Chinese Regime “Orders” Dalai Lama to Reincarnate in Tibet

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On Monday the Chinese regime announced that the Dali Lama must follow the traditional reincarnation method in choosing his successor. Chinese authorities banned reincarnation without state approval in 2007 but now say the latest order is for the purpose of “preserving tradition.” The announcement has been met with anger from the Tibetan community. Here’s more.

On September 1st, 2007 the Chinese regime banned reincarnation without state approval, yet now the officially atheist regime is ordering the Dalai Lama to reincarnate in China after he dies.

The Dalai Lama, who lives in exile in Northern India, is reported to be thinking of choosing the next Dalai Lama from outside of China. Yet the Chinese authorities announced on Monday that he must not break with tradition, and that the next Dalai Lama, the highest title in Tibetan Buddhism, must be chosen following the reincarnation tradition.

But there is a catch—the Chinese regime says it has to approve the reincarnation of any living Buddha.

In 1995, the Dalai Lama, following the reincarnation tradition, named a boy in Tibet as the next Panchen Lama, the second highest title in Tibetan Buddhism. The Chinese regime put the boy under house arrest, and installed another Panchen Lama in his place.

The Tibetan Government in Exile reacted with anger at Monday’s announcement.

[Samdhong Rinpoche, Prime Minister of Tibetan Government in Exile]:
“The Communist people do not believe in the tradition, and if they are believer of tradition then they should preserve all the traditions, and they also respect the religious freedom. There is no religious freedom, there is no preservation for tradition, and then why they are talking about tradition? They have no right to talk about tradition.”

Many Tibetans see the decision by the Chinese regime simply as another way to curb the influence of the Dalai Lama.

[Tenzin Norgey, Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy]:
“The latest statement by Padma Choling, (Chinese-appointed governor of Tibet), the authorities are desperate to curb the influence of the Dalai Lama, and they want to specifically, the current statement pinpoints that the authorities (are) preparing to appoint their own Dalai Lama, once the current Dalai Lama passes away.”

It’s still not clear how and when the Dalai Lama will pick his successor, but he’s hinted that the new Dalai Lama could be handpicked by him or picked through elections. This may lead to a situation where there are two Dalai Lamas—one in India, picked by the Dalai Lama and one in China, picked by the Chinese regime.

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Ionel Floria says:


COACHC925 says:

Beautiful broadcaster

COACHC925 says:

Pretty Reporter

Dilmaya Subba says:

songsten gampo

Samsaric Life says:

Foolish Chinese first reincarnated ur mao tse tung

kusarin wisuttana says:

This tradition is very wrong! The only thing that makes Buddhism looks bad, kidnapping young toddler , brainwash them an tell their non educated parents that they are some sort of reincarnation! This kind of propaganda must be stop! Unfair for the poor toddler, never given a chance to make his own choice!

Pine Joi says:

Stupid, Chinese Golden Urn is the tradition.

sean strickland says:

this is so retarded……

The NerdyDude says:

Wait can the Dalai Lama choose the next one? I thought he had to reincarnate

cy says:

China had abudacted and muddered that boy.

Xander Taylor says:

How can you approve a reincarnation when you are Atheists & don't believe in anything supernatural or spiritual?

Robin Turner says:

The Chinese communist government ordered the gods to do as they were instructed by their thugs or else. Please believe me, change will come.

tenzin kunsang says:

China ,you still thinking we are foolish,if you then its ur mistake.H.H The
Dalai lama will decide when and where and which place.You dont have a right to give order. Do u understand.

Dena Kotka-Holtz says:

Dalai Lama, stay with your beliefs.

aerudi says:



The panchen lama is in China and is on the path set for him. He is the one to make the words of Jesus Christ to be better understood. Edgar Cayce knew.

Lord Mara says:

Communist party members need to take their head out of their ass first, before they can pick the next Dalai lama. They don't even care about their own culture, but They are concerned about Tibetan culture, what an irony.

Lord Mara says:

At one hand, Chinese govt. call Dalai Lama a Demon, but on the other hand, they are concerned about his successor. Ha, ha, ha, this Communist government is one sorry, ass mother fuckerss.

thescorpionking2020 says:

how the fuck can they believe and stop,ban reincarnation lol

Xander Taylor says:

@equalitymadison Yes, they should be concerned that Mao will return and undo all their capitalist plans and ambitions.

MindinViolet says:

I'm not a Buddhist, but I think it's disgraceful the way China is trying to manipulate and restrict Buddhism. I sympathise with the Tibetan Buddhists and hope they don't allow China to take advantage of them in this way.

FireFlyKoi says:

God and Jesus have many faces and many names, Dont say that just because you prayed to one name the rest don't work, if you lacked faith its your own doing. The depth of your strength and unwavering believe in your religion is what saves not a name nor any one religion. i cant say this cause as a "born" theologists i've spent years reading all the holy text and ill tell you nothing saves but calling on the God you see as true.Pray for those who do not put love above all bigotry.

Jo Xia says:

shall send those monks out in the field doing a real day of work which will make them instantly realise how backwards they are and why they end up like what they are.

Pdariean says:

@1982mockingbird1982 no not allays. Reincarnate by pass time. You can die and be reincarnate 2,000 years in the past. You can get married have wonderful wife grow old with her die than reincarnate back in time as your wife. that is one way you have a soul mate. So if you have soul mate there is a good chance you are making out with a future or past self. Other soul mates are souls that always reincarnate and share life together.

Cheng Zeng says:

Dalai Lama is absolutely a asshole, a dog raised by US government, and a extremely selfish guy who is only interested in his own political future.

1982mockingbird1982 says:

This is hillarious! 😀 "Chinese authorities banned re-incarnation without state approval" LOL! How can she even say that without laughing? Why do the anti-theistic CCP care about religious traditions. 2ndly aren't they sort of tacitly implying that they believe in re-incarnation? And what are they going to do if he refuses? It wont be an 'internal matter' if they kill, abduct or torture a Dalai Lama from India. This is an absurd tradition anyway. Doesnt he need to die before being reincarnated?

Aaron Gasparetto says:

My bet is you will see a new Dalai Lama found in China and the Tibetans will be calling him an imposter as they do with the Panchen Lama; the original of which was aparently kidnapped many years ago

This world is far gone, you know

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