Dalai Lama Q&A – On Using Psychedelic Drugs

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A q&a on using drugs at the University of California Santa Barbara, April 2009.

Full video – http://www.dalailama.com/webcasts/post/48-nature-of-the-mind

Video rights- www.dalailama.com

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Ankush Garud says:

I Love u sir

stephen kagan says:

There is some truth and some ignorance in his assessment of psychedelics.

1. Psychedelics do not create additional illusions… they sometimes profoundly magnify and help us face our illusions more powerfully. And they sometimes provide extraordinary insight and experiences of transformation.
2. Agreed that in 'serious' practice we should not rely on external factors for cultivating "quality of mind", to find freedom from suffering and cultivating loving kindness.
3. Psychedelics can enhance serious practice where people tend to get dry and dogmatic. With a disciplined and practiced mind they can become profound catalysts for insight, growth and compassion.
4. The therapeutic value of psychedelics is extraordinary for people suffering from addiction and depression… People for whom meditation practice cannot readily help.

How many people who have had experiences with psychedelics have re-evaluated their lives and been inspired to choose spiritual paths and religions like Buddhism? Many.

Saramsha Pandey says:

a lot of guys commenting here without knowing what Buddhism is about. If you dont have much knowledge about Buddhism and just know the surface of Buddhism then dont bother commenting stupid things really.

yogpodfan420 says:

drugs are good for you

singye wong says:

Most people in comments are sour because they only half understood what His Holiness meant by illusions already being there and not needing any more hallucinogens to get even deeper into illusions. Enlightenment is not a destination or a hierarchy where people need to get to, its a state of being, its a combination of action and no action of what is and is not, its a state when you've understood and realised the nature of reality. Psychedelics are cool and somewhat thought provoking but its like thinking of deep philosophies in the matrix, you need to know if the matrix itself is for real and no amount of LSD or DMT will make you realise that. Its easy to take a drop and zone out into everything but if it were so easy it wouldn't be as good as its claimed in the dharma, like buying cheap stuff and expecting it to last long or be of quality.

Suckmy C0ck says:

Take them and then tell me they are not needed😈

שגהש says:

When a guru or a spiritual leader or whatever it may be, says he never tried a psychedelic, he does not really have much of a say on the matter.
It would be like a person who has never been to space explaining to people what being in space feels like – he hasn't even experienced it so how can he testify about it or against it?
I agree that being able to reach the same states without any external help would be much more beautiful, however who's to say that it's even reachable?
perhaps with proper use of psychedelics very seldom, can you use the experiences to go much further while sober than you would have ever been able to without having had these mind revealing experiences?

Praise The Masculine Flames says:

the benefit of psychedelics is that they show you how everything is an illusion

Chase Steffensen says:

Ignorance and disdain get riotous applause.

Dougie Quick says:

Search for "Mike Crowley – Secret Drugs of Buddhism"

Dougie Quick says:

THIS says someone is not copping to it! This video on youtube is "Mike Crowley – Secret Drugs of Buddhism" ~~> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpZNPWs5cV0

Dougie Quick says:

HEY off topic I know but…I was just thinking "man I bet a LOT of folks name their Llama "Dolly"…ya know? It is just irresistibly cute! "Dolly the Llama" …I swear I have NOT but I'll bet anyone a hundred bucks if you enter "dolly the llama" in the search window up will come actual llamas people HAVE named Dolly! …Hundred bucks! Come on!

sunjabib ahladeen says:

the highest from of psychedelics will only attain the level of a hippie, they will not bring any more to your perception of life than a real sustainable way of existence . do not expect enlightenment.
but we really do need more hippies in this world.
once you are a hippie then you can go to the east and work towards enlightenment.
so go asap to your nearest cow paddie and get some mushies, at least youll slow down destroying this world

sunjabib ahladeen says:

you guys say this and that but really what we are trying to do is dissolve our culture and personalities. to see life for what it is not through our perception of our twisted locked minds. so the point for most of us is to go through some sort of transformation. transformation of personality/ egodeath whatever you want to call it that currently predicts your interaction with personal perception with the world. its true that psychedelics and advanced meditation both do this but the and more or less but there is one large aspect that i see lacking from one side which i will share. and i have arrived at this point my self in personal life movement and exploration and its a personal decision that i have already made as to where i will go, (with guidance from mushrooms, no suprise hehe)
it comes down to structure.
when you delve deep in psychedelics you are truly on your own, no support systems, ample room for you to be fucked with, close to zero social understanding, you are an outcast, an outcast lost in your own carmic prediction, you are mushroom fried, a spirit lost in some farmers paddoc with no where to go, an expectation to return to scosioty, you know what im talking about, its completely egotistical to think that you can attain enlightenment by yourself? on shrooms that lasts a maximum of 10 hours, this is hopeless. we are all seekers but we are not in the position to do anything with it at all? we have no structure, no wisdom, no guidelines or pointers to tell us if we are going forward or backwards, we can hardly even distinguish which parts of us are holding us back.. come on man, look at the spiritual parctices, listen to some ram dass, listen to the terrance mckenner and ram dass in prauge talk and please see what im seeing. terrance was great but as far from enlghtenment as you or me, he just had coulerfull ideas and a proficient way of saying them. to think this is a real way to opereate is ludicris, if your into terrance please i urge you to spend some hours on ram dass, his story, drugs, advanced meditaion, real experience.

i dont really thing the phsycadelic people are aiming for the same thinks as the yogis, not at all. tere may be similar aspects in the experience but to compare drugs to sahdguru please. mushrooms are for leaving your body and looking at nice things, a tellevision, but when you come down your just entering back into the mess you left from, to think 4 hours of pallousinations are going to show you what shiva saw, or sadhguru saw good luck, you are dreaming, dreaming on drugs. they are great ad i do a lot of mushrooms but you are all egotistical kids if you think you can actually change your life the same or even close to the level that real disipline and meditation and proper structures guided technologies of the human perception can achive.

dont take my word for it, do what i did, listen to terrance like he is a saint, then go and melt yourself into a puddle for a month or two on some home grown mush and tell me that you achieved anything actually transformative in your experience of life, long term! realise its the god send for our chulture problems but do not mix that into any progress other than lostening your streight jacketo of a mind for enough to see, hey money is silly, or chopping down trees is not good.

phsycadelics will make you a hippie
yoga will make you a yogi
dalai lama will make you a monk

dont over hype your drugs

but for sure we need less westerners and more hippies, for sure

Advanced Teachings Of Spiritual Awakening says:

Psychedelics have a lot to teach, Beyond the knowledge we currently have. It will really raise your consciousness fast and make you more conscious of the unconscious. RESEARCH <3

Patrick Walsh says:


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