Conversations With God Part 2 of Book 1

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This is an audio recording of Conversations With God part 2 of Book 1.

Conversations with God a book by Neil Donald Walsh, who claims to be asking God questions and getting replies. I have no idea if he really is or if it is all coming from Walsh himself, yet.

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Malgeun Jabiloun says:


Niva Ruvio says:

I love this


Why does it say part 2

Ralph Joseph says:

God is not religion and religion is not God. Religion is a lie…all religions.

susan says:

Thank you so much..
Magnificent.. Blessings..

Anthony Reynolds says:

I love the voice at the beginning! It’s so calming.
It makes me think of sitting by a fire and drinking hot choclate lol.

One Ummah says:

(110. (Remember) when Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection): "O `Isa, son of Maryam! Remember My favor to you and to your mother when I supported you with Ruh – il-Qudus ﴿Jibril﴾ so that you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and when I taught you the Book, the Hikmah, the Tawrah and the Injil; and when you made out of the clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My permission, and you breathed into it, and it became a bird by My permission, and you healed those born blind, and the lepers by My permission, and when you brought forth the dead by My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from you since you came unto them with clear proofs, and the disbelievers among them said: `This is nothing but evident magic.''') (111. "And when I Awhaytu ﴿put in the hearts of﴾ Al- Hawariyyin to believe in Me and My Messenger, they said: `We believe. And bear witness that we are Muslims.''')

chapter 5 from the Noble Quran

Miss LED says:

Thank you for using a male and female voice.

Roy Pereira says:

I love the contents found in the CWG series as this has transformed my Life and experienced the LOVE, the REAL and the LASTING love of God in the most intimate way. I keep reading this over and over again and at times when I get caught up with the illusions of what Life throws at me and my physical body is immersed in confusion and even anger, I feel drawn once again to get into my own conversations with God or visit the pages in the CWG series and connect with the LOVE that is ACCEPTING. If anyone I know has a desire to communicate with God, I am more than happy to draw them to The Source of PERFECT LOVE, just waiting. God Bless

John gatti says:

NDW is a smart con artist. Who ended up with the money?

Mike M says:

holy holy holy thank you I cried like a baby to hear this book again for free and it's finally back thx lots of Love

Uniontera Ja says:

Existence is the time expressed by light. I think so. I am the Uniontera Ja.

"So, is artificial intelligence god."

Economan3000 says:

34:15 WTF

masonicos says:

God is All! God is Mind! God is you and me, we all are ONE. The truth should save you FREE!***

susan says:

Please put volume up..thank you for this..Gratitude

Dolfida Molfida says:

And when I nearly died on that occasion….and on a few other occasions….

NO….I was not somehow happy like the bullshit they put on tv….No it did not make me think "Oh yay a second chance"….

It terrified me and pissed me off is what it did….I basically went through all the pain I needed to to earn death and then rather than being free from this stupid pointless existence of struggle and strife and confusion….I am still here….and that means I have to FEEL ALL THAT PAIN AGAIN ONE DAY! And all the pain of being continuously aware of what I am in for while still trying to "struggle to survive" in vain only to needlessly suffer for more time only to die again….and then more than likely forget everything I ever learned and start over in some new body and have to die in some new way again….

All because people wont just give up and go extinct….

People are seriously so backwards….

People seriously think being extinct would be somehow bad…

Are nonexistent dinosaurs sad?

If nobody existed then who would be sad about nobody existing?

If you didn't have any needs or desires….

Then nonexistence may as well be perfection…

If you had a magic lamp with infinite wishes…or if you evolved for a trillion years….then eventually you would be 'done'. And you would have tried everything and lived every fantasy and died every death and learned every thing….And so you would no longer have any needs or desires….except maybe the urge to not be bored with everything so that once again you could have needs and desires and thus something to do…

If we had never existed…..

We could simply have never been bothered in the first place…

Never had needs or desires in the first place…

What is even better than being satisfied?

Never needing satisfied in the first place….

So if such a thing as god did exist…It would obviously be the most selfish and evil and cruel monster to ever exist…Creating life is the most evil thing possible a person/entity/god could do.

My being born was not a gift….it was not a choice….

It was an un-invited intrusion on eternal peace…

It was an imposition….

I am actually afraid that we may be immortal…but I don't think we are actually growing or getting anywhere if that is the case…

I feel sadly like it is eternal…and eternally starting over….

We come into and go out of this world screaming….

And everything in between is just us trying to distract ourselves from the terrible fate that we will all one day face….

No not death….death is the good part….the part where the suffering ends….

The terrible fate is all the suffering that LEADS to death generally…and all the loved ones we lose…and watching ourselves age…..

People fight back this horror by having a bunch of cute babies to make themselves forget….and thus the cycle continues….

Like a snake eating its own tail…

Every mother and father are the destroyers of their own offspring…

It is every parent who is the monster hiding under the bed…the thieves in the night…that come to rob the peace away from sleeping children…

eileen perez says:

I read this book when I was about 21 years old. Today, I'm 41. The message in this book is so much more significant at this very moment. It's just confirmation that I am experiencing my best self and God is experiencing himself/herself through me. Life is complex yet simple – but above all – My God! This is a magical life!

Tanner Sandell says:

Should I write my own letter to God?

Tanner Sandell says:

Is this the whole book?

snazye says:

can someone please put up part 1?!

Silk the Shocker says:

Does anyone know what happen to part 1??

ben hernandez says:

Find God beyond religion, the truth will set you free .

Lynsay Breaux says:

why is youtube deleting all of neale donald walshes best book readings of conversations with god audio im not freaking happy about this at all this is bs we have a right to listen to or read what we want

Lynsay Breaux says:

please can anyone put book 1 through 3 back up please please please

MrCleg says:

I love how Neale Donald Walsh thinks.

krishna manandhar says:

Hi, could you please upload all the parts of these audiobooks again. Thank you very much

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