Deepak Chopra: What George Harrison Knew

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Deepak Chopra’s short address at the SAND17 conference is notable for its clarity, warmth and realism – and for its opening video and closing audio. The sincerity of his plea to the audience also made an impact: Please wake up, because the dream has turned into a nightmare. The presentation ends with a short meditation to become aware of that which is listening, and a recording of a song that George Harrison gave to Deepak on the way to London Airport in 1988.

Science And NonDuality is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in personal experience. We come together in an openhearted exploration to further our individual and collective evolution. New ways of being emerge. We embody our interconnectedness and celebrate our humanity


MorbidManMusic says:

Deepak, stop talking your crap using George. He did NOT think like you in that he did not spread misinformation everywhere.

unni menon says:

The whole universe and our own bodies are but a sensation we experience!

unni menon says:

A fantastic song. Has the world heard it?

Duff Gordon says:

Pantheism and Creator/God will forever be at war, for those looking for truth. I know that I am no god, but am known by God. oh why was not Biblical Christianity enough for Harrison…Even the sitar is backwards….ugly sounds imo, the oddest thing is the saddest song by lennon is celebrated… how sad to be dust in the wind after a few years, it has to be more than a tease

4KConelove says:

Rising Sun

George Harrison

On the street of villains taken for a ride
You can have the devil as a guide
Crippled by the boundaries, programmed into guilt
'Til your nervous system starts to tilt
In a room of mirrors you can see for miles
But everything that's there is in disguise
Every word you've uttered and every thought you've had
Is all inside your file the good and the bad
But in the rising sun you can feel your life begin
Universe at play inside your DNA
You're a billion years old today
Oh the rising sun and the place it's coming from
Is inside of you and now your payment's overdue
Oh the rising sun, Oh the rising sun
Oh the avenue of sinners, I have been employed
Working there 'til I was near destroyed
I was almost a statistic inside a doctor's case
When I heard the messenger from inner space
He was sending me a signal that for so long I had ignored
But he held on to my umbilical cord
Until the ghost of memory trapped in my body mind
Came out of hiding to become alive
And in the rising sun you can hear your life begin
And it's hear and there nowhere and everywhere
Though it's atmosphere is rare
Oh the rising sun and the place that it's coming from
Is inside of me and now I feel it constantly
Oh the rising sun, Oh the rising sun
And in the rising sun you can feel your life begin
Universe at play inside your DNA
You're a billion years old today
Oh the rising sun and the place it's coming from
Is inside of you, now your payment's overdue
Oh the rising sun
Songwriters: George Harrison
Rising Sun lyrics © The Bicycle Music Company

Rob Davidson says:

I like Harrison and some of what he says good..Depack Chopra ..ah not to keen on mumbo jumbo with some ok philosophical fragments…and little actual Science tid bits to try to illustrate his so called sells books makes him money etc…but anyone can do that…who has some knowledge…here and there WORKS how we USE it is the problem that is what we Do with the knowledge we one can tell anyone what reality it because for us it's in a constant state of flux.. defining it is impossible…using physics also is limited ultimately it's God or Christ…for us all however one defines that…

janet warner says:

~Very tunend in….Luv to life!….Kisses!!

stephen maye says:

…Aham Eva Parabrahma….thank you Deepak and George…first breath, last breath, this breath Now…

Jackie Joseph says:

George spent time w/me also. We had darshan of the Deity in L.A. Hare Krishna, Iskcon temple. We both very naturally bowed before Lord Krishna, putting head to floor. George was devoted to Lord Sri Krishna, never thinking he was Sri Krishna. In Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Sri Krishna tells what & who He is, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Source & controller of all, yet superior to all. When Sri Krishna says "I am"… as any child knows that '''I"' is Krishna, not you or anyone else. Those who are lost to themself, twist words to suit the ego of false identity, doomed by Maya's illusion. Knowledge of the eternal, knowing, ecstatic, personal, spirit-soul is lost. Like a zero, ahead of the One has know value, while those that follow the One have great value, as godly beings in loving exchange w/God. The programmed, conditioned ego trip, covers the personal spirit-soul & exploits matter to Lord over the grand illusion to be doomed, being lost of the Spiritual Sky and set up to meet Yamaraja to reset the endless karma for those that won't give up their ego trip; trajec. George also had devotee friends with him at the time of brightly passing, to "'the only thing important to me [George] is to touch Lord Krishna's lotus feet. 0M TAT SAT'

Paul Rothwell says:

He tries to tell us what reality is using words like "consciousness" and "mind" without ever defining either word. The irony of his talk (an irony totally lost on him) is that you can't say what anything really is, let alone reality itself, you can only say what it's like.

N says:

Well, if it isn't Deepockets Chopra.

Kathleen Westbrook says:

What an experience. See you in meditation, One Love

Ken Carey says:

I trusts science to teach us how to blow up the world, destroy the environment, toucher and kill each other and animals efficiently.

Ken Carey says:

There's always going to be trolls!


Thanks for sharing, shared.

cagno1 says:

Who is keeping us here?

Michael Sliwinski says:

Mumbo Jumbo BS. Not dangerous but nonetheless nonsense. How does this help fix real problems for the world? Oh that's right they are not problems. They are constructs and experiences and blah blah blah…

Jobje Rabbeljee says:

I had a folder that said " coincidence". It was empty.

Jefferson says:

Life flows on within you and without you

Darren McGovern says:

Arrogant. I dont trusts science or reasons version of realty, so now using reason about my anecdotes I will try to prove what I think reality is.

Vicky Rey says:

Por favor en español

Traveler says:

If the "Awake" part of ourselves that is all there is, then what difference does it make it the human species survives or not, if the "Awake" part of ourselves survives?

Tirthapad Das says:

Thank you, Deepak, for ending with a quote from Krishna. But we are not just "pure consciousness". Consciousness is a symptom of the soul. Your sign in the background of Om=mc2 is misleading and not Vedically accurate. OM is actually AUM, which stands for A= Krishna, U=the living entity or soul, and M=Radha, and is the "impersonal" sound manifestation of Hare Krishna. George Harrison was a devotee of Krishna. The Rising Sun is realization of God within and without. Hare Krishna.

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