The Dalai Lama – Capitalism, Socialism, and Income Inequality

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Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, gives his perspective on capitalism, Marxism, and the widening global gap between rich and poor.


The Aspen Institute and co-chairs Margot Pritzker and Richard Blum, in collaboration with the Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture, are proud to present a substantive symposium that embraces Tibetan and Himalayan art, culture, science, medicine, spiritual practice, and history.

The three-day program – featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the keynote speaker – will bring together an extraordinary number of eminent scholars, teachers, practitioners and tradition-bearers from around the globe to shed light on the rich historical and philosophical significance of Tibet and its impact on global issues today – The Aspen Institute

Tenzin Gyatso is the 14th Dalai Lama. He is the head of the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamshala, India. Tibetans traditionally believe him to be the reincarnation of his predecessors.

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I, IJCOBRA says:

What is your take on IQ vs. education? Should we spend exponentially more time and money on inherently stupid people, in order to educate them to the same level as smart people?

f0rmaggi0 says:

Talking about poverty in Aspen is like talking about thanksgiving in Ethiopia. Laughable.

Bob says:

the problem is that the rich much cultivate their Buddha nature and they won't so no compassion will be given to the poor without gov intervention

rebecca sargissian says:

I’m very sorry Tenzin but they took your Buddhism & made it into a weapon !!! This is how the Chinese invaded your country !!! Trying to use Buddhism with love and compassion only go so far ………am afraid it’s insufficient !!! Years ago they came to your country & learned your ways……………..They figured out how to use it against you 🧐 this is why the 🌟 brought me please understand love A’Ramais 💌🌌🧠 These Talmudic Bankers with there Nazi/Zionism idealism….Have (weapon👁zed)A physical form of Buddhism !!! To unite everybody under a false flag global one world order !!! In a so-called socialist communist equality …. But in truth you would be in a (Feudalistic Corporatocracy) Dictated by kleptocratic idealism !!! At the same time rearranging your history your geography your cultures your Heritage…………….. and so goes your (individualism & sovereignty)……………….intern yes Your human rights & identity’s as well unfortunately they’re trying to make everybody into human drone !!! Message from the ✨ A’Ramais 🧐don’t believe them thay are undermining & lying to all of you !!! Aaa

Mindrolling says:

Not enough people- particularly in the USA- understand the difference between socialism and capitalism (some people even equate socialism with Nazi style national socialism).
Altruistic socialism that underpins a capitalist market can work to minimise that gap between rich and poor and provide support, particularly in the realm of health and education. The state should retain control of assets and resources that people NEED so corporations cannot exploit society by holding workers and citizens to ransom.

Andrew McAllister says:

What is so righteous about this, is that because of his title and the respect his title has accrued, everybody just sits and listens. There is no media squabbling or disrepute among the audience, just sheer attention. Beautiful.

Lars Citrönberg says:

+Youlia Clausen  I think you're right too

Brent Weber says:

Peter, people have killed people, government can be a powerful innovator and investor in society. Used incorrectly or without protections yes it can harm, but the idea is not to give up on that power but to make it morally just.

Rasil0n says:

Unfortunately this is not true. Religion has, for what is better than killing in the name of your God?

Carpe Diem says:

Get scholar ships and loans, do whatever you have to because if you're going into a specific craft that is custom you can make enough money to compensate for the loans and stuff. It'll be a long road to travel, but, so is everything else, all we've got is time, you just gotta ask yourself, what do you want to do with the time you have left to live, then,.. go do it. 🙂
I know the way things are makes pursuing dreams ridiculous but if fighting the odds is what you gotta do to be happy, so be it.

Carpe Diem says:

You wanta be face book friends? Not to sound weird or anything, i know adding friends as such can seem a abnormal but like minds gotta stick together.

Carpe Diem says:

From what I gather you're one steady person who knows what life is really about, and If more people like us were willing to come together and make our voices heard then the word of reason could spread and the possibility of change, true change, could be more than an idealistic thought but a reality. It'll take a lot of hashing out of the details, I'm not claiming to have all the answers but if we're not willing to consider an alternative nothing will ever change.

Carpe Diem says:

Thanx man, I guess I try to keep it real haha. But i hear ya man, your mind is in the right place, and the problem is for people like you and me who appreciate the effort behind the work one does, and the pride of service, as well as just wanting to live a quality life with out having to live paycheck to paycheck, people like us are caught in between the capitalistic game. The bull shit three ring circus that is the day to day fight instead of the day to day appreciation of life itself.

Carpe Diem says:

… the one more thing is this,… we live in a world where we rely on each other but only think about our selves like you were saying you vs. me instead of we. That's about the just of it. We can't allow people who need extra motivation to get out of bead in the morning to make life so that hard working people have to live paycheck to paycheck. And it's not their fault it's the system of money. More social workers and motivational speakers for schools and adults alike to help facilitate peace.

Carpe Diem says:

You're right on the money there. But it's the concept of sharing that is a complete contradiction to the way of life the capitalistic system has instilled. You're wondering what i mean as far as government providing for everyone. But what i mean has nothing to do with government and everything to do with the human condition. It has to do with everyone providing a service and thus taking care of each other. Not allowing money and profit being our motivator to get out of bead. one more thing…

Carpe Diem says:

I think you're on the right track there. But as far as the perfect system and being as wise and perfect as the universe. In order to create such a system we don't have to know everything the universe has to know, we simply must realize that we and the universe are one. From there we can grow to become a more compassionate human race and work together to create a system of true equality.

Carpe Diem says:

As far as material goods. Everything would be made with quality because we drive for perfection instead of drive for money. ANnND IF material reward is what helps after all that peace and equality mumbojumbo then there could be limited edition items that could be reward for "employee's of the month" and people who put a certain amount of time and or specifically a certain amount of effort. And yet still everyone could live quality lives. Because quality is key. NOT MONEY! NOT GREED! NOT POWER!

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