Dalai Lama and his links to Nazis

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Himmler’s fascination with the occult led him to send envoys to Dalai’s court in the 30s. The Nazi swastika was adopted from Tibetan Buddhism. Heinrich Harrer, the tutor of the current Dalai Lama of 7 years in Tibet fame, was a SS-Nazi. The SS was modeled on the Tibetan horsemen and the ruling Nazi elites were based on the cruel Tibetan aristocrats, who fled with the Dalai Lama to India after the 1959 rebellion. Many of these exiles and their descendants live in Dharamsala and the West and they form the back bone of the Free Tibet movement.

On 09.04.03 the Swiss Newspaper NZZ reported that the Tibetan religious leader said :

Hitler would also have the potential of a good man in himself. Hitler was not born as a wicked man, his hatred of the Jewish people made him malicious and this hatred must be battled. But this doesn’t mean that there was not also lying dormant some Goodness in Hitler. A wicked man can be tomorrow a good man, said the Dalai Lama. For this we have to fight.

His relationship with the Japanese cult terrorist, Shoko Asahara, was well known whom he described, even after the Tokyo sarin gas attacks, as his “friend, albeit an imperfect one”.

The founder of an esoteric Hitler movement the ex-Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano (promoter of an extremely racist SS-mysticism, which is based on Tantric practices and on the idea of the Shambhala Warriors) met the Dalai Lama four times.

Nearly unknown until now are the contacts of the Dalai Lama with the French SS-collaborator, convinced anti-Semite, recognised Orientalist and Kalachakra Tantra Expert Jean Marquès-Rivière (in his absence convicted and given the death sentence for turning Jews over to the Gestapo in France).

…he (Dalai) has cultivated friendly contacts with people such as the ex-SS men Bruno Beger (convicted as helping to murder more than 86 Jews) and Heinrich Harrer, author of Seven Years in Tibet (a chronicle of his experience with the Dalai Lama over seven years prior to his exile to India).

– An Interview with Victor and Victoria Trimondi

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kurtisle says:

I hope you gain enlightenment some day.

Signe Maria Minsker says:

I dont know how much of this is true, but HH relative in Denmark joined" my parents" in abusing me to death ( I could explain this better, but wont here) A crime beyond imagination. If I speak out, ore not, I am labeled crazy. So why not say something although the situation has been complicated with lies and me being paraded around in a broken state severel places, for the sake og more sadistic pleasure. That does not speak in my favour, and my ability to explain myself. HH knows about all of this. It is right in front of him and "everybody else"… and nothing is done.

Daniel Velez says:

this is fierce propaganda…the swastiks is a universal symbol.

mujaku says:

Of course the Allies' history of Germany is a complete lie — absolute vilification of Germany. This extends to the cause of the Great War and WW2. Helping the Germans, the Tibetan Buddhists have long known a more sinister history of the world including our modern world. In short, the world that Germany faced had been taken over by the Asuras with their Mleccha-dharma (barabarian religion). According to the Tibetan Buddhists, Muslims belong to the Asura caste (this includes Abraham, i.e., the Jews). Who are the Asuras? In the ancient Vedas, Asuras are said to know wisdom but on the whole they are demonic, evil powers. They have no soul or atman — and cannot become immortal (amrita). They beguile people. The only weapon they cannot counter is silent prayer. According to Zen master Hsüan Hua more than anything, Asuras like to fight. Now the demonic Muslims are invading Europe raping European women. So what is the EU going to do? Merkel is beguiled by these Muslims and the Jews both of whom are Asuras. Surprisingly, J.R.R. Tolkien's works reflect the rise of the Asuras and their destruction and also talks about the "Flame Imperishable" a Vedic-like term for immortality which evil is incapable of realizing.

kunchok Sonam says:

And Dalai Lama was only 10 when Hitler died. Not sure what a 10 year old kid can do with him.

kunchok Sonam says:

Nazi invaded France and struck deal with French. Does that mean French are pro-Nazi? Obviously Nazi are trying to gain influence in Tibet and are taking advantage of Tibetan's ignorance and lack of knowledge about outside world.

Miso Soup says:

Im saying that movie is pure garbage. None of that shit happened.  During this period, Tibetans were only under nominal Chinese control. They had diplomatic relations with the Nazis. 

Lowell Joseph Gallin says:

Dear Maohammet, Amazing! Shalom from Jerusalem, ISRAEL, Lowell

Franz Joseph Did Nothing Wrong says:

Swastika is in most if not all european natural religions……

hinduism glance says:

Only a true spiritual man can understand Hitler.

hinduism glance says:

Hitler was an all knower and Gyani on a divine mission.Most of our Guru also said that.The British propaganda distorted Hitler.

Your Majesty says:

Funny video. I guess this is how they train you in China… brainwashing its own people.. sad world you guys live in.

Tomas Westerlund says:

See how quick they try to defame those like Bruno Beger simply because he collected some jew bones, he was an anthropologist dedicated to sciences that to this day have been hushed over with such a vigor, it makes the secret affairs of American Presidents seem pale in comparison. How disturbing, right?(sic) To find that a German of the NSDAP had stepped boot on Asian soil to study Aryan history and physics and genetics, the same sciences the Allies picked up from the Germans later. Hypocrites.

Lordofthenipplerings says:

Nazis were just trying to seek influence with Tibet. Thus one of the Dalai Lama's school teacher was a Nazi party member.

djaked says:

Very interesting.

SuryaDas says:

Absoloutely ridiculous. Not even going to waste my time typing what is so wrong with this and it's implications.

johnbleroy says:

Hey friendsforever2222, I just love your anti-Catholic rant on your YT channel homepage. Who else is on your paranoid list of enemies?… Dalai Lama, the Pope. How about the Zionists? Have you mentioned them yet? C'mon, give us your list.

johnbleroy says:

A "National Geographic" presentation with Chinese subtitles? I think this is faked. Tell me when it was broadcast on the National Geographic channel, please.

johnbleroy says:

For viewers who are confused: Go to the website of the person who posted this, at This group is a cult that worships demonic being, Dorje Shugden, according to the Dalai Lama. And they are admitted tools of the Chinese government. The Dalai Lama has condemned them, therefore they hate him.

johnbleroy says:

Right. And that makes the present day Dalai Lama a Nazi sympathizer and the Tibetan people deserving of having their culture obliterated by the communist Chinese. Or something. You make a persuasive argument…

johnbleroy says:

@wshetterly "Serfs" not slaves, according to Parenti and others. Most of the Western European nations have a history of serfdom, during their feudal periods. Tibet was very backward, as was much of Asia at the time. The current Dalai Lama had himself a modern tutor precisely so that he could bring his country into the modern ways of the 20th Century. So what's your point? Is he still somehow a Nazi for having had a German tutor as a child? That's what the video seems to say.

Albert Teng says:

What is the full name of this National Geographic documentary. I'm interested in watching the whole thing.

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