

I'll have to listen to Mr. Hawkins a few times, because this is a lot of information I haven't' heard before. I recommend a guest: Catherine Austin Fitts and sharing this info with her and her Team. solari.com She has a report re; The Missing Money.

kc4e says:

You guys are the best, what a show!

JAnn319 says:

Let us Sharpen our swords!!! Jeremiah 51:10-12

Ken March says:

This topic is an Age Old one aka: "If God is 'good' then WHY does He allow so much Pain and Suffering?"
This is what I believe God has shown me personally and the Answer given in TWO WAYS:
1. "Because there is something Worse: Eternal Hell!"  (This is the 'Short' answer but most will not 'get it' presented this way!)
2. CONDENSED: "With the Fall of Man, man now had an absolute NEED of Salvation.    However, Man had a Big Problem: the Distraction of a Sinful Nature!
     Pain in all it's forms was 'left' not only as a result of the Fall but as a disguised Blessing for the Elect. 
     Through Pain, God would 'get the SOBER and Undivided attention' of Man!
     (Not all men would follow God's Plan and would either rebel against God, the concept/knowledge of God as a result of Pain or seek another Master to elevate Pain.)
     God could also NOT ALLOW a system of a guaranteed Painless life based solely upon Piety and Obedience.   His 'Plan' was to reward such but not allow it to be a form of 'Salvation'
     Why?    God had Himself as Salvation planned. 
     So when Jesus Christ our Lord said that "It's easier for a camel to go though the eye of a needle than a Rich man to enter Heaven", I believe He was referring to the Cushioning and mitigation effect that Wealth has on Suffering! 
    That is, a Poor man hits his knees in prayer to God immediately because he has Nowhere Else to turn.  While a Rich man has 'recourse' of Doctors, Lawyers, hired help, etc. to try first.   This only slows down his need for God and therefore any relationship he must have with God.
So then, Pain and Suffering was meant to "DRIVE men towards God" and not away from Him!   
Without Pain, few if any would 'seek' Him.

Tristran Hepburn says:

Problem: Out of Order Comes Chaos. If the Old World Order (dems, Pizzagate etc) is burning in its own fire, then the world is ready for the Phoenix to rise out of the ashes – The Antichrist.

Christopher Bishop says:

Everything CANNOT be Kristine Marcy's doing!? She is (allegedly) a one-woman army of evil, with fingers in every evil pie, minions in every evil deed, and responsible for every evil event, ever. She is KAOS and SPECTRE and GALAXY all rolled into one, but worse, of course, allegedly. Man. I'll bet if someone checked her calendar for 22 November 1963, she was picnicking on a grassy knoll in Dallas.
That being said, Peter Barry Chowka is a top three Hagmann Report guest.

Joe Schmoe says:

Wow awesome show!

Delta56ca says:

Who did the back round music? just as good as the show.

MsHologram .Healer says:

Humanity allows mass murder, and God warned of lucifer and his intent from the beginning. Human hubris, hate and sin brings this to the earth. Jesus Christ Messiah, God as incarnated into human form, our kinsman redeemer, was necessary to handle redemption from the sins of all past, present and future. We believe andvtrust in the Word of God, and there would still be sin until He comes again to His own.

gypsy says:

Terrific broadcast. Thank you and God Bless. David Hawkins on Jason Goodman (CSTT) tomorrow. Hagmans, please invite Field McConnell and David Hawkins back. Thank you for bringing us truth.

Derek Green says:

Also, a huge THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to Peter Barry Chowka for his honorable and kind words to my former home while i had the privilege of serving honorably on the wonderful U.S.S Midway (CV-41) from 88-91 and in Desert Shield and Storm with my F/A-18 Hornet squadron VFA-151 Vigilantes. She was truly called "Midway Magic" and "Tip O The Sword" for good reason. I'll never forget serving on her!!!

Derek Green says:

I totally agree Mellissa. Always a blessing to see you on there too. You, Liz Crokin, Russ, Sawman, etc, are truly my hero's because of what your doing. A huge, bright light in this dark, evil world. Much love and thank you all and God bless!!

Eric Blair says:

The Zio Deep Neocon military complex state is trying to pull another Coup Dtat…like the JFK, RKennedy, Watergate, the Reagan shooting….The NWOrder, Globalists agenda CAN NOT be born unless the American CONSTITUTIONAL Republic is erased, destroyed…Mueller is a Soros puppet, a NWO operative, fabricating a crime while ignoring the real Crimes of the DEM Clinton, DNC, Awan bros, Seth Rich, Uranium one. Mueller has business with Soros Quantum Fund, Mueller gave money to the Clinton Foundation…Mueller is the swamp he will never indict the Clintons, Podestas, DNC, DWasserman, never….WE the People..???????

Chadrick Edwards says:

———————The bible says America is about to be destroyed

wertyfor says:

Peter Barry Chowka is the man!!!

chewbacca says:

we are living in a state of being where free will separates us from God/Soul/Heavenly State…..all this hell on earth is man's free will….God given….He designs How one is to communicate with Him and we decide if we Communicate with Him….we either say Yes or we day No…..He leaves us to our own will's …. thus this world filled with ego….its a HUGE school where we are tested…in these times, the last time God can intercept with our wills and Help us by answering our prayers/meditation/requests we HAVE TO "ASK" Him to help us….He needs to see that we want a change ….. we need to stay positive/optimistic and bring our concerns to Him…..simple…..plead with Him….let Him know our hearts…..it starts with the Children that are alone and in danger….think with your hearts….

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