▶ Your reality is created by your thoughts Dr Wayne Dyer the law of attraction

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WAYNE W. DYER, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.

His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and the New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration, Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life, Excuses Begone, and now Wishes Fulfilled have all been featured as National Public Television specials.

Dyer holds a Doctorate in Educational Counselling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York.

Dr. Wayne Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same.

When he’s not travelling the globe delivering his uplifting message, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui.


judi noble says:
Annette Szklowin says:

he talks about how we are all one… and that resonates with me so much.
when I realized that is when I stopped eating animals. we are all one…
their suffering is my suffering.

Mel Jones says:

*Authority and being a follower is also an illusion that must perish. If
you want to progress, make sure you question every thought, belief,
assumption, judgment, expectation, feeling and emotion.*

*We need **not to leave stones unturned.** The fact that we are is the only
thing we know for sure. **If you want to know the truth of life,** go to
truthcontest•com and get a grasp on reality by reading **The Present**

Anna O says:

Guarda questo video su YouTube:

Dgfdfygcsevhh Egyydruigdr says:

Did you know that when your angry or upset you can only control it? and it
is so easy to do that

Fooey Yu says:

Someone once told me that Dyer passes ‘Odorless Stool’, has anyone else
heard this?

joan Jones says:

I fell in love with Leonardo Buscalia back in 1980 and then found your
stuff next to his in the book stores. Love your stuff Duane. Great for
attitude adjustment. Really enjoyed you over the years.

Mister X says:

At the gym without an ink pen!

“See yourself in everyone you in encounter, etc…”

Will someone please transcribe that part of the speech for me?! I’d like to
add it to my personal book of quotes. It starts around the 123:03 and ends
at 123:29. Thanks in advance! 

Inner Beauty says:

Dr. Wayne Dyer Your reality is created by your thoughts.

Heather Moore says:

Love him

Kenneth McCarthy says:

Thanks for uploading. I absolutely love Dr Dyers way of getting his simple
message across. Happiness is the Way!! Thanks Wayne Dyer.

ChaosNSilence says:

“Fabulous you” February Series
Segment One
Conquering Anxiety And Fear

Cheryl Anne Harper says:
Magyar Rose says:

About adults not interfering when kids are bullying other kids at the

Kids need adults for arbitrators as much as adults have need for judges.

That is not the same thing as being a “helicopter parent.” lol

I think that example, though funny, is more on the plane of Confucius than
Lao Tzu.
Dispersing justice, especially when attention is drawn to injustice, is not
equal to interfering with one’s willfulness . One can disperse justice with
detachment and without interloping.

Evolution Health and Fitness LLC says:

Your reality is created by your thoughts Dr Wayne Dyer the law of attraction

Tiffy Iffy says:

▶ Your reality is created by your thoughts Dr Wa…:

robert c smith smith says:

I Love Wayne Dyer, what a beautiful, wise and loving person. GOD BLESS YOU
Wayne. You have taught me so much, I am grateful for your wisdom, love and
contribution to humanity.

Anatole Bozzolini says:

Dr. Wayne explains the Law of attraction!

A must see!

Ian Wetherill says:

Wayne Dyer has just memorised a load of sayings – he doesn’t know what they
mean he’s just got a good memory if he had to do some proper deep thinking
he couldn’t!!!!

Walter Logan, sr says:


maria barajas says:

▶ Your reality is created by your thoughts Dr Wa…:

abeer shehadeh says:

What is your philosophy in life? what kind of life style you want?

ysgwy says:

I can attract hair growth…

Angelistic E says:

I just love Dr wayne, thanks for uploading this beautifully seminar. 

Kristine Dickson says:

wayne dyer is the best!

Bp Rao says:


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