To Create Happiness in our Lives- by H.H.Dalai Lama

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On August 31, 2012, seven members of the Organizing Committee of the World Buddhist Conference (WBC) met His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in his office in Dharamsala, India.
Benny Liow, Program Director of WBC, interviewed His Holiness on the theme of the WBC by posing the following three questions:
1. What are positive and negative emotions?
2. How do we overcome them in our daily life?
3. Which positive emotions are most essential for us to cultivate initially?
The following is an edited version of the response from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to the questions asked.

Videography & Edited by : Losel Chuah

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ja Jïp says:

My God he's a dope and don't know what he's on about and people hanging on his ever word lmao

world peace says:

His holiness dalai lama. Most beautiful person in the world . So kind and compassion for humanity..

Durlav boruah says:


Kathy Welter-Nichols says:

Thank you, so grateful I am in the same Time Line as H.H. Dalai Lama. Grateful for your loving guidance.

Wisepersonsay says:

In the Bible gospels, Christ teaches anger is an emotional murder of someone who you are upset with/by. It's as serious as killing someone physically. You get angry because you assume everyone else thinks like you do. This is your arrogance and egotism already. Assume everyone is different and no one will really understand you. Essentially, people are ego-centric and stupid. The right way to avoid anger, jealous, covetousness, desires, swearing, pride and hatred is think lowly of yourself. Always remind yourself you're nothing on earth (in real essence, you're a very special person created by God), and nothing on earth changes even if you drop die tonight. Because you think too high and important of yourself, you bring wrong emotions such as anger, jealous, etc. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, even cults teach how to control one's ego. The biggest problem is very hew human realize this fact. That's why they need enlightenment – opening of spiritual eyes by any kind of right religious teaching. Enlightened people don't need to listen to these talks/preaches. They exercise the teaching/truth.

yulaisy clavero says:

I come every nigth to hear him .

Liz Gichora says:

Thank you! NAMASTE….

Rev.Deliwala Buddharakkhitha says:

prefect speech

Wilson says:

Love to hear him talk. Truthful, transparent… these kind of persons are priceless in the world we live in

Cassandra Mitch says:

I love the Dalai Lama, wonderful man:-)♥♡

Kasa Masaniai Koli says:

happy 😩😩😩⏰.💯x.

V A says:

I can feel my torso and head vibrating with his words. It's divine

Zacrebleu - Sola-P says:

where is the music in the beginning from?

Dismas Suryadi says:

Dalai lama is just a politicians used by the Western countries to separate China interity.

Bob Bob says:

Everyone saying how great the Dali is; and I'm sitting here trying to find holes in his logic, from European philosophical and psychological texts. I feel like an asshole.

Duker Wong says:

Dalai Lama said very correctly. It's very interesting that as his age, he looks still very energetic and shares his philosophy of the life experiences with people. Hopefully it will benifit to our society and people. Actually I believe that anyone should live in the life of the freedoms, loving-kindness nature, love one another and help each other. All of these need the generous mind of forgiving. Because we are humans, humans will make the mistakes and will never be able to be perfect. Only the brand new born babies are the ones 100% perfectly inocent and still they would cry hard endlessly. Why? Because they prefer not come to this world. This is why we never see any baby came to this world laugh hard instead of crying hard only. Because life is tough and mistakes will follow life time long after the newly born and growing. This is why the most important thing is being humble and recognize the mistakes and change it right here. This is also why the generous mind of the forgiveness and appreciations for each other's services to our country and people are important. We destroy our enemies only instead of our own people. Helping people to change the mistakes by healing as the doctors instead of one baton hit to death. This is why strictly following up with our country's own foundation of the Capitalism system of the freedoms and entrepreneurship will be very important. This is also why strictly follow up our country – America's own constitutions are absolutely the most important things. Because this is the mirror and principles to help our country's Gov't servants to make the correct judgement and decisions or recognize and change quickly to the right path in order to not or less to make any mistakes to ensure our contry's exceptionalism forever as our Founding Fathers's wish and intentions to found this great country by their own sacrifices of the life and death. This is also why we must unite together as one unity of Americans and country, it doesn't matter what Party, be united together, put the Partisans behind and replace it by our America's patriotism and loyalty and principles of the America's own foundation of the Capitalism system of the freedoms and entrepreneurship and constitutions. Because the peace comes from the strength. The peace of the mind comes from the understanding and the generous mind of the forgiveness and appreciations for each other's services to our country. The America's prosperity comes from the own foundations. The foundation is protected by our own rules of the laws of the constitutions of the United States. This is why we must cherish our country's unique foundation of the Capitalism system of the freedoms and entrepreneurship and constitutions by our America's own patriotism and loyalty and the definition of the priciples. This is why I believe Gov.Bush will be very capable and responsible with his great proven governing leadership experiences to lead our country's prosperity by our own America's constitutions fimly, by our own America's foundation fimly, by our own America's patriotism and loyalty and principles firmly. Because of the demonstrations of his lifetime loyalty and patriotism to our great country – America as well as to his own Republican party. Also because his proven successful governing leadership experiences which created massive jobs for Floridians to enjoy without worrying and even left over 9 billions dollars of the surplus for his successor's raining days by his own hard working and plans and wisdoms.

arun kumar .k sudha says:

dalai lama a spiritual leader in the sense he has divinity in him

eric beek says:

,y sss amp in formant ai

eric beek says:

wauw ,yeah ,man like heavy ,

huu smith says:

At least he is not surrounded by "yes people."

MiaRyanne says:

This is why war can never bring peace…only love can bring peace.   Yet, the US (the biggest offender) continue to create hate worldwide.  We need to refuse to fight for warmongers.  WE control whether or not we will go over to another country and kill someone just because we're told to.  We could just as easily help that person and understand that person, and have that person understand us.  Sharing, we need to share more instead of taking and taking in the name of Oil and wealth.

Marko vorih says:

Religious or not, fanatic or just a casual listen to these words and see how they are truest of them all. Try to see and feel it,it will clean your mind and spirit like anything else. 

One Love says:

What is that sound called at the start? it's beautiful really want to listen to it 🙂 This man is beyond amazing, such an inspiration! <3

Daniel Jahn says:

He also says that instead of using Anger to keep enemies away like the  animals do, we can use our intelligence and achieve a better and quicker outcome.

Also we should keep a good karma by not harming others.

Daniel Jahn says:

Very interesting, he points out that attachment to a nation, tribe or family  actually creates division (us vs them) and impedes the development of compassion/inner peace.

And he also talks about how we have to strengthen the opposite emotions of the negative emotions, to achieve a balance.

Priscilla Cook says:

Mr Dalai Lama… I would like to meet you, I know it will be a miracle, however i will ask anyway. 

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