David R. Hawkins – The 2nd Coming Of Christ Has Already Happened

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“Question: What seems to be the meaning of “The Second Coming of Christ”?

Answer: Because the unenlightened person believes that they are a separate physical body, the expectation, therefore, is of a physical reincarnation of a Christ with historical connection to that appearance of Jesus two thousand years ago. The term “Christ,” however, generically refers to the ultimately possible level of consciousness on this plane. The conscious awareness of the Self as Divinity manifests as Christ Consciousness, which calibrates at 1,000.

The prediction is that Christ Consciousness will prevail upon the earth. It could be that, inasmuch as the consciousness of mankind prevailed for many centuries at 190 and only very recently jumped to 207, this signals the beginning appearance of the dominion of Christ Consciousness on Earth. (Calibrated as true.) Whether or not a physicality is necessary to confirm that reality may be seen as relevant or irrelevant. The need of the majority of humans for a real human personage could be a “necessity” capable of being granted.”
I. Reality and Subjectivity

My personal understanding: How is it that an event “out there” in the universe, such as an alignment of the planets during the Harmonic Convergence in 1986, can be connected to the huge jump in human consciousness from 190 to 207?

My understanding is that every one of us individually, and our human consciousness collectively, is a microcosm of the universe – the macrocosm. The little world of our inner consciousness is a mirror reflection in minutiae of the larger consciousness of all of humanity, which is a mirror reflection of our the total field of consciousness of the cosmos or the Mind of God (Logos), because each level exists “within an overall organizing attractor energy field—which is itself only part of a still larger one, and so on, in an infinite continuum throughout the universe, eventually including the total field of consciousness itself.” – PvF.

Therefore, the macrocosm itself – the cosmos, is an expression, through a series of emanations, of the Godhead. Thus, our consciousness is linked in this manner to the cosmos and Divinity, so that events that occur in the macrocosm influence (not cause) the microcosm within us, individually and collectively. And the reverse is also be true. We have the potential, as little microcosms, to influence the cosmos around us, because “every thought, action, decision, or feeling creates an eddy in the interlocking, interbalancing, ever-moving energy fields of life” – Power Vs. Force


Colakat22 says:

It says no one will know the time or place of the second coming.

Matt Willmont says:

Love you DH! Thank you for all of your love!!!

Caiden H says:

If it had come we would all be saved.

TheCortiNa. Media. says:

That is false the 2nd coming of Christ has not yet come.

Bombing Raid says:

Has already happened but not in 86…

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

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