Personal Empowerment: How to Live a Successful Life with Deepak Chopra

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What do you get when you put a pioneering author and entrepreneur, a world-renowed spiritual teacher, a music superstar, and a mindfulness guru on stage together? A powerful, inspiring discussion of wellness and developing personal success – starting from within. Mindfulness guru Jack Kornfield will teach the intense power of meditation, Arianna Huffington will provide insights into thriving and surviving, and Deepak Chopra, will give us his unique perspective on the nature of reality and manifesting our dreams. Jewel, singer-songwriter, actress, author, mother, and advocate will inspire us to ignite the spark of human connection through mindfulness and well-being. This unique session will come to a close with a joyful and profound meditation led by the Plum Village monastics.



you have to be a biologist and a scientist to understand this man.

Pratima says:

Amazing.. Just beautiful to see the opening video.

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