Dr. Wayne Dyer & Dr. Bruce Lipton, Pt.1

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Part 1 of Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. Bruce Lipton have a discussion about “The Biology Of Belief” on the Hay House Radio Stage at the I Can Do It! Las Vegas.


gaming noobs says:

I just have a simple question. Why is Dr. Bruce Lipton fat? I mean , look at his stomach , that doesn't look very healthy .

DjDebUsa Bond says:


DjDebUsa Bond says:


DjDebUsa Bond says:

Yes DR.s push pills and pharmaceutical companies.Tv,NEWS,PROPAGANDA,LIES,BRAINWASHING PEOPLE to sickness,DENIAL Depression DEADLY DISEASES.Welcome to the MATRIX = TRUTH,DJDEBUSA.😘

Dawn Burnett says:

Absolutely fantastic!!

mellasone says:

Fascinating insight and I believe it to be true, I have witnessed a few cancer remissions that occurred only by the beliefs those people had, one of them was a woman who could not longer eat due to stomach cancer, doctors decided to operate and when she was opened up they saw that the cancer has spread all over and that there was nothing they could do to save her, so they just proceeded to clear up some of the growths from the GI tract so that she could eat a bit better, no other treatment was offered due to her very terminal condition, when she woke up she asked the doctor if she had already been fixed and the answer from the doctor was yes, all as good as new, that was the key to her healing. As she recovered from surgery she slowly began to eat and as time passed her appetite increased and soon she was eating normally and feeling healthy, her family who were getting prepared for her death were amazed at how good she was doing considering she was dying, a year passed and the family decided to get her checked up again and much to everyone's surprise there was no cancer to be found anywhere. She is alive 20 years later. Thanks for sharing this video, blessings

david jones says:

it amazes me how well some people have been brainwashed, best of luck dr bruce in trying to steer the ship in the right direction against the tide, i only eat organic food and filter my water to help my community (body ) heal from modern living, yet the abuse and empty arguments i end up having with family and friends who think i'm nuts is never ending . i agree that the mind is in control but if you are poisoning the body causing inflammation and disturbing the natural balance than the mind alone become useless

Ash Koehn says:

Please tell me, how starving children in the street have control over their experience. PLEASE enlighten me on how abused children can control their circumstances. PLEASE TELL ME HOW children that are molested have control?

Ash Koehn says:

I just need to say that your book "you can heal yourself" is completely twisted. My mother subscribed to your philosophy, which dissipated her conscience. This dissipation lead to the physical abuse of me and my sisters for 16 years of my life. NOT only physical, but complete emotional destruction of me and every part of who I am. I still have both physical and emotional scars from the philosophy that you gave to her, philosophy that justified everything she did. One could say you put the whip in her hand and told her the words to say that destroyed me.
So thank you, for your flawless work, because yes it did succeed in changing lives.

bigjim10011 says:

29 years ago I had symptoms of my wisdom teeth coming in and in the back of my mouth my gums were very swollen and sore. I was miserable and those symptoms were persistent for several weeks. I was very religious at the time and thought god would heal me if I believed strongly enough. So I prayed for healing and thanked god emphatically over and over again (to enforce the inward belief) that I was indeed healed as I drove to work one morning. I laughed and thanked god over and over non-stop over the entire 45 minute drive. When I got to work all I had was a sore throat and was very thirsty. I walked into work and began working at my station. As I worked it dawned on me that my mouth did not hurt anymore. The swelling and terrible pain that had been there for several weeks was completely gone and has never returned all these years later. I thought god healed me but after using that same method several times afterward with no results, I came to the realization that I had tapped into what the men in the video below are discussing. I actually convinced myself through repeatedly confessing and thanking god that I was healed, that I was actually healed and it caused my body to heal itself. That method actually worked twice for me but other than 2 times it did not work at all and I tried it many, many times. I think I had only limited success because it's very difficult to convince ourselves of something our bodies reminds us is not true continually. Anyway I am not a nut nor do I care if anyone believes my story or not
and keep in mind I am not religious at all I am simply reflecting on something that happened years ago. Could I use that method now with success? I doubt it, I am too old and don't have the energy anymore and like I said it only worked twice out of too many attempts to count even when I was young. But it has made me wonder all these years how that happened and what caused it.

cheryl smith says:

Im going to have to read all of wayne dyers books…he simply was a genius

Tanveer Chowdhury says:

Thanks to Dr.Bruce Lipton.

James Freeman says:

NO ONE is a victem in this life.
this is a free will universe, so, be what ever you want to be, and do what ever you want to do, the choise is yours, you are an all powerful, beautiful being, never a victem!

healingpowerofGod says:

how do we actually start practicing it

Neil Boothe says:

Wayne dyer's speeches and books have good insights in them, but they don't reveal the whole truth.

Actually, there's only one book that I have found to contain the complete and accurate TRUTH OF LIFE. It's called "The Present" and it's free for all to read at TruthContest•Com. The knowledge in there will give you goosebumps.

Robin Edwards says:

.Things don't become true because you would like them to, we have heard scientific evidence that what these men claim is utter rubbish.

Laura Martin says:

why don't they let that poor woman ever speak?

Abdelhadi Sabba says:

i need to lesten thats video .because i liked

Realness says:

could you all check this vid as dr wayne dyer stars in it and has inspired it in so many ways maybe it will reach his ears thank you peace and love to you all http://youtu.be/DiwmfXzZr1I

IW Nunn says:

I think these guys are spot on.  We've been brainwashed from many directions.  Our relationship with God doesn't have to be that complicated.  Believe that you are One with God and conquer the subconscious mind (not an easy thing to do) and live a rich, spiritual life.

bjobotts says:

Small pox and scarlet fever killed an awful lot of you JC believers who failed to get treatment.Man falls over cliff and grabs branch stopping a 300ft drop and hears God's voice saying just let go I'll catch you.He looks down and yells anyone up there got a rope? One of 'God/'s' children threw him a rope and helped pull him out. God did not give us brains to ignore how to use them and learn how to fight off disease also. Positive thinking may be one path for many but it all lies within us.

bjobotts says:

I know several people who did not know they had a disease until they died from it. Heart attacks (the leading cause of death) seem to go against what these guys are saying since they required no thinking before onset and immediate death or surgery. I believe what they are saying has validity yet sense something is missing. Had friend who went to doctor because he was not feeling well and was diagnosed with late stage pancreatic cancer die 3mos later.Was he 2 immersed in his thinking2 change?

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