How to Escape the Prison of your own Mind – Eckhart Tolle

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How to Escape the Prison of your own Mind – Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart explains that we must get our usual, conditioned, limited thoughts out of the way. We must become mentally silent. That silence leaves room for the voice of wisdom from within.

“How to be at peace now? By making peace with the present moment. The present moment is the field on which the game of life happens.”
Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat BK/DVD
“Stillness amidst the World”

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cosmiccontinuum says:

“When you demand nothing of the world, nor of God, when you want nothing,
seek nothing, expect nothing, then the Supreme State will come to
you uninvited and unexpected.” Nisargadatta Maharaj 

Michael Stryker says:

*You need to know the full truth, the big picture of life to take control
of your mind. Read the top entry “The Present” on www•Truthcontest•Com*

teo fiel says:

when you don,t seek you don,t find and when you don,t won,t nothing you are
already dead in youre soul ,when you don,t expect nothing you are more than
dead becaus you must wait for THE LORD every day! and seek HIM every day
,and expect HIM every day ,and also read it in THE LAW FROM GOD think of
HIM always because you will forget HIM .
humans like show on this video are fools and believe in them selves and not
and CHRISTIANS are not trapped, they are free in CHRIST ..halelujah !
no ones come throw the FATHER than BIJ ME said> (JEZUS)
only throw JEZUS you can go to GOD and only by HIM ALONE, HE is THE GATE
to heaven don,t believe self made saints 

Dawn Solomon says:

The grief swept over me upon hearing this truth. That most of my life has
not really been lived. Don’t we all feel that way… but the answer is not
in taking a vacation to an island. It is the death of thinking! God Bless
you Tolle!

Ameen Makanvand says:

We need more people like him in our world

j p says:

3:11 What if Eckhart is a comedian and this whole enlightened guru is just
his schicht. For him its all about getting those laughs. Just think about

david airlie says:

folks just understand what he is saying. so powerfull.but ture.glad i found
this eckhart tolle.

raymyhill2 says:

Some people are easily duped Guys like this have been around since the year
dot snake oil salesman Money Money Money fools and their money are soon
parted. A load of Hoo Ha .

Mel Jones says:

*We are all in mental prisons, indoctrinated by society and determined by
evolution, scared, petty beings that don’t control their thinking…*

*But we can change that **now.** The truth about ourselves is the key.
Eckhart Tolle **never talked about this,** because he wanted people to
figure it out themselves.**Visit TruthContest•com and read “The Present” to
KNOW IT today.*

BarbaraMerry Geng says:

Thank you for teaching on how to be present

OzWarrior says:

all this talk about losing the ego, getting around it, being the
non-thinking observer in awareness of only the present, living outside the
concepts of labels, time, and notions of man….makes me ask the question?
This guy loves to sit and drink coffee in a cafe and watch the world go
by….who orders the coffee for him? I mean all the labels we have for a
cup of caffeine these days…too many labels, too many choices….what
about us parents who have kids to teach…hot v cold, wrong vs right….the
dualistic realm of thought and judgement has a purpose…survival and then
are we not called to master our self, realise our Union with all forms and
in love and non-judgement, our individual perception of life externally
will change… gurus like Osho to name just one, all teach this drawn out
almost trance like stage play. I couldn’t imaging sitting down to engage in
some humorous chat with them that is certain…see the game last night
Eckhart? Oops sorry, thats past…. I see you’re booked for a european tour
next year…opps thats future…lovely green tree in the backyard too btw,
oops did I just judge by appearance?

Pat Savage says:

Eckhart Tolle – A Collection of Talks and Interviews

Arnold Nagy says:

Echart, is a very introductory spiritual teacher… he lives in a more
subtle EGO, where “his” created Observer advocates Duality, and therefore
Free Will to take action for this separate self… after these realizations
if there is more search, one might arrive to NON DUALITY, where what is is
accepted not By an individual BUT b/c IT JUST IS, if it happens, if it
doesnt than it cant even talked about… RUPERT SPIRA is the next 

Linette Sue Montgomery says:

Dhyāna (Sanskrit; Devanagari: ध्यान) or Jhāna (झान) (Pāli) in Hinduism,
Buddhism, Jainism [note 1] means meditation which is “a deeper awareness of
oneness which is inclusive of perception of body, mind, senses and
surroundings, yet remaining unidentified with it”.[web 1] Dhyana is taken
up after preceding exercises,[1] and leads to samadhi and self-knowledge,
separating māyā from reality to help attain the ultimate goal of mokṣa.

Joy Holistic says:

Silence – Stillness – Spaciousness

Jonathan Green says:

Only the ultimate truth can set you free. Read The Present at

G MIKEY G says:

escaping the prison of your own mind ECKHART TOLLE free your mind
bowing to the GOD within you IAEBA bowing to the GOD within you

Michael Telford says:

Somebody get the old farts a packet of cough sweets, bloody annoying trying
to listen to some high level wisdom when a bunch of oldies are coughing
their lungs up!

wolfcub60 says:

The Mind is a store of information necessary for your survival…why would
you want to stop it! Also, it is not possible to stop thinking and it could
also be damaging to the brain to try and do so…

Vijnana Dasa says:

Tolle is an ignorant person. He doesn’t know what is matter and what is
spirit. Denying form, variety and relationship to exist in the spiritual
reality is a sign of stupidity. He is typically a Kali Yuga envious of
Parabrahman person. Instead of purifying the senses he promotes rooting up
the senses. The guy has a dirty, envious mind. The blind Tolle is leading
his blind fans into the abyss.

eurus pulsare says:

ok but thoughts is averything! with out thoughts we are nothing and we do
nothing we dont creat!a painter have a thought fist anything we do is

MrsAustraliana says:

If you don’t like what Mr Tolle is saying, don’t listen. You don’t need to
try to spoil other people’s experience with learning and wanting to find
happiness in their lives. Ignorance can be shown with the judgement of

Kapil Gupta MD says:

The Mind cannot be calmed or controlled.
Only Transcended.
—Kapil Gupta, MD

santabarbaraca2010 says:

He is so nervous talking,notice how He is holding His hand,for comfort,and
for security.I often do this in my life,when I feel alone,are afraid.That
is why I picked up on this very quickly.

Jimmy Khann says:

Eradicating mental filaments.

How to be in the reality of now of stillness.

Be in the present moment of sacredness. 

John Tao says:

How to Escape the Prison of your own Mind – Eckhart Tolle

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