My Views on Neal Donald Walsch’s Books: “Conversations With God” Part 3

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Telling my story on how I got started reading the Neal Donald Walsch’s books and what made me stop reading them. I don’t say these things to have anyone not find peace and happiness but to open their eyes, see the fault, and not follow a liar who in the end is delivering messages that generally leave you feeling empty.

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Robert Lawson says:

I listened to what you had to say in this video and for the life of me I
felt like I was being lead around in circles on a leash. Did you have a
point or is this just for t(w)eens and you needed to rant?
I do think age has a lot to do with the way you think, don’t believe me,
Let me ask you this then. In just a short 10 years ago did you think as you
do today? For that matter lets only go back a year. Do you think the same?
You see in your video you yourself state that when you first read the book
you felt a certain way (I know it not a quote and I am not listening to
this again to quote you, nothing personal) However you felt wonderful?
Then as you read more your thoughts had changed! By this statement alone,
age matters don’t you think or do you travel through time? really. Once
again, circles circles circles.
I don’t know if you have any friends outside the US or if you have ever
traveled abroad, I don’t know if you have studied any Quantum physics,
these things I don’t know. I seen it brought up in a post below and I tend
to agree with the gentleman that, with what the Bible, The Secret, Law of
attraction and a list that can get quite long, CWG seems to follow its
theories. Maybe a bit more logical as to how I would think if I was God.
Also I never felt the way I felt when I listened to the CWG book one, but
it felt right! Then yes I feel Neil might have brought some personal
thoughts into the following books. But once again as it was said below, who
am I to judge? The one thing I did hear was when God speaks with us, he
does it through feelings. So why not take away what feels good and leave
the rest. Who knows, maybe tomorrow you will think differently just like
you did yesterday. Finally let me point out one thing you never brought up
in your rant, The Bible was written by men many years after Jesus was dead.
I find many mistakes in that book, I also know how the Bible began, who got
all the holy men together to make one religion that worked for/with the
government at that time. Rome! Nothing fishy there right?
I hope you the best and I hope you also learn more as you get younger…
But I hope most of all, You never stop asking questions and listen to your
heart. I will not lie to you.

KT12346 says:

+Bre eightysix It’s sad that people think how many years you have been
alive have to do with intelligence. It’s not always the case. Everyone just
says “Oh it’s your age you think this way”. No. I think this way because
it’s how I think and feel. I am very glad I have someone like you who gets

Dragan Atanasov says:

First of all there being consequences doesn’t equal there being a being
called devil. The idea of devil is a man made idea to control other people
and to generate their money under the notion that “if you didn’t believe
like I said, or if you don’t pay the church of god you’d be going to hell”,
but I guess that is just scratching the surface of Christianity’s cognitive
holes. So I really wish if you truly believe in the Christian way that you
would refrain from commenting on a work by someone who has painted a
picture of a god that’s more consistent. Also could you actually list the
things that you disagree with instead of just saying things like: oh my mom
told me that he is wrong and she was right. That proves nothing, in fact if
you or your mother think that somehow you know more about god because
you’ve read the bible, given the proven bullshit track record of
christianity, you should just not appear in public and make such comments
because you look stupid and you open yourself wide for someone like me to
wipe off the floor with you. And to finish, why is that 2 billion people on
the planet believing in the Christian way, isn’t enough, given how noble
and well meaning your intentions are, to stop the chaos on the planet and
killing of each other and the hatred and intolerance that is going on?
Because by the very things which you believe in, you define and in fact
epitomize hatred and intolerance and bigotry etc.

John Williams says:

Just read the Bible and you can avoid all of this crap. They are from the
world so they speak of the worldly things. Hope and faith in America means
I have hope that I am going to get my way. I am going to be rich and
financially successful. True believers are looking not for riches or
assurance that they are going to get what they want in this life. True
seekers are looking for forgiveness of their sins. Worldly people do not
care about sin and forgiveness. Christ died so that all of those who
believe in his sacrificial death for their sins will be counted as clean
before God for all time. You cannot earn it by trying to be good or trying
to do good things it is free to all who believe. Believing in Christ
changes your heart and God begins to work through you to fulfill his plan
and purpose in you. That plan and purpose is not getting rich and getting
your way. :)

pavel zamoshnikov says:

Good video though I like the fact that you don’t believe everything you
hear. Hey I mean something’s are meant to be said for others not to believe
it because then it wouldn’t be a “hook” ;)

Jonathon Cullinan says:

Neale Donald Walsch said that God wants what you want, and cannot want any
different. If what you want is a God who wants you to do good, you already
have it, and always have. These books were around and published long
before “the secret” and all its “law of attraction”. Conversations with
God went through and described the paradoxical affect of words and their
duality, so you would know how to “feel” for the truth. The main message
is that God gave you free will, and you create whatever you wish with it.
You want what you want… and God cannot interfere. Yet, you want God to
interfere now… because you’re afraid to not have that. And fear is
described in a very thorough way in his books, as the opposite of love. If
you have love, which speaks wisdom from the depths, it is automatically
understood that no harm can ever come to you. When you feel
“enlightenment”, you will understand. However, that is not a permanent
state of being, and in a world where what goes up, must come down…
devastation and fulfillment, have their turns. You will always know
sadness… and you will always know joy. 

pavel zamoshnikov says:

I’m not sure you quite understand what’s going on in the books. According
to the books presented. The perspective of GOD is not a being but a form of
existence. If you read in the first book he mentions that. Stating that GOD
is the opposite of all that is. Which means the only way GOD exists is by
us all that is existing. Knowing this fact. All that is and not all that is
operate on different frequencies so therefore the book explains the authors
ideas mixed with gods ideas, which also means that it can go in many
directions, which also means yes we are lonely, until we too will be in the
same position. Which is why the books talk about the idea of collective
consciousness. We are the one who make up what’s right and wrong. Because
we are separate from god but need Gods assistance into bringing us into
harmony because God has experience being us. A good example to put in
understanding is this: if you have a physical object let’s say coin. There
2 things to consider. When the coin is in your possession it in existence
but when it isn’t, it’s not in existence in your perspective but it does
exist. Therefore my main point is that when the coin isn’t in your
possession you can’t do anything to the coin. Not even control it or have
the coin control you. Thus the same concept the author is presenting. 

ruben rivera says:

hey KT you are a very bright young lady and you will go places but in my
own personal opinion you are a little narrow minded, there is a part on one
of the comments where you said “Everything you do has a negative or
positive affect, that determines whether something is good or bad” and who
determines this? I’m sure you might say society or your personal
upbringing but is that western society, eastern, south, north, past, last
century? personal upbringing according to the environment you grew up?
believe me it’s different on the other side of the world, what you might
consider evil here, somewhere else is not, so the God you talk about the
one that judges the world, does he do it differently depending on which
part of the planet the action was taken? Does Bush go t heaven or hell,
believe me many in the middle east think he is the devil, especially those
whose kids were killed or maimed, but according to our country many
believed he did what was necessary. By the way I’m a US Marine so I’ve
seen things, just my two cents

Crystal Ouellette says:

I have to say KT12346 , I do understand where you are coming from, and if
you knew what I have been through in my life, you would truly understand
where I am coming from too., I think that your hurt , because of how you
feel , you need to have a parent like God , a god who tells you whats good
or bad whats wrong and right, the point I get from the books, ” which I
have read many” is that we are all one , we are god and god is us, we are
a part of god, I know your hurt, I CAN FEEL YOUR HURT ALL THE WAY FROM

Bre eightysix says:

Roberto moscoso
her name is kelly not “girl” its not for you to judge or say whether
kelly is right or wrong or when to read it or if shes misinterpreting it
(you obviously not read it properly after all! it says judgements arent
good! and that we all have our truth and its okay to disgagree with it) 😀
its ok for YOU to judge kelly and her age though isnt it! maybe you should
go read the book in 2 years! Lol! :D

Richard Cook says:

well just to start i have read all 3 books and other works buy Neale i just
have to say that i understand them fully and love them.I have no prob with
how eney of you think you are all right in your own interprtation of the
books.The only thing i would like to add is that i am very in to science
esp. quantum therory science and what i find with what they are saying
about how the world works on a quantum size is just like how it is talked
about in the book.Like they say that all mater is in flux tell you look at
it and make a choice about it or how the scintests say it that you make an
observation and colapps the wave function. please exuse the bad spelling
and punkuation that has never ben my best suite.but ya go check out the
show (what the bleep do we know) or try checking out a show and or a book
called (the secret).

Bre eightysix says:

Roberto moscoso
i think its you who is misinterpreting neale. we are not. i bet you dont
even realise neales books say you are NEVER MEANT to raise your own
children. Thats a rule! we are quoting neale not misinterpreting. that is
the same as the christian god saying you werent meant to stuff!
and if age doesnt matter why would she need to be ready when shes older in
2 years?! SAME THING!! :D

Bre eightysix says:

+VanishingNomad yeah we do know thats why we are asking why hes telling us
what to do! in the books he says we arent meant to do things..THAT AINT

Bre eightysix says:

+freshair3451 i thought there was no such thing as wrong?
so how is kelly wrong? read your own book again!! :D

Bre eightysix says:

Gosh how patronising and judgemental +Woodspiritsoul ! kellys abit old
for pokemon! youre judging on age..theres proof right there older folks
can judge and be unwise too!
age isnt always wisdom,although it says that in his books it is,so perhaps
thats why you are all judging on age. look at what you say and youll see
whos judging. you!

VanishingNomad says:

You can talk directly with God, and not agree with him…he did give us
free will, after all.

Dong Destroyer says:

wow, sure a lot of peeps defending the psycho “neale donald walsch”. it’s a
lot of bots and spam, ik. but this means folks making the bots are working
for him.


walsch deserves the gallows. he is a very bad dude. a deadbeat dad and
serial raper. i found a report from a person he helped make homeless on
“ripoff report”…and then a redaction from that homeless person after he was
obviously threatened behind the scenes. (i capped the screen)

VERY BAD DUDE. oh and he was never homeless. he was some skeezy morning dj
guy – you know how those are. that rags to riches story is baloney.

i’ve been complaining of him in text online for years now so it’s great to
find someone doing vids on his shit.

Woodspiritsoul says:

don’t deal with these books YET. You need life experience before you do so

Bre eightysix says:

im confused! its crazy that neale fans who are spiritual usually say the
biblical god is bad cos of his rules but they seem to think its ok for
neales to make rules/meant tos/do/donts. (and before anyone argues,god
saying you are “never meant to” is a rule/meant to/do/dont.. its a fact.
go figure??
how does he get away with that??!! mad!!

Fragile Heart says:

I’m not sure if you read all the books yourself, because it was explained
in them that the concept of good vs bad is a human construct that has
nothing to do with god. God doesn’t want or need anything, because god is
everything. You are basing your concept on biblical god who is a tyrannical
male egoist who murders children. If that’s more up your alley, grab a
bible and immerse yourself in it. Nothing wrong about that. Also you
mentioned something about truth, didn’t make sense at all. To me it seems
you didn’t understand any of the books at all. As I said, bible would be
probably for you.

Bre eightysix says:

if its a liberal god who says we are all god and all right and all our
truths are right,why are they all disagreeing with your opinion?

Bre eightysix says:

honestly i cant help but laugh,all due respect folks but some of these
arguments to back up neale!! its like theyll say and believe and justify
anything he says just to make him right!! 😀 haha!! “absurd is a good
thing” and then even making up NEW bits of his books adding bits he didnt
EVEN write “the ETS let the elders do that” it deosnt even say that!! back
to earth folks!! 😀 lol!
im all for opinions guys but lets not MAKE UP bits of neales book and MAKE
UP dictionary meanings!! haha!! 😀 
its amazing what loyal people will tell themselves even when its clearly
not what it says!! 😀 i laugh but it is sad really..i should know i once
believed it too!! :(

Bre eightysix says:

+KT12346 Thank you,and ive been feeling that wasy about his books had
doubts aged 17 im now 28,so no age has nothing to do with it. by saying its
your age theyre just judging and labelling you when they apparantly dont
believe it!
i do get it i was his biggest fan too until i read them properly and his
teachings..some of them are very limiting. i feel you and i feel youre
right. <3

Bre eightysix says:

freshair..thats a matter of opinion and this is kellys 🙂 just like yours
is yours. if you really believed neales book you would know that theres no
wrong opinion! 🙂
woodspirit is that to kelly? shes had very much experience and knows
alot,age is just a number you can get a wise young man and a old fool you
know! 🙂 sounds a lil patronising to me!
kelly is calling it like she sees it,contradictions and limiting beliefs in
a book that claims to be unlimited. thats a fact not a attack 🙂 have a
look!! :)

Bre eightysix says:

splashcat it said absurd as in ridiculous as in a negative bad emotion,he
didnt mean its funny and happy buddy he meant its a dumb bad thing to
do,he judged mate not us! :)

Bre eightysix says:

thanks for another video kelly! very good! and thanks for the
someone who knows the darker side of this book i totally relate,and people
who know nothing of it and what we went through cannot judge. :)

splashcat says:

@ 5:40-5:47, where you say, “[Labeling something] ‘absurd’ is not an
observation it is a judgment,” aren’t you assuming absurdity is bad? Why?
Absurdity is a huge part of humor, which lets us release tension in
laughter, for one instance. The biblical injunction to judge not, lest ye
be judged, is practical and not against evaluation. Coming from judgment
renders it harder to be effective in the world because other people resist
being judged. Judgment is hard and stiff, evaluation more pliant.

splashcat says:

Matthew 7:1 says don’t judge. Period. Why? If someone reacts back you could
get hurt. Rather evaluate and do what you can according to an issue’s
importance to you. When you want to work with someone who can’t see things
your way it’s even MORE important to not judge, especially when they are
wrong. Because to get what you want the other fellow must come to your POV
one way or another. You could hold a gun to their head! Short of that they
sooner may see things your way when you can stay soft.

KT12346 says:

Don’t ever be sorry 🙂

ArrthymiaAmoroso says:

Neale is probably still confused himself who knows what he is really
thinking. In one of his interviews he said His conversation with who he was
talking to started because he was really pissed off at God so if he was
really pissed it was probably some evil entity giving him garbage answers
who knows.

freshair3451 says:

Totally wrong you are.

redzx4 says:

no one knows the truth about God the only one that knows the truth about
God is God himself

mojohookbarb says:

I believe it’s in the third book of the series.

Mike Killpartrick says:


KT12346 says:

Judging on what exactly?

mojohookbarb says:

you may need to read one of the volumns again that talk about good & bad.
in the book there is no good and bad but what you experiance from every
choice you make. if you make what you call a bad choice then you will get a
negative experiance out of it. if you make what you call a good choice then
you get a positive experiance out of it. if you give you will receive it
seven fold (positive &negative will be brought to you seven fold depending
on what you choose to experiance, negative or positive

KT12346 says:

That’s really interesting. Thank you so much for your comment! You saying
that makes me think that God doesn’t just randomly start talking to you
just because you’re mad at him.

KT12346 says:

Very true 😉

KT12346 says:

where does it talk about “seven fold” and getting anything back as in

freshair3451 says:

You’re absolutely right. The best to you and yours.

splashcat says:

Well I finally finished listening to all 3 YouTube audiobooks, and Mr.
Walsch allows for the possibility he is talking to himself and recording
his unedited thoughts. I’d call it a probability, stream of consciousness
like. Relaxing into any art one feels in touch with a muse.

freshair3451 says:

His books are the best. I’ve lived long enough to know this. Sorry you see
things the way you do.

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