How to Make a Decision – Eckhart Tolle

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I had the experience of finding my stillness just after receiving bad news
about my state of health. I cried as I was very emotional from the news my
doctor gave me. But as soon as I able to stop crying and stop the fearful
chattering within my mind; a voice from within me begin answering the
question I ask. I guess I must have asked the right question; because the
voice begin telling me the answer to the question “Why me”. the reason I am
sure that I did ask the right question, is because it’s still being
answered everyday I learn to live mindfully. That is to say; be mindful of
where you stand in life’s every changing moments. Be the change of the
moment if the moment needs to be changed to make the next moment better.

GotNoEvidence says:

Up to around 09:00 seems less to do with the “Power of Now” than the “Power
of Dithering”. The story about moving from England to ………wherever
sounds like anxiety neurosis……..what could one glean in such a
“situation”, where imagination seems to have played the greater part, an
answer from the unknown “deeper level from within”; Jungian synchronicity
or just the abillity to “see round corners” ?

There are surely so many factors, an indeterminate number of which are in
inaccessible “parts” of the psyche, that could influence a “decision”, that
are in themselves merely associative, ie that cannot provide “solid
objective evidence” for an action whose “objective” significance can only
be guessed at, in retrospect; so the decision in such a case is merely a
palliative resolution to the ominous pressure of the imagination, often
quoted as a sixth sense ?

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