What The F@q Is Spirituality ??

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What makes a person spiritual? What discredits this identification?
I’m simply DUNN with people judging others based on this label Man!
I just wanted to clear some things up about this whole idea 🙂 With so much love in my heart. If this triggers you. Why? LMK

use code ‘hitomi’ on seebenow.com for 33% off my fav yoga & meditation app..

I’m making a website!! If you’re a graphic designer or web designer and want to help a sister out email me @thesilverrlining@gmail.com
& DM me on IG for other things.. Email is for business tings only plz 🙂


Gianna Fine says:

Listen, queen…
You are a beautiful being. I model my spirituality after yours. Honestly, you are so loving and it is amazing. You're killing it. Sending love her way is so mature and humble of you. Stay exuberant !

Briana Gonzales says:

your sooooooo pretty !! And bubbly and full of energy!! Thank you for your videos !!

Earl Brannan says:

You're an awesome lady. I love your videos!

Ciko Kinchman says:

Hitomi, God wouldn't have given you such beautiful boobs if he had intended you never share them with others.

Aarthémuse says:

That person sounded so needy for your attention lol
I also need a lot of alone time to stay sane and balanced

Dana Anahita says:

You're an absolute angel

Mickey P. says:

I. fucking. love. you.

Sarah Parker says:

Hi Hitomi, I was wondering if you have ever taken medication for depression or anxiety and your thoughts on it? Ive been struggling with depression for a while now but ive been really hesitant to start meds. Ive talked to my therapist about it several times and a doctor, im still conflicted. Just curious of your opinion. Thank you and i love your videos❤😍

TheReMorseCode says:

I can get over how naturally beautiful you are!! Good god I'm going into cardiac arrest lmaooo

Sally Traxler says:

You are my fashion inspo

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