David R. Hawkins on procrastination

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This is from June 2010 Satsang


Giovanna RP says:

Wow, how helpful [NOT] … What about those who don't believe in a god or "god's will"?
Not funny. Some people are drowning due to pathological procrastination.

juntao11 says:

This clowns full of ass crap

RU-Q? WiCash! SoChi! says:

Gonna be a bum than

eran2016 says:

Hey there! If you are really struggling with procrastination and lack of focus I know a solution for you. First of all apply procrastination bulldozer method. Secondly, start doing tasks that take less than 20 minutes straight away. These two things alone completely solved my procrastination after 7 years of trying everything I could.

try not to laugh challenge says:

Hi hi! If you are really struggling with procrastination and lack of focus I have a cure for you. First of all apply procrastination bulldozer method. Secondly, start doing tasks that take less than 10 minutes straight away. These two things alone completely cured my procrastination after 8 years of trying everything I could.

Robert LeClair says:

Beleaf,,affirmation,,work,,and alot of focus,,,focus can be the tricky one,,,our attention span isn't that great,,,just keep working at it,,your wishes do come true,,not always when you expect them,,,an be careful of what you wish for,,,peace,,

Deborah Carey. says:

Beautiful Wisdom. 

K L says:

He has such a wonderful sense of humor

Atlantisheals says:

There is probably a two fold combination.

Richard Hall says:

What was being said here was that all the Great Saints and Sages have used Love of Divinity. " I will walk into fire for Thee, Beloved Lord ". You must want Unio Mystico above all else!" Your clever mind is deceiving you saying absurd things- "Dr. Hawkins missed it- I know better, &c."You are not hearing the advice and thoughts of a man here, the Source of this is not the rational mind. You are confusing levels, this emanates from the Mind of God in a manner of speaking .

tosan1 says:

I disagree with Hawkins. I have tremendous amount of will power (i.e.quit smoking&meat without giving into temptation, achieved impossible tasks, etc) yet I did procrastinate about school and even finding a proper job. The reason I found was that my unconscious mind was trying to "punish" me because I felt undeserving. Procrastination is a self-defeating process. It's a war waged on you by your unhappy cunning unconscious mind that stabs you in the back.

tosan1 says:

I am sorry, but your comment doesn't make sense.

Gloriaenlatierra says:

I wonder why he couldn't just say that he didn't know? Ego maybe? It must be hard to have this many people look up to you if you still might not know everything. He's great, but he missed this question.

Based on experience I think that procrastination has to do with a belief that we don't think that we deserve the good that will come to us from doing what we know we want to do and so we sabotage our life. Maybe journaling to look at the problem honestly combined with affirmations might help.

aminahcm says:

There has been a lot research in "energy medicine" that would suggest that procrastination is usually more about a person's damaged energy system (your chakras and your aura). Mastering your mind is no easy task and all of the new age crap that just says "do it" or use affirmations is just to simplistic and for many people it just does'nt work.

SOCRATES012 says:

Its very simple: you either do it or you dont. Only you will feel the consequences of your decisions anyway. Its all about you. Know thyself

aminahcm says:

I think that's a poor answer. And if it were that simple, why do so many people procrastinate? I believe that procrastination is a lot more complexed and that it's not always about being lazy or weak. Based on my experience procrastination is about fear. And so perhaps a better question is "how do I face my fears so that I can live my life purpose".

MrMaster2u2 says:

He actually answered his question instantly — "You don't want to do the work…? You can always be a cab driver..? Be a Bartender… You don't have to go to school." Basically telling him instantly what is the results of his procrastination are going to be.. and that would light a fire under his ass.. 😛 The told him of Iron Will which is necessary for any major endevour and undertaking.. Then he told him of combining his will with God's Will for enlightment and for bettering the world.

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