Deepak Chopra and Donald Hoffman: Reality is Eye Candy

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This remarkable dialogue between Deepak Chopra and cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman explores the fundamental nature of reality. Starting with the assumption that conscious experience is all we can know, Don Hoffman describes his program of the mathematical investigation of reality, and explains the value of a mathematical model of consciousness. In a statement that draws applause from the audience he says, “by having a rigorous way to kill off bad stories, we can make progress.”

Science And NonDuality is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in personal experience. We come together in an openhearted exploration to further our individual and collective evolution. New ways of being emerge. We embody our interconnectedness and celebrate our humanity.


NoTeDire MiNomBre says:

Its a shame donalf hoffman is talking to this pseudo science promoter

Yubal Masalker says:

According to quantum physics, each elementary particle is smeared over the space and not precisely defined. But when it interacts with another such particle, it becomes a definite particle with mass. All the physical bodies we see or feel are bunches of such interacting elementary particles and so they and the bodies they construct are definite physical bodies with masses. There's no need for any consciousness for such physical bodies existence.

Deepak Chopra is repeatedly making a fundamental mistake by saying at various occasions/discussions that the physical bodies are just our mental construct by relying on the quantum description of each elementary particle alone. He wrongly infers from this that also the physical bodies are just further enhancement of the quantum qualities of each of the elementary particles constructing the physical bodies. Well, it's not so. The interactions between the elementary particles constructing the physical bodies cancel their quantum qualities principally and so the bodies become definite masses.

Michael Ahles says:

Your explanation of reality can be described much more simply than you have stated here. =

Kahl Read says:

As for mathematical forms of emotions et cetera, Hemingway wrote: Courage is grace under pressure. To me this offers a structure. Other human consciousness traits might be similarly put or mapped.

Kahl Read says:

My studies indicate that there is a connection between consciousness and the concept of god. As god is often seen as a trinity by many different groups… I believe we will eventually discover that consciousness – made in the image of god – has three quantum fields or natures that coreless to form an interference pattern which is collapsed into yin and yang – duality – in each moment by the integration of glial cells and neurons.

Robert Sims says:

Fatback Johnson

roxanneworld11 says:

theories??.. tired of theories: how about some straightforward practical applications to the so-called significant discoveries of science and wisdom?..which we everyday householders can make practical use of.. not just for the betterment of our own quality of Life but also so we can help others in life-affirming ways..otherwise it's just blah-blah-blah…intellectual sound bites, that's all..i love science – physics, especially., had to study various specific sciences in college re: my professional license.. but this?? honestly, just seems like someone who seems to like hearing himself rap about impractical nonsense..even Dr. Chopra, to at least some degree, seemed to be trying to get him to focus on specifics and some level of practicality..guess i was very wrong in thinking
Science and NonDuality, their channel, at least, was for a general audience with interests in science, spirituality, etc.,… just smh.👎👎

batmandeltaforce says:

HAHAHAHA… bullshit:)

Michal S says:

This doesn't make sense. If consciousness is timeless then evolution of consciousness can't happen. Evolution means gradual dying out of genes of those organisms that can't adjust to their environment. It requires time by definition. Evolution of anything can't happen without time. I think this guy is a pseudoscientist.

Free Thinker says:

A crude yet simple way to see consciousness is simlier to "cymatics" functions. The higher the frequently sound the more elaborate the design is! Higher consciousness is like when we turn up the frequency.

Ulf Parczyk says:

Interesting talk, but what has this to do with non-duality, the issue of this channel?

iloverumi says:

enjoyed this. thank you!!!

edvin chandra says:

Om…is the origin of everything that is material…as it is said in the beginning there was sound…and that sound is om….that is why in yoga ommmm is changed to get out of this material consciousness…and reach the higher stage of consciousness

Dan Kleffmann says:

This might seem unimportant and silly to most, but I think it would be a good idea to use a de-esser on Deepak's audio. His "s" sounds are atrocious! Great talk though!

Rick D. says:

Two interpretations for the single particle creating a wave pattern; 1, the particle has a wave like property and 2, the direction the particle travels in is constrained in some wave like manner. Note; these directions or dimensions could be virtual.
My guess would be that reality is emergent and these particles are virtual along with the dimensions, including the time dimension. The idea would be that the macro world in being constructed by the micro world. The constraint is fractal in nature.
Truth as a time coordinate; truth lives in the past, the future is uncertain.
Truth as a scale coordinate; truth lives in the macro world, the micro world is uncertain.
Truth lives in the macro past and uncertainty lives in the micro future.
The inside of a seed is larger than the outside of the seed. Inside of the seed is an entire forest. No matter how much information we use to describe a tree, it will always be incomplete. The only complete description of the tree is the tree itself.

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