The meaning of Om Mani Padme Hung by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Shuya Nanahara says:

Finally, I’ve got an explanation of the very holy Buddish Mantra.
Dalai Lama, as usual, great and deep in his holy thoughts and brings
enlightenment to our darkened souls.

Om Mene Pedme Hum.


She is stupid to repeat something lots of times and not know why she is
doing it.
Clearly, she was told to do this. I’m delighted she has asked now. However,
I never
find HH helpful with my own journey. We are from different schools and it
should not
matter but his way of teaching fails to inspire me. I have found much
better teachers.

Wishing them both only well.

Logan Dupuy says:

Here’s the best transcription I could do if anyone couldn’t understand it
well. The blanks are words I couldn’t catch and rather than write something
wrong I just left it blank.

Q: I have always been speaking the prayer: Om (Aum) Mani Padmi Hum. But
without actually knowing what it means. I have been asking this question to
many of my elders but I failed to get the answer. So, what does it mean?
A: Prayer. Also tradition of this mantra. Just as simply repeat this sound,
not much help. Particularity, Om Mani Padme Hum as one Buddhist mantra. So,
the whole Buddhist system is utilize human intelligence, maximum way so
that way transform our emotion. That’s Buddhist way approach. The other
tradition of the *__* religion manly through faith. Through prayer. Through
God. Through Creator. It is also immense powerful. Wonderful tactic (?).
All *__* tradition carries same message or same practice. That is practice
of love, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, self-discipline. Same. Then,
most of the *__* religions prayer is most important. Buddhist, Buddha
stated, “You are your own master. Your future entirely depends on
yourself.” So, in Buddhism, Buddha taught study is very, very important.
Knowledge is very important in order to utilize human intelligence fully.
We have to know how to use and in order to utilize you must know mental
function, mental system. These things. As I mentioned before. So, you pay
more attention. Study. What is Buddhist system? Then with understanding,
about the whole system, transformation of our mind. With that sort of clear
*___*. Full of knowledge and ultimate end and sincere motivation then carry
recitation of this mantra is very useful. Clear?
A: Om Mani Padme Hum. Of course, I don’t know if relevant explain here or
not, I don’t know. But you see the six syllables: Om. Ma.Ni.Pad.Me.Hum. So
Om (Aum) that sort of mantra is common. In Buddhist and many different
Hinduism. Om (Aum). But here Buddhist explain, Aum here is three letters,
A.U.M. That represent our body, mind, speech. So there *___* two levels.
Body, speech, mind. Impure level. That creates… that’s the basis of
suffering. So therefore, the experienced *__* pains and pleasure. The body,
mind. Mainly body, mind transform into pure pleasant, ever pleasant body,
mind. Body mind and in order to produce speech also. So that represent
A.U.M. OM (aum) represent impure level, impure part and pure part. Now how
to transform impure part into pure? Three impure, transform into pure
three. Then, mani and padme. Mani means jewel. Here jewel meaning altruism.
Infinite altruism. Then padme. Padme means wisdom. Altruism and wisdom
combined. That represents Hum. Hum carry meaning of combination altruism
and wisdom combined. Through that way, that proper way, method to purify
three impure in order to become pure three: body, speech, and mind.
Correct? Like that (Laugh).

Vaska X Tumir MA says:

Phenomenal! Put together Aristotelian metaphysics revised, plus
Aristotelian ethics, slightly revised, and the best of Judaism and
Christianity, also slightly revised, and, eventually, you meet Mahayana
Buddhism, slightly revised — and — you’re home! :-))) I just love it!

Joe Killian says:

He did not answer her question as to the meaning of Om Mani Padme Hum. It
means the Jewel is in the Lotus. It means the Lotus Sutra is specifically
of the highest importance and in that Sutra alone is it explained that all
things possess inherent Buddha Nature or have potential for Enlightenment.
The Sutra itself is the embodiment of the Mystic Law based on Cause and

Geoffrey E. McCool says:

First time I’ve ever heard an explanation of this commonly used mantra…Om
Mani Padme Hung. Thank you Holiness.

Ivan Boatwright says:

I was a christian but left many years ago. They were just as in the dark as
most of answers I read below. Individual meaning of words is less important
than lifestyle with others.

Leo Tan says:

Check out this video on YouTube: the meaning of chanting Om Mani
Padme.Blessing to all my google friends.

PYakMan1 says:

Thank YOU, this was the exact question on my mind. Om Mani Padme Hum

shadowman45810 says:

Om – we reach up to unite with highest truth
Mani Padme – diamond and lotus as one
Hum- ultimate truth descends to touch us

Peter Panski says:

These tibetians monks especially the Dalai Lama, are so freaking wise it
blows every time myy mind when i listen to there speeches. Even if they
have probs to clearly speak english, there is always a message for YOU as
individual and one for US as civilisation. To watch him on youtube whenever
i want… ahhh It´s joy and love in these times.

HydroSticky says:

STFUB that made no sense . this guy is a fake spiritual person brainwashing
you all about some system that’s NOT the spiritual way . 

Hans Dampf says:

Religious shit…

Sonam SHERPA says:

great words I respect 

John Colgan says:

hi i am born catholic religeon. i feel more enlightened through this
speaking,my beliefe is we all the same xxxxxxxx

TheAgentOfTruth says:

Thank you for this.
God bless this man.

Paranat Suksut says:


Ceth Heideman says:

I would very much love to study with this man…
I would love to see his meaning. 

John Manrow says:

Om Mani Padme Hum – Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus.

Bimb-b Mangansakan says:

it is the jewel or wisdom of the lotus growing in the pond… without the
mud and the water or the “elements” the lotus will not be… 

Kyle Graves says:

The captions make no sense at all, that is a shame they are not accurate.

China Man says:

I found this on cspan. Is it true? What does the urine do? …

Ninje08 says:

HH the Dalai Lama gave the precise and practical explanation… only a
truly highly attained master can explain as such. My homage to you Yours
Holiness */*


I still don’t understand. 

Deslife says:

This man is amazing. I never really understood the full meaning of
ommanipadmehung before.

Atul More says:

As I understood the meaning of Om Mani Padme Hum is – to achieve the
insight of selflessness or humanity by over coming sufferings of Body, Mind
and Speech. This is the only reality to achieve the love of all mankind in
the world.

Tenzin Lundrup says:

Thank-you for sharing this.

alekx58 says:

anamu avaloketishvara bodhisattva om man ni pad me hum 10.000 x

Anna Malá says:

Thank you <3 

Aussies Long says:

what a load of shi6t

Plotinus says:

Can someone provide a transcription of this? 

Aric Parker says:

love, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, self discipline… Same!

Chris Redfield says:

Logic truth.

João Fernandes says:


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