GSRR Media Group – Interview with David Hawkins, January 2018

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Mirrored from GSRR: Thank you for the interview.


Jeannie Griffin says:

What a fantastic interview, start to finish.

mxzyk says:

Especially passports which were expired ( punched out).come to mind?

mxzyk says:

Picton's Piggy Palace was on police radar way before they closed it down – not much explanation why by media at that time., a little hints here and there of what was going on the farm. Good job guys in connecting the dots.

leeamm1 says:

Excellent interview. I was a bit bothered by interviewers constant comments ‘’wow’’ ‘’sigh’’ ‘’ahh’’ ‘’ohhh’’ ‘’wow’’ throughout though.

Carmenboden Justice says:

Tell me you are not a traitor Mr David Hawkins?

rndmbrowser says:

This man is the most difficult, for me, to understand. He lists quickly many details some are not that necessary. It would be better if he summarizes his ideas and conclusions then go into details if necessary. You can't help also but notice that he is very kosher.

terrie alexander says:

you know the processes. how to live outside the mess?

terrie alexander says:

the casinos? more than i knew

Mike Christensen says:

Mr. Hawkins — thank you for crowd sourcing these issues — you give us hope for change where there was previously none…we want to help any way we can — carry on! No more David Sarnoff — No more Serco!

terrie alexander says:

the pensions talked about. funny some alpha letters are married to teachers. interesting.

Pata Niki says:

AMAZING INTERVIEW-and great interview=er and ee=manythxs=try next time to make it 4 hours and have it all tied in from 1980 till present-to get the dominoes lined up and marked-fastest 2hr interview ever heard-so much so fast-so true-

Enalpekaf News says:

Excellent interview!

Marvin Mathis says:

I think Jon Bennet Ramsey was Illuminati sacrificed to the Hollywood beast…… I seriously think she just goes by a new name….. Katy Perry……..

Glowball Dom says:

the MASTER dot connectors ABEL DANGER leading the CHARGE
will you pretty please bring the DTES of VAN a valentines day pressie
Pretty please with xxxtra please on it ::::I:::LOVE::::YOU::: tkvm 4 all you do <3 gbd

Bluesky says:

Genesis 48:19 "And his father refused, and said, "I know it, my son, I know it: he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."
The Bible says that America would be a great nation, but that Britain would be the empire. We are a part of the British Empire

patti jesinoski says:

In pentagon….right thru new division room built to put the 50 pentagon people all in one room finally, instead of all over usa to search for lost billions of dollars Rumsfeld reported on 9-10-01 in the Senate committee meeting. The lost and unaccountable funds. Stories said that 49 of the 50 in that dept were killed that day.
This area started being planned at least 2 years earlier and had just been completed.
Is Valerie Jarrett male or female?

Debbie Kallin says:

MIndblowing for sure; thankyou to David Hawkins and Global Spritual Revolution Radio for this interview. I send my love and blessings to all at Abel Danger.

fullcircle3699 says:

Love AD! Best of the best!

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