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DAVID HAWKINS is an investigator with a vast background looking into 911 and various corporations involved in threatening our freedoms, secret societies and the technology they use.
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singtracks says:

i have been a fan of david since you interviewd him about mh370 that must be oh about 3 plus years ago,,,fantastic man

Red Cell Paranormal says:

54:15 (sorry I need a timestamp)

Rahatlakhoom says:

The interview that cuts to the chase. The culprits still raping the planet with
impunity. SERCO the many headed hydra. Get cutting. Fantastic Kerry!

Mainstream Media News says:

It seems that President Trump owes the Rothschilds a few favours – eight billion dollars worth to be exact. Israel is calling in the debt. His son in law's family are close friends with the Netanyahu's. How cute. And people wonder why Iran is next in the firing line. Please note that Trump also is good friends with the notorious Epstein, and had also visited his island. Trump also helped fund Hillary's election campaign in 2010. This whole thing is more tangled than it seems. If you do happen to do a follow up interview, would you ask David his views on whether Serco is merely a shop front for Mi5/6? Also, has David received any threats from them? He is being very open about criticising them, and if what he says is correct, they seem pretty ruthless. Cheers!

David Gilbert says:

Okay, at what point Ms. Cassidy do you not realize that this guy is full of rubbish with an agenda? His claims are not based upon scientific evidence, but pure denial of human impact on the environment. His flat out denial of carbon's (in the form of CO2) impact on global climate change is outlandish. To suggest that just because CO2 is utilized by plant life that we cannot have too much of a good thing, is about as ignorant and stupid an argument as it gets. You didn't even bother calling him out on that. What kind of interviewer doesn't even challenge their interviewee when they make blatant falsehood statements? Carbon sequestration outside of human impact is a normal environmental process. But our species excessive release of gases that were previously tied up in solid form, have changed the equation. So yes, we can have too much CO2 in the atmosphere.

Then when he rambles onto other unsubstantiated political claims, you once again do not even challenge him to cite his sources or demonstrate any proof. Just having a British accent, and some gray hair does not make him an expert on all of the subjects that he makes claim to. Ask his for some fricken' proof for crying out loud. He clearly has a political agenda in mind. An extremely far right leaning one.

Do you not find it odd that a computer programmer should be so privy to subject matters outside his professional expertise? Why would you just take for granted every one of his claims without any corroboration? Has your personal paranoia so overwhelmed you that you have completely abandoned journalistic integrity? Come on???!! So you had a bad day at the DMV. Boo hoo hoo; guess you have to join the rest of us who have that same experience every day all across America. But having a bad day at a DMV because your driver's license isn't quickly presented to you, is no cause for looking the other way when you are a fed a plate full of BS. Had it not occurred to you that your day at the DMV would not have been so unpleasant were it not for the fact that you travel internationally so frequently? You want to travel internationally so frequently, you're going to have to expect some greater scrutiny in personal identifications in a post 911 world.

R. Miller says:

2:09:20 ooobviously the ten commandments came from alien ships guys… lol

Phil Rowe says:

🙂 Look into The Labor & Industries "Orion" Database + The Medical Industry's "SNOMED" Codes – I'll give you a clue: SNOMED backwards = DEMONS – And PHARMA = Sorcery & WitchCraft 😉

Tony truth says:

I might be from the left. but I'm always right, if you don't join us we will silent you.

Bub Weirich says:

Outstanding video. Make a habit of it…

Robbi Campbell says:

911 probably did not even use planes. CGI , FEMA, mini nukes, and dancing Israelis. The Israelis told me they would do it all over again while dancing.

dick tater says:

Have you noticed any similarities between the disappearance of MH370 and fate of the antikythera mechanism? Forensic crime scene investigators??

JESUS verses the world says:

Donald Trumps handler is Timothy Dolan, Arch Bishop of New York. Donald Trump went to Jesuit Ford-ham University….ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. The Rothchilds look after the Vatican's finances….The CIA, work for the Vatican….they all serve the Anti Christ Pope

Bebe Rebozo says:

All talk no evidence. I was immediately banned from Abel Danger's Discord for pointing out Genie Energy's interests in Syria and the connections to Rothschild, Murdoch & Cheney. So much for truth…….

Damon Cross says:

I couldn't resist listening, informative, repulsive and empowering😎

Damon Cross says:

What in the hell are the psychotic manipulators of this world doing…just methodically evil…sick

Darth Graggus says:

Quite informative Project Camelot, quite informative. Hopefully there would be a Q and A with him [Hawkins] in future interviews. Regarding the Titanic part I somewhat assume their was a connection between it and the Federal Reserve Bank. Just kindly commenting.

USSESSta says:

No planes David!!  You've concluded one did not hit the Pentagon.  The video footage we all saw showed a CGI plane simply melting into rather than bouncing/crumpling on impact.  Planes may have been diverted to another location via UAP…

Sidney Briscoe says:

Funny how the audio went dead right in the middle of the revealing part about how two frats control America, Phi Beta Kappa, the intellectual elite, controlling politicians and Kappa Beta Phi running the banks for Rothschilds. And now evidence the faux queen is manipulating our elections. Thought provoking.

Gina Pilkington says:

Stop with your chatting shit abt President Trump no need. And vulnerable are you kidding me how dare anyone be dismissive of that man when he's give his life up for his country and you the ppl. Was gonna subscribe till u said that. Thumbs down.

Sharon Cecil says:

David Hawkins is an amazing person! He and Field are a force!

Hrusty Enrico says:

Who prints money? They own serco! Had not heard her for some time………….she still isn't any smarter

Mamasabe1 W says:

I like most of your interviews, but I hate when you have little knowledge about the person or subject prior to the interview. Could you please prepare a little better?

sunny sun says:

Love you so much Kerry and you're wonderful work. It's really amazing how you can do the seemingly impossible , regardless of all the hurdles and barriers, and spreading all this amazing knowledge for the world to know about. You're a true light bearer, God bless you

Michael Trooder says:

Freescale Semiconductor mentioned on Snopes –

Marie Drysdale says:

David thank-you for your great informative details

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