Criticism: The Truth About Dalai Lama

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Having watched “The Truth About Dalai Lama” presentation – do you have objections to the 4-Noble Truths and the 8-Fold Path from Buddhism or strictly the Dali Lama as an individual?


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  • Categories: Dali Lama


NoName NoFame says:

Bwahahahaha i have this urge to SMACK every buddhist who think that all
physical pain can always be overcome by ” the mind” 

wishfix says:

The monks rape the trainee monks.. I think I covered everything in one
short line. 

gimbo gavino says:

Why is Molyneux so annoyingly defensive every time he thinks he’s in a
debate! Relax dude. Your the one jumping all around with your discourse.
Your being passive-aggressive, offensive, obnoxious and rude, man. Why does
this man have to go out of his way to prove to you anything, who are you to
demand any thing from him when you’re there with the internet right out
side of the shot. Look it up for your self, and you might even discover
other phenomenons that baffle our ever evolving understanding of reality.
And maybe the caller is a charlatan… so? There are so many interesting
conversations that are not being cultivated. I don’t know if it’s called
being passionate or insecure but is asphyxiating hearing you have a
“debate”. I am just leaving this comment in the hopes that you don’t have
to make another “do the right thing; donate” video.

Baron von Cheesecake says:

There’s a reason that a painkiller addiction epidemic exists and not a
buddhism revival. As it turns out, chemistry is millions of times more
effective than convoluted buddhist bullshit. Weird, I know.

ITSbigwillystyle says:

I think what’s key here is to make the differentiation between pain and
suffering. Pain is inescapable and also beneficial to us, but suffering is
in the realm of how one mentally reacts to the pain, which is controllable.

MAATIR says:

A life without any desire seems pointless to me – even if you do not
suffer you will not feel great joy from anything. It’s a state of being
frozen or dead – no goals, no desires, just being. That kind of logic
applied universally would mean you can not desire to be with family or
friends, can not desire to eat, can not desire to move, can not desire to
scratch your back because it feels good. It’s like being a tree or stone.
It’s the mindset of a loser (or slave) who has failed in or can not change
one’s surroundings and thus changes his inner self.

Brother John says:

12:00 I’ve got super powers you do not have. :)

james mosier says:

You know stefan, I really like your content and I have been a very long
time supporter and follower of your content, but to debate this gut really
make you look like somewhat of a bully and it just makes you look
discredited to a degree.

Like I once heard some comedian (I think) say that you can’t play
basketball with a retard and then call them on a double dribble, KWIM?
(Know What I Mean)

If you’re going to play (which you shouldn’t do while attempting to appear
seriously) you just have to let some things slide, KWIM?

Just quit trying to make this guy look like an idiot, which anyone who
believes in any kind of cult or religion clearly is!, and just tell the
intellect challenged man, Hey look Im not going to play you, and call you
on a double dribble, in a serious game! because you are a retard, ok? Got

I can prove that any human can not take pain ior by pass it or any stupid
shit like that, I have the empirical proof, me and a electric drill and
drill bit. Oh yea and my shed! Give me 20 seconds, I will have him crying
like the day his momma popped him out.

So we all know that its all bull shit, but taking this retard on in a
serious debate?!?! was kinda like you seemed as if you were trying to be a
jerry springer, and create an accident so people would stop just to look.

Please quit fucking with those retards and do something else lol

Just saying man, thats all. 

Joey Marlin II says:

Buddhism, unlike Christianity, fails to promote peace on a social level.
This is why Buddhism is wrong.

Hellsconsort says:

Pain Suppression
1.6% of base mana
40 yd range
3 min cooldown
Requires Priest (Discipline)
Requires level 58Reduces all damage taken by a friendly target by 40% for 8
sec. Castable while stunned.

RG Crypto says:

Just want to add to the discussion. I practice vipassana meditation, which
is a very methodic approach to observe reality of things . Not to be
confused with the religion of buddhism with worship and weird rituals.
No chanting or vizualizing needed. Just observing things as they are
(breath in/out, sensation, feelings, etc) and look at the common dominator
between those events.
The “historic” buddha was the inventor of that approach.

I have found this practice very useful to sharpen the mind (concentrate)
and to observe reality with equanimity.

To me, its been the most useful tool to understand the nature of things and
philosophy at the level of experience.

Stefan Molyneux says:

Criticism: The Truth About Dalai Lama

Benjamin Strauber says:

Buddhism is so entirely destructive and I’ll sum up by saying. All they are
doing is pretending not to feel. You are human and you feel. Choose either
to not use what you have or to use it. 

hermanessences says:

I didn’t understand what he was saying at 0:38, was he making fun of Stefan
for being abused? 

marti-grecia Odalyz says:


Nyax says:

I’m not a Buddhist but man some of those guys can really ignore pain. There
is a famous video of a monk who lights himself on fire and doesn’t move a
muscle and makes no sound the entire time. I’m not saying this is absolute
proof but you have be in awe of his physical control. /watch?v=E37cMtCrKoA

Nick Grasslin says:

I went through all of the spiritual/buddhist etc. traps. Let me tell ya, a
lot of it is BS. The guy your debating with seems to have a naive point of
view in my opinion. I say that because I shared similar POV’s at some
point, but life has a way of tearing down houses made of straw. I find a
lot of spiritual people have large escapist mentalities. There’s nothing
wrong with it, as it’s a valid way of coping for whoever needs it at the
time. Also, to add: Mental suffering like physical suffering also serves a
purpose. It shows that something is off in the system (stored
mental/emotional trauma) so to try to meditate(although it can certainly
help ease things temporarily) the suffering away wont work unless you go to
the root of the issue and deal with it. This is where things like
counseling come in.
Guys like mooji that propose some kind of freedom from suffering via
spiritual realization and contemplation are quite deluded in my opinion.
Suffering is a necessary part of growth. They don’t call em growing pains
for nothing. 

Chase rabbits says:

Tibetan Buddhism is quite different than what the historical Buddha taught.
Tibetans are practicing an ancient form of shaminism called bon.
Denouncing the intellectual merits of Buddhism based on the Dalai lama is
like like comparing what Jesus taught with Santeria. I think you know this
Stefan, and are just trying to debase the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama.
That being said, thank you for all your work introducing the pursuit of
knowledge to the masses.

stewie zjonder says:

Stefan invite someone who is more proficient in Buddhism and more
articulate because that guy is definitely not one of them. You digging into
biological impulses while Buddhist say that you are than that, your real
nature exceeds the body you are temporarily trapped in, it’s just a vehicle
for your spirit but in contrary to Christian mystics they don’t ask to
abandon this body as a disturbance on your way to eternal life, you have to
look after it but not cling to it, because it’s temporary and what’s
temporary it must not be real you. Spirit is eternal and this understanding
may help you overcome physical obstacles and not give them that extra power
when you start treating pain as part of your real self. 

liverawkstar says:

This is so exactly what I was thinking since hanging out with a Kadampa
Buddhist, I read the entry level book called “Transform Your Life, and I
thought wow, this is an amazing book,, and then parties took me deeper
in….. and I went “Wait a minute” with the whole *”suffering”* thing, Im a
fuckin middle class white boy from the west coast of USA, I have never
suffered in my life, this does not apply to me in my culture….. I think
it’s especially interesting there is a whole movement of rich people
adapting Buddhist principles, and I think they are most Kadampa as well…
I feel Buddhism is very specifically taylored for poor people of Asia in a
certain time..
It doesnt really suit the culture of USA (or maybe the west at all) from my
point of view..
around the same time I heard an hour on NPR talking about people being
sucked into cults, and they were all western oriented Buddhist cults…
the Buddah said not to follow him, this religion seems to have
magnificently mapped out this precision of doing exactly the opposite..
I think i feel very happy when I see images and pictures of the Buddah,
that is some kind of magick
I think I start getting very aggitated and annoyed when I hear his
followers spouting their psycho babble shit…
I think Buddhism is a very good for toning and shading your own hybrid
belief system as a westerner, which i DO think is what the universe has in
mind for westerners since mostly have no spiritual past.

OMG, I forgot this Stefan is a big science nerd, what a waste of time on my
part: explaining “not science with science”

8yerbrain says:

Stefan, I would encourage you to pursue debates with other Buddhists. The
problem with Buddhism (in some cases) is that there is strict logical
philosophy mixed in with cultural/religious theory. Buddhism is great in
that you are explicitly told to not simply have faith or trust, but to
experiment and verify through practice and personal experience. Considering
the arguments around emptiness in the Buddhist lineage, one comes up
against the entire subjective nature of existence and the idea of relying
on objective evidence becomes as futile as attempting to bring an object
back with you from a dream. That’s the point. Empirical evidence is hard
to come by when dealing with mental constructs that have no ultimate
concrete reality. Study Schrödinger’s cat to get the western perspective of
emptiness. Karma and reincarnation are hard to prove. I certainly can’t.

noxot says:

nonono! the point is that humans make themselves suffer needlessly at times
and this creates evil perceptions of reality that they then function in and
conform to. this creates evil realities, coming from starting points such
as that you feel physical pain and then you build upon that to create a
view of reality that is held down by the fact that suffering is a thing. it
is obvious that having more control over your own brain is something
greatly desired and this comes about in different ways. one of them is some
of what the buddhist know, another is some of what stephan knows. reality
and truth just is and people partake of it as much as they can or care to.

Marcara081 says:

Stef finds him manipulative in his use of words while I found him
manipulative in his tone and timing. I’m not saying he definitely is one
way or the other as I’m only 2 minutes in. It was just nice to have some
confirmation on that.

HotZetiGer says:

everything alive experiences joy -deal with it

Gabriel Hasbun says:

Very jerky response to a humble pronunciation of opinion. You know, the
characteristic of every discourse ever made because nobody knows the
absolute truth.

Thomas R. Bowen says:

Arguing with religious people is painful. With logic and reason, everything
they say is demolished in seconds, yet this call lasted 20+ minutes. People
just need to take a page out of the religious handbook and quit associating
with the “spiritual”. When you hear certain buzzwords come up in
conversation just realize that who your speaking to is irrational and
capable of justifying any terrible behavior they may practice and politely
move on. If they are actually curious about rationality then by all means
“convert” them, but bickering back and forth is a waste of time. 

Jolanda en nanco says:

You could argue that you are a collection of memories but all of those you
got from interacting with others , so what is ego?

Lawrence Newman says:

The only “religion” (more like a philosophy) that makes any sense to me is

josh ketum says:

Vietnam burning monk

Nyran Stanton says:

sorry i could say this about Anti Depressants and tons of medications that
you need FAITH to believe some medications work to, yet theres scientific
facts backing some of the medications up and some medications just flat out
do what the doctor tells you they do. 

Stephen Anthony says:

The first noble truth of Buddhism in the west: it’s for queers and other
degenerates who don’t want to go full-blown atheist, but still want a
convenient deity and/or doctrine that lets them do whatever they want with
no accountability.

Chrono says:

Buddhism is about learning how to love more. Learning to be more
compassionate And learning how to accept things as they are without
suffering thoughts about the future. “Learning to live in this moment and
to be at peace with this moment” Or at least that’s what I like to think
its about. I don’t know what its about to anyone else.

PickerLeech says:

I like hunting truth. And trading in truth. And admiring truth.

Why do so many seek the cover of lies. Are they unable to defend
themselves. Is it a safety in numbers thing.

Miguel L says:

“to interfere with the natural processes of the body and will away pain” <- who is saying the interference is not natural. False argument.

Meta Self says:

Buddhists have set themselves on fire to protest the Vietnam war. They
didn’t move or scream while they were burned- this is some compelling
behavioral evidence. 

Justin Irving says:

I am twiddling my thumbs in anticipation of “The Truth About Islam”.

Tara Dobbs says:

Example: I’ve sprained my right ankle 14 times. The third and fourth times
were the worst in how the ankle twisted. My parents thought it was broken.
I was wailing in pain, I couldn’t ignore it. After, a few years later, I
sprained it a fifth time and from there on out sixth thru fourteenth times
I ignored the pain. I registered I was in pain for the first few seconds,
but did not react to it. I did not give the pain ‘allowance’ to be
acknowledged hence the pain was not any worse. I grew to be used to it.
There have been times I’ve hurt my hand, slamming it against a counter and
did not relax quite so strongly as someone else that would. Some would say,
I have a high pain tolerance, but I’d say, I just grew into (or trained
without knowing I was training my brain) how to control the outcome of said

There was a study done, and visually documented, of two women in labor.
They had both gone through a class for meditative labor. One woman could
only handle it half way through the labor in meditation, were as the other
went all the way. The woman that couldn’t hold her meditative state said
she felt no pain in the beginning few hours, but then her concentration
slipped and felt all the pain, but since she had understood were the pain
was coming from her mind previously, she was able to control half of the
pain the last few hours.

The other woman had come out of the labor pain free. She said she could
feel tension of the muscles and the baby’s movements, but the pain was
nowhere. Her healing time from the meditative labor was faster compared to
the other woman, too. Mind over matter is what you both were having a hard
time talking about. Mind over matter is not a philosophy, it is a state of
being. That man’s question was not the right question at all and it all was
messed up between you both.


Also a very good takedown of what i consider fraudian marxist thought.

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