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A video excerpt from the Eckhart Tolle’s video and audio program, The Awakening of Consciousness Download the full teaching: Get two .


Peter Russell and Eckhart Tolle discuss why consciousness is not a thing. Like Peter on for news and updates. More on .

Eckhart Tolle discusses the primary purpose of a spiritual retreat: to transcend our conditioned ways of thinking and being and .


Chamanlal Thakkar says:

The Power of Presence Live Webniar by Eckhart Tolle. This video has been deleted because of copy right reason…..who knows for sure ( Eckhart starts here from that very question) at deeper most level, existentially…what is copy or what is original !  oh  I forget some body said truth is holographic ,so much so that one can not differentiate  what is original or what is copy….!…….do the content or essence or the words used as vehicle or empty boxes used to communicate the truth in the video….popped up first time from no where…within heart who claimed copy right…or as big bang ….the time when nobody was to witness except truth …itself…!….spirituality… they say is a state of not knowing….that state of just being dose not claim ….

Sm0k4bl3 says:

It's not a dream we got it all on tape!

Ric McMillion says:

Paint Your Future Pixel by Pixel …. you are already doing it … stop your thoughts and catch yourself watching you … YES …think unlimited math helps ….we do a go zillion by a go zillion each second just for our senses to tell us what we "experience" …so yea, now you are a math genius, admit it ….now just look and see that that is actually all atoms and you are vibrating right there in the middle of and with all of them …relax  easy …all you got is the eternal now …. we can see our vibrational nature right now …it is not spooky or mysterious or anything … CALM your mind … and watch the arguments going through the process … of your opinions chatting away …. Watch the arguments … and see who watching …

Brancaalice says:

He talk from presence, the presence that come from him flow through the auditory, that why people feel so present.

szolanek says:

He never disappoints you.

IThinkWithMy Dick says:

This idiot has nothing at all practical nor important to say. Such useless babbling.
He needs to learn to be PRACTICAL.

Thommy H. says:

so many people peacefully listening to one man sittjng on a chair. Never ceases to amaze me. Thank you Eckhart. 😉

Nakul SINGH says:

he must be desciple of Osho.

Guillermo Brand says:

un disparo al aire

Mississauga Ontario says:

This is beautiful. Those who are meant to "get it " will…

Ryan Choo says:

I can listen to him forever.

11marylena says:

"Deep" is close to source……Deepest tier/level is source….I believe Jesus tapped into/reached these heights of consciousness in a time where the odds were stacked against him and when consciousness among the populace was low….When the collective reaches this tier, we are in Eden. I also believe in a creator.

Patricia Chalmers says:

I am learning so much from this amazing man. this is the fourth day of sspending hours watching and listening. to help my depression and anxiety that I am going through. Thank for sahring .i am so grateful. thank you Eckhart from my heart.

ValenTINA says:

He reminds me of a fairy elf

Victorious Max says:

it doesn't matter what consciousness is. what matters is that you realize that family and loved ones is everything. connection is everything. stop looking for a devine purpose. Be good and feel good. respect yourself and nature

Josh Alfred says:

Lol at woman with pen and paper.

DD Andrews says:

As for tolle, as I mentioned about million times already, yes he has repeatedly said over and over about consciousness leaving the body and having rebirths(crap he copied from eastern religions and philosophies) and at the same time talking about meeting some stupid god, so he can suck up to judeo chistian crowd & their crap story as well.
As for his writing and teachings about living in now, meditation etc are definitely good things we need to practice to find more about ourselves and some inner lasting peace. But, that information is readily available these days without having to suck up to after life hocus pocus sold for cash by pseudo-spiritual preachers like tolle and chopra for the benefit of poor suckers and super rich weirdos.
Never trust bullshitters that lecture you about humility and non materialsim while surrounding themselves with material wealth and the crap that comes with it.

Ferdinand Alexander says:

Experience requires division so just because you're experiencing something doesn't mean a thing. Doesn't mean you "know" for sure. Life or actuality, use whatever word that means to you ALL there IS of ALL there IS, is an undivided wholeness so division is not possible and thus experience proves nothing. It can be interpreted through the use of thought. No one knows what ALL IS. He says consciousness but no one knows. It is ineffable and cannot be placed in a container. It's about living as the unknown.

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