Can We Trust Our Feelings and Intuition?

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The conditioned mind will often create feelings out of fear, and these should not be the guiding force in your life. Eckhart urges us instead to discover the deeper feelings that arise from Presence—the source of true intuition—and to let that guide your actions.


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Sparkling Red Rose says:

the video doesn't answer the question of the topic !!! CAN WE OR CAN'T We TRUST our intuition !!!????? it rather focused on how to react towards other's feelings /intuitions !!!!

Lois Langley says:

I have noticed, after the fact, that I react quickly with anger, which I realise is making the other wrong. Yet I do not know the thoughts that have taken me to this extreme. It disappoints me, that I react so extremely. I use as often as I can, walking away to give myself some time to settle. My head races with the negative thoughts, till it calms. If it is a person I usually go back and explain my behaviour. How do I get myself to check the angry reaction/action? I am 60 and am still learning how to be a part of this world.

Lisa Marie says:

Ekhart loved seeing your name on the CD in the new Marvel film Venom 🧡

ripvanwho says:

Just the essentials. Beautiful.

Mary Moses Art says:

Food affects thought, hormones affects thought, dehydration or acidic PH affects thought, frequency sounds from music affects thought, images on television affects thought, feeling energies from others affects thought. Healing our minds so that we can think in healthy & authentic ways takes work bc our bodies need water, alkaline food, healthy music, healthy hormones & healthy people around us in order to maintain a consistent energetic mind-set. Allergies affect thought, lack of sunshine affects thought, death affects thought, drugs affects thought. And if thought is what creates our reality, then WHOA to those who push fear, negative frequency sounds, acidic foods, negative media, drugs, sodas (instead of pure spring water), selfish agendas! They perpetuate a reality that denies authenticity, which is love:)

Julio Decastro says:

I truly believe that Eckard Tolle is a great teacher fillowing hia teachings has really made a difference in a lot of peoples lives.

Mieke Froon says:

jammer dat het niet Nederlands onder titelt is

Mel Vern says:

He didn't say the words "When you say that other people are wrong, that justifies in your ]mind that YOU are right," but I have heard this said before and know it to be true. Good lesson from Tolle. Let poeple just be who they are and live in the moment. A wise soul is Tolle.

Clark Kent says:

i believe we can trust our intuition through faith spiritually speaking…. but we should NEVER trust feelings;
feelings are demonic liars which always lead you astray!

brothajack1993 says:

Eckhart just looking at the punk munk cheese face raised my Kandalini

John D says:

Can you trust the mind that is asking this question? And yet another question? ……


Can we trust our feelings and intuition: 100% yes. They are your only guide. Fear is an indicator that you are off track, love and joy is an indicator that you are on track. The idea that you cannot know the source of your own wisdom and connect to that, and trust that, is a fearful concept itself so the question itself is a flawed premise and can never lead to enlightenment.

Die Liebe hat immer das letzte Wort says:

Eckhart you are an awesome spiritual comedian…the only one so funny….one of my beloved teachers, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

L8TRH8TR says:

Eckhart granted you make good point but come on this should be common sense and general respect. look U you are mildly entertaining to listen to but dude your monotone voice, too me is
like sominex you need some props or something.
Eckhart how do U interpret the 7 cities named Salem. In 2017 The shadow of totality of the eclipse went through 7 cities named Salem in the USA. Where do you think that came from. How do you think that came about. Who could have planned that. The only interpretation is it was the hand of God "your feelings "pfft be there for your feelings dude my feelings tell me U R an an evil mister rogers. Listening too you is like taking a shot of heroin. U think U R soo smart, When u meet your maker maybe the you will understand your feelings never your own. Jesus can lift the veil

susan brown says:

That’s funny.

xxx s says:

Hahaha funny story

Gun Bert says:

Eckhart Tolle is a master to show us the difference between ego and just accepting facts with no fuss. A very good reminder how to keep our inner peace. And he always does it in such a hilarious way! You understand immediately with a big recognising laugh! Thank you so much Eckhart!

Lavinia Asofiei says:

He's my master 👑 I awaken more and more any time when I listen to him. I do recommend his book "The power of now"

Angel Muk says:

I just saw Eckhart those 5 days in Greece. He definitely is of most positive energy! I did meet some Millionaire
Gentleman from South Africa, telling me, that he follows Eckhart constantly around the world: WHY? Either
one understands, or one does not … after all, one has to do by one`s SELF what Eckhart only can suggest !!!
The healthiest person I met, was my taxi-driver to the airport. He said: "Why does not Tolle rent a big stadium,
and has people see him for 1 Dollar only, and not have them pay that much money to come and hear him?
It is but a huge money-business, yet people get mentally addicted, treating him alike some Jesus Christ!"

Behzad Asgharpour says:

…..bravo…bravo….awesome clarifying between feeling and intuition….tanx,tanx

mike yu says:

only a few people in the world realize this, we are entering a new era of awakened people.

naomi thornton says:

Great lessons in your stories Eckhart. Love you 💕 Such a cutie with your little laugh x

Lizette Gratacós Wys says:

When I listen to you I love.

Sierra Rose says:

This is in no way, shape, or form a jab at Eckhart
If you disassociate the voice from the person (i.e. doing something else while listening to the video), he sounds like Winnie the Pooh! I think it's awesome

Flexnet User says:

Thank you for the words of truth and wisdom. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

valueape888 says:

Mr Tolle, I feel compelled to write in defense of Descartes because you accuse him of being something like the father of the ego in both of your books (books i love, btw). In fact, Descartes set out to illuminate the ego, to dispel what is not real, not give birth to it. To do so, he doubted anything/everything exists. eg "i doubt this apple exists, i doubt this field exists, i doubt that I exist, " then, "i doubt that I doubt" and the magic happened. What was left when he doubted everything was That Which Is. "I doubt therefore That Which Is is" is a simpler way to think of cogito ergo sum. Descartes gave me my first glimpse of awareness of That Which Is (sorry, I forgot your nomenclature). I doubted that i doubted (try it for yourself) and That Which Is revealed itself to me. Please consider. Thank you. P.S. If anyone has the keys to the kingdom and can get this note to him, I think he'd be grateful.

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