Political Difference as Gateway to Presence

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How can we use the recent election results to deepen our practice?
Eckhart states that no matter our political persuasion, Donald Trump’s ascendance to the presidency is an opportunity to accept the present moment outside our usual comfort zone.


chinablue says:

Mutual love and respect is possible. Some of my friends voted for DT, they hunt, they eat meat. I do none of these things, but I don't press my opinions on them, and they don't try to convince me of theirs. Demonising, insulting another person's view is adding to seperation, that starts in a family, with friends, at work and ultimately hurts everybody.

forestsoceansmusic says:

2. It all goes to confirm a growing conviction that an 'avalanche of Presence' is not happening, because since Eckhart's wonderful The Power Of Now (c. 1990), we've had 28 years of things getting WORSE, primarily due to a growing arrogance and aggressiveness by the Rulers of the most powerful State: the US Military Junta (and all its glitzy Front men and Front women).
I'm not that surprised, Eckhart's seminars have been very gradually descending into tittering laughter by large sections of his female audience, NOTHING like his seminars of 10 years ago that I used to watch on DVD with a group.

forestsoceansmusic says:

4:20 in — "they are now in their comfort zone and we are not in our comfort zone", sadly Eckhart descends into 'us and them', and even more sadly, chooses the side of Hilary Clinton who caused that extreme discomfort to the people of Libya and Syria. It seems to me that Eckhart has been swayed by his market. How sad. At least he said a little earlier (in this video) that his audience (the US middle-class, as demonstrated by their collective-unconscious vocalisation against Trump, who I am not 'for' either – does that make me part of Eckhart's "Extreme"? – and what Judgementalism that was!), at least Eckhart reminded his never-been-invaded audience that the Syrian people are experiencing a far greater level of discomfort than Hilary supporters (which is actually a criminal understatement).

Areté says:

Eckhart Tolle for the supreme chancellor of the Republic

J Lew says:

Who’s the music at the end by? Shire vibes.

Pakshya mich says:

Loved the explaination of dancer and dance , <3…. Reminded me of Shiva's cosmic dance as Nataraja

elena gekker says:

It is all the same. We all here are ONE

Roger Yowie says:

The dude asking the question hasn't "got" it yet. Still looking for that one side where the world is all love, lollipops, and rainbows. Ying and yang my friend.

Adam H says:

What a blessing this man is, a prominent voice who truly supports a calm nonreactive and nonviolent solution to humanity's problems.

ZelmerKAF says:

I can't understand why everyone is so upset about Trump….I think it's because of Propaganda (the Clintons are so corrupt , yet nobody seems to know because they haven't looked into it – they just listen to what they are told , without looking deeper)……Sarkozy , the former leader of France , was just arrested— and yet nobody seems to know….(because they are being lied-to by the Left)…..It's so sad-

Pay with Dilemma says:

This is how I became exmuslim. Open-mindedness is the most underrated trait.

PerseusSagittarius says:

People not in the grip of ego would just simply ask the question and not perform a show.

Madeleine Dans says:

Dance <3

Nivedita Kelly says:

That explanation about dance was so beautiful. Thank you 🙏
I also wish to thank the questioner because I had the same question after watching that interview.

Jiangwei Liu says:

I hope Eckhart will come to teach in China one day!!! 🙂

richabh says:

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has reached Tolle's venue? Well, at least he explained how to cure it. Of course there is a division of political perspectives in America – its all a part of living in the duality.

Elia Barakat says:

يا الله ما أجملك

Spiritus says:

Someone should tell Eckhart about the #DeleteFacebook campaign. Hopefully he doesn't start posting there – there are much more open and positive platforms. Facebook is a whole other league of a surveillance tool used to profile members and sell data to whoever wants it as shown by recent news, and the reason Zuckerberg has been called to answer questions about Facebook's nefarious practices to Congress.

Tanya says:

I've been wondering and hoping about if you would approach our politics of today, thank you so much! I've been hungering for this for especially a little over a year now.

jazizam says:

The worst thing about Trump haters is that they openly and freely assume that everyone agrees with them. This is why Eckhart had to point out that lots of normal ppl voted for and support Trump and were just as unhappy with Obama as these ppl are with Trump.

Jean-Marc Jacot says:

6:45 "Be very careful you don't become what you're fighting against"

Urban Ronin says:

All politics is violence. The State is a monopoly of violence, and the questioner wants others to do violence on his behalf. He’s mad that his “side” doesn’t currently hold the gun. All politics is a violation of the non aggression principle. Truly present people do not advocate or participate in violence. Voluntarism and Freedom are the faces of Presence in human affairs, not force, not government.

Emilyblu says:

Those poor liberals, their little heads are constantly exploding over the great DONALD TRUMP. Californians are all brainwashed to think illegals are good and citizens are bad. LA looks like a homeless encampment and so does Orange County. Poor Elkhart has to parse thru all the liberal crap.

Flat Dave says:

How can an enlightened person like Eckhart not see that Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton are as bad as each other? Hilary would have been worse if anything. How can an enlightened person not see that political leanings are completely ego based?

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