David R. Hawkins – Removing The Obstacles To Enlightenment

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An effective pathway should offer other ways of seeing things so that obstacles dissolve by a mere comprehensive understanding. This means the identification of the obstructive positionality and clarifying the duality that is the basis of the conflict. – Devotional Nonduality


Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Gary J Smith says:

What are the obstacles?

sai krishna says:

Why does he keep touching her hand?

Terror Botje says:

i am enlightend

Niklas says:

Hello, could you please give me the name of this lecture?
thank you

Realization of the Self says:

One thing he emphasizes here is understanding the role duality plays in the formation of the ego, how one set of dualities gives rise to more dualities, and how duality is based on positionalities (which are like presumptions). Pairs of opposites are merely artifacts of positionality with no inherent reality.

Here's a list of some primordial dualities, the resolution of which takes one past 600

1 – The duality of birth and death: Because we cling to the false existence of a 'self,' we deludedly perceive the turning wheel of birth and death. Though a person exists in the dream, when the dreamer awakens, there is nothing that can be grasped. Like an illusory flower in the sky that vanishes into empty space, one cannot say that there is a fixed place from which it vanishes, because there never was a place from which it arose. What is not born and has not occurred cannot die.
2 – The duality of subjective and objective, of "I" and "mine." Where there is ego there is also its object; but since fundamentally there is no ego, neither does its object arise. If there is no presumption of a self, there will be no possessiveness. The presumption here is that there is a difference existing between the mind (the subject) and the datum of the mind (the object); that there is an experiencer and, separately, that which is experienced. This distinction occurs only within the limitations of the dualistic mind and has no independent reality, so that there is a simultaneous relation between them in that when the subject is defiled, the object is also defiled, and when the subject is purified, the object is also purified.
3 – The duality of Master and disciple. When both are seen to resemble an illusory self, there will be no Master, nor any disciple, for the self is looked into as void and illusory. For example, in the Diamond Sutra it is said that all sentient beings of whatever class are led by the Buddha to attain Unbounded Liberation; yet when this vast number of beings has thus been liberated, verily no being has been liberated. This is because in Absolute Reality, there are indeed no Buddhas or sentient beings, because Buddhas and sentient beings are illusory projections based on the arising and perishing of thoughts. The intrinsic nature of Enlightenment is devoid of distinct natures. If sentient beings attain accordance with the Buddha's Enlightenment, they realize that there is in reality neither Enlightenment nor the one who experiences it, for when illusory projections are extinguished, there is neither attainment nor actualization, as there exists no one who attains or actualizes. If a man beheads himself, there exists no executioner after the head has been severed. It is the same with eliminating various hindrances with a mind of hindrance: when the hindrances have been eliminated, there is no eliminator. After ice melts in hot water, there is no ice to be aware of its melting.
4 – The duality of words and meaning. All verbal expressions are terms that exists in language and thus are provisional and invented words apprehended by the mind. And if they are verbal expression apprehended by the mind, then, in the final analysis, such imagined descriptions do not exist and validate nothing real. Highest Reality is an exalted state of bliss, it is not a state of word-discrimination, and it cannot be entered into by mere statements concerning it. For this reason the student, in his mind, should not even allow a statement, a sentence, a phrase, a thought to complete itself. If words and thoughts are worthless, if Highest Reality cannot be entered into by means of them, then why even complete them? If they have no intrinsic reality, then there is no point to perfect them. Thus there is no point to cling to words, which were intended to be no more than a pointing finger.

Othmar Rey says:

ok……. not be sentimental
i kiss you twice in your deeper heart

Omar Ignacio says:

Which lesson was this? 😀 Thank you in advance 😀

D4NC3Rable says:

That helped so much. Thank you!

Don Arthur says:

Unless one is ready to do deep self-reflection and apply unbiased honesty, Dr. Hawkins' work will seem only a quaint curiosity. He has been a light and a beacon for me bringing in a breath of fresh air into a world of troubled illusion. The work is arduous and not for the "Armchair Avatar". After 55 years walking the Spiritual Path, I find his work the most direct and attainable. Once "Unconditional Love" has been experienced everything else is superfluous. May heart be opened and your journey be rewarding.

X1Photon says:

The best way I found is systematic and easy… MastersOfUniverse.net

Marianne North says:


MADD House says:

Thanks for this post. Of great help in clearing alot of places of stuckness. 🙂

&% says:

guessing this guy aint too fond of romantics

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