Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Podcast – Eckhart Tolle: Free Yourself From Anxiety

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Visionary thought leader and author of “A New Earth,” Eckhart Tolle explains his view of where we are in the state of the new Earth today. With a shift that has separated millions of Americans, Eckhart teaches us how to lift the pain that can show up f…


Gerson Perez Cardoza says:

Imagine a White House with Oprah as President, and Eckhart Tolle as Senior Advisor (compare him to Steve Bannon).

Sally Silva says:

Sometimes I just wish Oprah would clamp it and let Eckhart finish his delivery.

Integral Stanley says:

It is delight to listen to two people who have realized at least two aspects of the Essential Self, existence (sat) and consciousness (chit). It is inspiration to hear from two people who are living a life informed by this realization. Vedanta invites us to also include and speak of a third aspect of Deep I, love-bliss (ananda). I propose that this inclusion results in the "great party" Oprah intuites and that we need not leave our body to attend. Jan Esmann has been teaching about this for decades.

misshappynun says:

practising the presence of God…. You are already perfect in Christ. Whole and made holy. You are perfect. We are waiting for the fullness to manifest. Your soul is here to grow into its identity that is already whole. What he refers to As the deep "I " being complete is your true identity in Christ. So good. Jesus is the truth. Holds the truth 🙂 He is the deep "I" that lives within us.

Deanna Arrants says:

I've had my aha moments incrementally and in this video all of the pearls of wisdom have been succinctly put, where as I have difficulty getting those realizations in to words. Thank you!

Paul Barkhouse says:

Hello Eckhart, may I ask, can you feel with me for a moment, starting May 16th 1961 year born, then in 1965 my real journey at five years of age began, starting when I manage to escape repeated alien abductions, by the gray's that would come and take me from my dream state and experiment against my will, using the magnetic field of the Toughs Cove coal generated power station in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I remember so clearly the night I escaped them, I was standing with them next to a control panel to return me to earth, when the moment came, that I sum how knew I ran from the panel to the area they would transport me, when I return to my body I awake and found my self laying across my bed on my back, and remember looking down at my feet, feeling the pressure of the hand there, and saw the gray hand long fingers around my right ankle, and with a quick reaction I used my left heel to literally bang the hand off witch worked the hand let go they never came back.
Of course no one, I mean no one, in my family believe's me still don't, that is fine.
The next encounter /experience I had was at six while out side playing I had a vision, of what I called, an older land some where in or recorded human history, I felt was at the time ancient Egypt needless to say that's not all, then one day grade one in school my mother, on this one day said you don't have school today, mummy is taking you to the local Dalhousie University University of Halifax for test /experiments to be do on you. Not in those words but more what I had experience while there,
This of course lead to a trust bond issue with my mother, and really for me with man kind so I began to question every aspect of life, around this time, then another thing happened, I was again by myself playing, in a natural area as kids we'd play I found a small girl about four years old just wondering around this area alone, she was crying so I wen't to her and asked, where is your mother, she just kept crying, then I recall in my mind this was to be my new friend, because not many of my friends would play with me, because I was different, can't really blame them, now then it became real scary from there, I remember thinking if she doe's not stop crying, I will have to stop her, then my past repressed childhood anger grew, I remember thinking of ways to do this one being face down in the water in the brook, beside where we stud, then the miracle happened, in truth Christ appeared over my left shoulder all of three inches tall and just floating there, my body started to vibrate uncontrollably I recall thinking I was finding it hard to even stand up, then Jesus say's to me "you do not, won't to do that" then Satan appears in the same way over my right, and say's "do it" then the said again even louder, as if to be furious with me "DO IT" I remember shaking even more when he said it, I remember next, something like my life flashing before my eyes, but only the time in my life, that I knew or held the "present moments" with Jesus, weather in church or at home when I heard about him by others talking of him, I always felt a place in my heart for him as a child, but I would curse him all the time and the Father/mother earth /source, these pure /clear energies. so then this over whelming feel that came over me was to take this child back to her mother. So that is what I did I walk her back threw the path I felt she came to be there on where we came upon the school field where she and the children where playing, before she wandering off and at this time people where searching for her calling along the edges of this large field.
And when her mother saw us she hollers at me "YOU, YOU have my daughter" I realize this was not good, so I let go of her tiny hand and I ran like I have never run before, yes I am crying now, as I type, only because, I only recently recalled from that moment is feeling her mothers shame for losing sight of her daughter, even now the feeling is difficult but helps me some how to understand the connections we have between each other, I love them and my saver, blessed be, my life from this moment go's on to later when, the dreams came, not aliens but a giant, yes a real dream GIANT, and in this dream, I found my self at the vary same spot, I found that little girt eight years earlier, and in the brook, I planed the silence her in it's waters, was now dry, the dream always start with hearing the giant come towards me, then I would run and lay in the dry brook so the giant could not crush me with his foot.
When the giant would then leave, I'd sit up and could see how deep his foot print was and how close it came to crushing me, I had this dream tree times on the third time and last time, I was now at age thirty tree around that time the dream occurred again, every thing was happening the same way me running to the dry brook bed but this time was different, in this version of the dream, when the giant wen't to crush me and his foot firmly planted over me all the sudden he just turns into a vary large puff smoke I still can recall sitting up in the dissipating smoke and wondering what just happened Wow!
It was then I heard a firm /clear voice that said "I have turned your Giant to smoke, now go…" I could remember feeling my heart healing in my chest as I lay there in my bed feeling asence of wonder, like I never before felt.
Since that dream I have discovered how to repair the epiderma /skin, in a way not yet known, other than a few key people in my immediate circle.
In reflecting, I now know that as a result of the good dead I have please the creator and have been gifted, my heart is full, I feel so blessed, I am now fifty six and can live to be as old as I care to be, we can maintain our densities /pysie allergie in the present moment "NOW" age is just a filling up of life, and if we can reduce /remove this filling up, we create a space for more of life, it is not fear, or that we have to little, it is the consciousness, that take's the human condition, to a new evolutionary growth level.
It is easy to say, it is there problem, when we know in our heart of hearts we are one…glory be to christ.
In closing, I would like to thank you Eckhart Tolle, for your kindness, and the wisdom that you share, we truly are in a special time on this planet, the awakening has clearly begun, and in it's light, that reaches all.

Paul James Barkhouse Jr.

Gail Murphy says:

Parallel to heresy in the church ..its a gift to enable us to more deeply define who we are

Jaizhi T. Amoguis says:

Inspiring.. Eckhart's observation is filled with wisdom. He is just like Jerry Gaura of 'The Pioneer of Insight" podcast. Every phrase is inspiring and informative.

Elisabeth Ortega says:

Oprah you talk too much, you should listen more

hunghot says:

Oprah needs to listen more and talk less when she invites her guests

Alan Conlan says:

Eckhart Tolle, he’s a pretender. He set himself up by plagiarising the words of masters. He used the media to popularise himself. He colluded with an agent to get Oprah Winfrey backing for his books. Again, he used the media to present himself in the company and league of more established pretenders in order to raise himself.
Where I come from, this is a crime against the flowering of humanity inflicted on genuine seekers of truth being falsely led down his dark alley.

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