The Greatest Conspiracy Ever Told with David Hawkins

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David Hawkins is a forensic economist who tracks criminal and victim assets through crime scenes and helps the online community solve cold case murders. David Hawkins is the co-host of the weekly program AbelDanger on Rumor Mill Radio.

In this interview [from 2013]:

The Boston marathon bombings and crisis acting
The Vancouver connection to the Boston bombings
The Pickton Farm murders and Piggy’s Palace
The JonBenét Ramsey murder
The hybristophilia conspiracy
The childhood of Barack Obama
The origins of AbelDanger



Brandon Hanks says:

Studies show that tourniquets stop bleeding… and have done, for centuries. This guy knows shit. Stopped in 4m.

touchtoomuch1000 says:

As far as the legs being blown off and not bleeding to death, there are many incidents of people blowing off their legs and not dying. I personally know someone who lost both his legs to a train and wasn't found for over 35 minutes and survived. Not saying the whole thing wasn't fishy, but just saying. Watch some live leak videos, you'll find a bunch of such cases.

Lena Romero says:

If David Hawkins is correct, God is coming. The machine is so well oiled, the dismantling of this machine would require God himself to do it. My goodness the evil,black mail, and perversion is over the top, too high for us but not for God . What an interview, I listen to Field and David all the time, thank you.

Michael Johnson says:

I will personally promote David Hawkins to SIR David Hawkins. Not only for having one of the most brilliant minds on earth and being a patriot who puts his life on the line to do what's right, but because he's an expert explosives engineer who could make me disappear in a puff of smoke! LOL!
Always a pleasure to hear him and Field McConnell. You can actually feel IQ points soaking into your brain as you listen.
And though entertaining, what they do is immensely important. They knew who hijacked MH370 before anyone else. Field was asked to fly over and brief Malaysian Airlines, which he did.
He also warned them that they would have another plane hijacked if they didn't take precautions. They were influenced not to listen to him and suffered the consequences.
Curious that the missing MH370 had 4 of the 5 patent holders for a multibillion dollar defense product on board. The 5th patent holder was Freestyle Semiconductor, a defense contractor and subsidiary of the Carlyle Group, which accrued the benefits of the patent.
The Carlyle Group is a Roth$child company with investors like, oh, the Bin Laden and Bush families among others.
MH370 was flown to Diego Garcia, where the US and Israel have a joint submarine base.
When these big 777's are built by Boeing, they are built in pairs. Curiously, the sister ship of MH370 was sitting in a hanger in Tel Aviv at the time of the hijacking.
The hijacking of MH 17 had the ship fly into a battle zone where it was shot down over Ukraine. First responders were shocked to find the passengers to be long since dead.
There's your pieces. Put the puzzle together. I believe they probably STILL have an american ship looking for MH370 near Australia. Every so often they turn up with a couple pieces of aluminum to tempt the naive.
This is what Abel Danger does, for FREE. In this example, you are dealing with the most evil, greedy, ruthless people on earth. Globalist luciferian paedophiles who would slit your throat for a thrill. The same people, using the same MO as 9-11. Hillary's Bff's.

Thomas Salley says:

Is it possible that the EMS or someone who knows first aid put tourniquets around his thighs to keep him from bleeding to death?

mxzyk says:

You guys are loosing my mind. Good job. From William Russel with Homolka and her partner in crime to Furlog's wife being killed ( I missed that one) and deep the rabbit hole we go…

Jonathan Plumber says:

We all saw and heard the event unfold, as you quite rightly say and every one watching new it was all bullshit, and just a drill. The Yanks have always talked shit when it comes to the Media Propaganda from the time of JFK ,we all know it was a hoax. So What is your point you are trying to make ? There is porn on every military sight, the whole Australian Military was compromised by porn on their military site. The Yanks have their precious 2nd amendment and guys like Field McConnell are too gutless to implement it, so what the fuck are you on about, you have the power to stop it, but being a Roman Catholic bowing down to Pedo Popes and Priests you stand there with ya dick in ya hand and do nothing ?? So who is full of shit then ? There have been drunken orgies ever since Rome was built it is part of the Roman Catholic culture and Greek and Sparta and Macedonia ?" What is the point you are trying to make ? Britain joined the EEC to be ruled by Roman Pedos, you got it, you like it, you know it, and fighting to stay with it with Treason May pushing for it ? 1.2 billion Roman Catholics supporting it is hardly a minority mate, wake up ya dreamer

AGENT 67 says:

I'm hearing this video a little late in time, however, it is information that is pertinent even to this moment in time! I discovered, thanks be to God, David Hawkins and Field McConnell of Abel Danger a few months ago, and I have been trying to listen to as many of their videos as possible … to catch up to speed. WOW, my head is absolutely reeling! How has America come this far with such deviants in power decade after decade after decade???

When one thinks of pedophiles and killers, etc., you don't normally think of your president, vice president, secretary of state, department of justice, senators, congressman/women, etc., etc., etc. You think of the scum of the earth, lowest of low life, prisoners, so on and so forth! After listening to Abel Danger these past few months, I have had to reverse my thinking. The lowest of the low life IS OUR GOVERNMENT!!!! They simply know how to get others put away for the same type of crimes … and they NEVER EVER pay the penalty for their own.

Well, there IS a GOD IN HEAVEN, and JUDGEMENT IS COMING … AND SOON! They ALL better be trembling in their boots, cause one by one, they are DOOMED!!!!!!!

Mike Burke says:

University Greek Gnostic Fraternities.

PDN Goog says:

I think that the bombings in england are false too. they say boston bombing is fake too. all crisis actors. You see the same lady in interviews at sandy hook and other events lol lol. all places have these events. BOSTON was NOT THE YOUNG BOYS. they did something else and were hiding. I think most people know boston was fake. THE blood was not real. My sister did one of these. she was a patient.
NOW in england on the bridge, ThERE is a doctor and she was taking the patient on the stretcher to the hospital that was right there. NO they turned her towards the hotel that was there. I guess they had a reception open there. That is where they probably started from. Thank god someone had a camera going from above. maybe a Helicopter. THIS is on youtube if you care to find it.

scmarriner says:

Good to hear David.
He explains things so well.
And the best part is, he tells the truth!👍🏻
Thank you Russell, thank you David.

Bruce Banner 5280 says:

I have just recently found you and your channel is proving to be one of the most important channels around –

Stefan Verstappen says:

Wow what a story ! I don't know what to believe about it all and I'm familiar with all the characters.

Paul Weil says:

By interviewing people llike this you and your show are tremendous benefit to all. So well done and lets lets keep uncovering these people…….if you want to call them that

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