What Is Spirituality? – A No-Bullshit Intro To Spirituality

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What Is Spirituality? – A clear and concrete explanation of spirituality for scientifically-minded, rationally-minded, atheistically-minded people.

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Ghuraba says:

Can we have your insight on AI + neural link ? Plus its combination with religion , spirituality ,spiral model , enlightenment , reality ect … It looks like a good video subject

Random Stranger says:

How do you know you're not the one being delusional and your belief of having no beliefs is right?

Harris 05 says:

I dont understand why he says u dont make money when u pursue the truth, what did he mean by that. Hes an example of a person pursuing the truth and making decent money.

Aaron Truth TV says:

Leo, your ego is afraid to explore the Flat Earth theory because then you'll discover that we're in a simulation.

There is really no universe somewhere out there beyond but here, we are the universe.

Kevin Johnson says:

How can you have a conversation without existing? The exercise in itself is proof of existence for both participants.

Sadriyah lu says:

Watching while reading comments… its hard to focus…

Kevin Johnson says:

I feel like the orgasm metaphor is pretty weak. It would take some next level denial of physical reality to deny the existence and pleasure of orgasm. Then to extrapolate that into working or eating and to say that it's irrational as well denies the existence of the biological requirement to eat and be sheltered. It's not irrational to work if you value being alive.

So while you're denying the rationality of the basic requirements of life, you're also equating them with another person's search for the intangible and unknowable. A person can live their entire life without ever requiring spiritual development. In fact, desiring self-actualization is it irrational act based on feelings and preference in itself.

Design Epic Life says:

Leo, you make the most in-depth videos about self-improvement I've seen on YouTube. Thank you so much for your work.

Cory Bright says:

Hi Leo.. the videos are great of course.. since you shifting more toward the nondual orientation.. I feel the best path of growth would be the format I am offering.. please find my other email with specifics.. you can speak here in Berkeley as well.. I host teachers.. the format is a great way to share and grow and enjoy! To expand beyond the videos.. as well as continue to embrace them.. I would love a short conversation to share about what we love and are and how it unfolds.. Thanks As Love Cory Bright eeetznab@aol.com

High Priestess says:

You can't tell me this stuff is not real lol ๐Ÿ’™

Herring Choker says:

Leo looks like Lenin.

House Music Sensation says:

Leo, I like how you define spirituality, congratulations for 763.000 subscribers!


Leo sir, is this possible in the case of telepathy, that what we think that would not happen, but future already exist and we received just few seconds/minutes before what would happen? Just like a radio and a mobile phone exist side by side and we can hear a crack sound from radio and then we received a call. PLEASE REPLY SIR, THANK YOU.

PersikkaYrjo says:

Leo i love you! You have really helped me ALOT! Thanks!

Hanski - says:

30:21 i am beginning to feel like a rap god rap god

Spika Rooni says:

Hey Leo ๐Ÿ˜€
I get that meditation and psychedelics can produce some really cool experiences but, as I've said before, you are taking these experiences to be reflections of the nature of reality beyond the brain, which they are not.
Around 28:47 you are talking about whether we can access the Truth. You dismiss Kant's arguement about phenomena and nomena without properly arguing against it, and go on to say that the only way to know if we can access the truth is to "try really hard". I take this to mean that if we meditate properly, thoroughly observing the nature of consciousness, we will find the phenomena/nomena distinction breaking down. This exemplifies your belief that introspective inquiry and other mental experiences are capable of granting access to the Truth, or the true nature of reality. The point is unconvincing though if anyone takes the time, as I have, to take your words seriously, which is something you don't have to put up with much from the looks of these comments XD

I am unconvinced because I ponder a SHIT LOAD about consciousness and subjectivity. The fact that mobile organisms, like ourselves, evolved with the ability to perceive and interact with our environments in some amazingly complex ways, and that existence as one of these organisms has a quality about it, which we have come to call consciousness. Its literally awesome. But you are suggesting that these brains of ours are not only great for living on the thin crust of ONE planet, but that our puny awesome brains are capable of forming valid conclusions about what reality actually IS throughout the countless lightyears of the universe, if we just think hard enough, or in the right way, or with the right chemical help. You CAN now see why I am unconvinced.

All the while I share your view that humans need a sort of consciousness stimulation, which you call spirituality. We get bored with our efficient filtering of stimuli, and can even end up missing out on lots of great experiences because of our ability to participate less and less in reality while maintaining our ability to have kids. Raising consciousness to higher levels than our resting state is inherently rewarding, whether we meditate, contemplate or medicate to get there, it usually feels great and opens our minds to the possibilities of well being and joy around us. BUT no one needs to believe that consciousness is the basis of all reality or that we survive death or that god exists or that we've got an eye in our foreheads on the spiritual plane or whateverthefukgetoutaherewoooooowooooooooowoooooooo. We can, as lots of us do, simply acknowledge that brains do some stuff well and others stuff not so well, and sometimes need help to do stuff better, like be happy or aware of our common existential CRISIS (hehe jk it's just a lower case crisis :3)

Anyway I hope you consider my words. I've said before that I really like you and I hope that this fuck-rationalist-scientist-atheistic phase doesn't hang around too long.

You should engage with the works of one SAM HARRIS, he pretty much got me here.

Gilbert Zondo says:

No need to worship God?Wow Thats a bold statement Leo!

Jordan Weddle says:

Leo, when are you going to go on the Joe Rogan Experience?

Adam Enniss says:

Long live Mr Leo Gura , Mr Alan Watts and Dr Peterson .

Jude Schoch says:

Hey there, name's Yoshimi.. I'm a cat – use my paws to type on the keyboard.. Anyway, I've been meditating for 16 hours a day for the last 15 years, being that I'm a house cat, and you all should listen to this guy Leo about meditating. I'm not gonna say I've found the ultimate Truth, but man it's good – beats working 9 to 5, that's for sure ๐Ÿˆ

Virus Virus says:

Hello Leo. I have been following you for quite a while. I appreciate your work, and try to do the work myself, and experience. Now I feel like I got a tune about what you're talking about generally, although of course I acknowledge that I have to expand the understanding by working on it.
But Leo,,,, I REALLY struggle, on getting a feel about what you're saying, about the Brain. I just can't put in any frame that the brain is a construct of the mind. I cannot think of consciousness as separate from the brain. Okay, even if I accept it as a construct of the mind, anyway I cannot reject the relation of the Brain and the Consciousness. I would really like some clarification at this point, if you don't mind. I hope I have expressed my concern well.

Cezar Casual says:

Leo, are we really living in a simulation?

graded says:

Spirituality is having sex with Reality
– Leo, 2018

Charles Williamson says:

I find that the problem that I have with spirituality is that Iโ€™m primarily motivated by happiness, not the metaphysical aspects. I practice vipassana and I find that Iโ€™ll meditate very consistently for a few months and then Iโ€™ll feel super happy, to the point where I feel that I donโ€™t need to meditate anymore because I just feel so happy … then I get depressed again and get reminded that I need to meditate. I feel like Iโ€™ll never see the truth because I am only aware of my ego when Iโ€™m very unconscious.

DrPePa328 says:

Hey Leo, I'd love to know your thoughts about quiet/shy people and social anxiety.
Great work! ๐Ÿ‘

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