Reverse Engineering High Value Target & Mass Casualty Events with Special Guest David Hawkins

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David Hawkins of Abel Danger joins me to discuss Crime Scene Investigation storyboards for live theater and crowdfunded docudrama movies as tools for investigating unsolved crimes.

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Jason Goodman says:

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Izreal Zeus says:

The Parsons family are a high level Anglo-Irish nobility with authority over a portion of Ireland within County of Offaly and they specialize in engineering, politics, and law. Ireland is Roman territory and the top Irish clans serve the Black Nobility of Rome. The Parsons family formerly held titles in England and currently are the Earls of Rosse in Ireland headed up by Brendan Parsons the 7th Earl of Rosse and his son Lawrence Parsons the Lord of Oxmantown. The Earls of Rosse are extremely oppressive Freemasons and they oversee Wiccan gang stalking cults operating in the United States. Their ancestor was Richard Parsons, the 1st Earl of Rosse and he was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland and a co-founder of the Hellfire Club. The Hellfire club's motto was Fais ce que tu voudras which means "do what thou wilt" and this motto was later used by Aleister Crowley. The Parsons family specialize in hellish masonic warfare and are deeply involved with the Irish government, politics, and astronomy. The have held the position of High Sheriff of King's County. The Parsons Earls of Rosse own Birr Castle which has a telescope called the Leviathan of Parsonstown. Leviathan is a mythological sea serpent. The town of Birr formerly called Parsonstown uses the Parsons panthers on their coat of arms and ocean waves for its flag. There are various US politicians with the last name Parsons. Irish nobility are often involved in politics. The McCain family are an Irish-Scottish bloodline involved with politics, banking, and business. They are associates of the Parsons family and serve the House of Hanover. They are married with the Johnson family and established themselves in New Brunswick. The Hanover family manage the Johnson bloodline and ruled as Dukes of Brunswick, Germany which created the name New Brunswick in Canada. Han in Hanover is for Johannes the German version of John. The founders of McCain foods were from New Brunswick, Canada and the founders of Johnson and Johnson were from New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Charles Algernon Parsons was a member of the Earls of Rosse and an inventor of the steam engine and created C. A. Parsons and Company which was later absorbed into Siemens a large industrial company with about 130 billion in assets. Ralph M. Parsons founded Parsons Corporation which is a US engineering company with earnings at about 3 billion which has worked with Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall a company co-founded by S. Kenneth Johnson. Parsons Brinckerhoff is another US engineering company founded by William Barclay Parsons and now a subsidiary of WSP Global. William W. Parsons was NASA's Director of Kennedy Space Center. Jack Parsons was a rocket scientist and occultist that was known for creating "Babalon Working" which is a ritual to honor the Mother of Abominations and he carried out this ritual with the Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard. The Mother of Abominations is also known as the Scarlet Woman. In Italian Rosse means red or scarlet and the name Rosse likely comes from the Florentine House of de Rossi in honor of Rome's conquering of Ireland. The Babalon Working ritual was based on the teachings of Aleister Crowley. The Crowley family are a Anglo-Irish family that have intermarried with various British Peers. Brian Crowley is an Irish politician today. Tony Parsons and Gary Crowley have worked together in the English music industry. The Parsons family also work with the Anglo-Irish Bailey and Guinness banking families and are involved in financing and directing Wiccan cults that carry out persecution, human sacrifice, and covert terrorism for the purpose of their attempt at a global takeover. A high level witch, gang stalkers, and child murdering pedophile and cannibal in my region is named Meghan Parsons and her primary handlers are the child murdering pedophile cannibals Meghan Trainor and Meghan McCain whose father is a mass murdering war criminal and connected with Islamic terrorists. Meghan McCain's grandmother is a Johnson. Meghan McCain is a highly sadistic witch.

Donna Pierce says:

For good men to do nothing is when evil triumphs – God Bless You

Kelly Sweeting says:

Love Davids mind!

Lynda Beverley says:

Jason I’m with you, it’s mind blowing stuff. Thanks David.

vegasjill21 says:

Jason…did you leave the link for that missile launch video…or did I miss it?? I looked thru ABOUT section and didn't see it. Thanks so much for having David and Field on. Their history alond PROVES their lethal accuracy. Their dedication to stopping these evil entities from their goal of inhailation and pain can be found many times throughout their going on 12 years now!!! The Superb owl…er Super Bowl, Jade Helm, and the end of 2014 dramatic stock plummet of SERCO. The intel and info they sent out twarted ALL their evil plans for planned FFs!!! All one has to do is just look them up.
Thanks again, Jason.

Samantha Ferrari says:

I'm eternally grateful to Jason for introducing me to David and Field all those months ago. Many thanks.

KQ American Woman says:

If you look at the OBAMA birth cert number its 61 611 116 or something close…turn upside down 911

Mr. Solitude says:

33: 35 "In 1985, or 1984, she (Marcy) launches the United States Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund with Eric Holder." – David Hawkins. Actually, this is an unsubstantiated assertion. Holder was not in the position to have had anything to do with such a launching. A check with any online biographical source for Eric Holder will reveal that, from 1976 to 1988, Holder was assigned to DOJ's newly created Public Integrity Section, which investigated and prosecuted official corruption on the local, state and federal levels. Congressman John Jenrette was one of his notable cases, having been prosecuted for bribery in the infamous Abscam sting operation. Holder was then nominated in 1988 by Ronald Reagan to become an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

There is no evidence to support that Holder had anything to do with the launching of DOJ's Assets Forfeiture Fund. Similarly, there is equally no evidence that Marcy had anything to do with the same launching. David is invited to provide the viewing audience with the evidence he is relying on to make the above quoted claim of his.

I'm sure that David would appreciate his audience applying critical thinking skills to what he says. His words certainly deserve our active listening efforts.

Pete Rodriguez says:

May the Lord Jesus Christ protect President Donald Trump and the United States and all of you all…🇺🇸😎🇺🇸😎🇺🇸

Mish S says:

I've had friends at matsqui. I live in British Columbia. The only people allowed inside to transfer prisoners are the BC Sheriff. The United States Federal Marshal Service is not allowed inside matsqui. Lockheed penetrator wasn't needed the Russian p700 Granit missile is the only missile in 2001 capable of doing that damage and it did, listen to Dimitri khalezov. The people at Abel Danger have a very overactive imaginations they mix patents with events in their personal lives and try to tie that in with places they live close to with zero proof. All they are are ramblings that make no sense and are not serious. Real researchers do not behave this way.

Mish S says:

The only missile capable of punching 8 walls of re enforced concrete out in 2001 was the Russian P700 Granit anti ship missile, its designed to cut aircraft carriers in half and it is unstoppable. Listen to Dimitry Khalezov explain everything about 9/11.

karen willison says:

Another wake UP everybody Jason download! Thank you Jason, Field & David.

Sharry Roberts says:

Who do you think shot the missiles? 5 eyes SES ordered it. Just like HRC drone attacks!

Mish S says:

Listen I love Abel Danger field and David. But they have extremely overactive imaginations. They just go on and on and on with zero proof and they try to tie in random patents with events in their lives and attempt to tie it into a giant Theory. This is all Make-Believe and nothing more. I love the guys I think they're nice but it's just their imagination.

zorroraine says:

Tesla energy weapon (DEW) highly focused energy. Metal I-beam evaporated to dust.

SavannahREI says:

I like the show but seriously, how could anyone believe that an ICBM could be used to attack an aircraft? Its not even a remote possibility.

Uncle George says:

Begging fo sheckels….😂😂😂😂

Roman de Caesar says:

Utter B…U…L…L…S…H…I…T…!!! This has got to be the best comedy program on YouTube.

Margot Groove says:

Mind blowing show! Absolutely incredible.

Tiempo Nuevo says:

Jason your program is quickly becoming the most informative. I certainly have been watching you and You are Free TV more than any others lately. Your guests are have such in-depth knowledge it is amazing. You should end up in having more viewers than Alex if you keep this up. The British Royalty is HORRIBLE…they do not deserve to even be called human. Worst empire on the face of the earth. The average people have been victim of the Royal families for centuries. It is time for the people of the planet to rise against the Royal people and their minions. How involved is the Royal family involved in all of this child snuff stuff? It may not be the Royals directly — but it certainly is within their government wrapped in the complete package of the rich and famous of the 1% of the 1% Very sick people indeed. .We the people seriously need some ninjas. Definitely need a citizen investigators and spies corp…to spy on the spies. We definitely need to see the horrors. We the people no longer need protection for it. Bad is bad and we need to know who bad. We see fantasy horror all the time…but we know it is fantasy….How horrified would people be if they knew the truth for a change? AGAIN….Great show.

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