Ram Dass “Polishing the Mirror” Live from Lumeria Maui

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Ram Dass discusses the topics of his new book, Polishing the Mirror. Pre-Order Here: http://goo.gl/ZnHUPY

Moments of boundless love and realization do occur spontaneously, but it is our daily life practice that clarifies the mind and heart. Ram Dass’ new book Polishing the Mirror (set for release August 1st) points to the possibility of true transformation from the ego to the soul. Co-authored by Rameshwar Das, this book is a guide for living in the Here and Now. Readers will find within these pages a rich combination of perennial wisdom, humor, teaching stories, and detailed “nuts-and-bolts” instruction on Ram Dass’ most valued spiritual teachings.

July, 2013

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David Hauser says:

very kind gentle soul thank you for your work in our illumination. I will be forever grateful dear one!

carlton levy says:

Hi Ram Dass love your guidance

videos playlist says:

I love you Ram Dass, I am so happy you are in my life. I would like to meet you.

Elizabeth Long says:

Ram Dass                             :';;';';feelthelove{{;";';":;';
Polishing the Mirror

..thank you

Tom Carter says:

My transcript of the video:

Ram Dass: Namaste, namaste. We have a new book out, and it's called Polishing the Mirror and it's all, it's all my teachings, all my teaching, and it's, it now brings you what we know to bring you in the moment. When you, if you reacted to the Be Here Now, this is the next chapter. It's, it will tell you, it will tell you how to be here now, how to, how to unearth your spiritual heart. There's a book that starts yoga, and it says, (not sure what he says here but sounds like "Yoga chitti erika bimbo". It's back in Chali, Sanskrit.") It says, "Unification comes with getting rid of thought". We're going to see, this is ego (pointing to head) and this is spiritual heart (pointing to chest). We're going to go from here to there (pointing from head to chest). This book will do that, and since I'm a Bhakti yogi, I will do this by love, by love. This is ego (head), this is soul(chest), this is who we think we are (head), this is who we really are (chest). And, and you perceive things from your spiritual heart. Awareness. And I think you'll enjoy this book, I'm enjoying it (chuckles). It takes conscioussness, love, light,… oh boy, oh boy, things you should know. I, I did this book with, with friends. (sounded like he says, "Cherokee Gaul") collected all this stuff, collected my writings and she conceived of this book, and my guru brother from Rameshwar Das helped me write the book. We collaborated in a recent book, Be love, Be Love Now, be love now, yeah, ah. This, the mind, the mind, as ( sounded like, "pata jali") said, the mind, you got to quiet the mind before you can delve within, in. Because the mind takes all the senses and magnifies them and plays them. You can quiet your mind by meditation, thats known as Jnana yoga, no, Raja yoga. (10:00 mark) In quieting your mind, we say the spiritual heart is watching the mind, it's witnessing the mind, and if you move your identification from the mind to the spiritual heart, you will be witnessing your incarnation, you will be witnessing your mind. And, and the mind carries alot of, um, feelings, emotions, you will witness these, and, and you won't be embroiled in them. Here is anger: "I'm angry". But you go back to your spiritual heart and say, "I'm witnessing that poor guy, he's got, he's got all that anger." Now this is, this is the ego (pointing to head), and this is the spiritual, the spiritual heart (pointing to chest). So we go from here (head) to here (chest). Take it from here (points to head), "I am, I am loving awareness. I am loving awareness, I am loving awareness, I am loving awareness. The loving awareness is the spiritual heart (points to chest). I am loving… take your finger and in your, middle of your chest, and you feel it, wow, and I am loving awareness, I am loving awareness, I am loving awareness, I am loving awareness, I am loving awareness, I am loving awareness, I am loving awareness. Now if you meet somebody on the street, and they'll say, "Who are you?", your name is sufficient, and "Loving awareness" is secret, a secret name. So you better not broadcast that you are loving awareness. Loving awareness, loving awareness, loving awareness, loving awareness, loving awareness (mostly whispering this time). Meditate on that, loving awareness. (inaudible word at 15:04) Now, as this heart is, spiritual heart center, is really a doorway into your soul. You as a soul, you as a soul, you as a soul. You see my, I am a soul, and a soul sees everything, sees everybody as souls. Maharajji instructed, "Ram Dass, love everybody", and I was here (pointing to head), and I said, "I cant love everybody !?" and he wanted me to go here (pointing to chest) because here is soul, soul (in? at 16:58), and when I can, when I see people, I can only love them, I can only love them. Up here is, is the judge: "That one I like, that one is, that one…watch out for that one" – that's the judge. The spiritual heart, wow, yumyumyumyum. Now, the point in this… that's (think he said, "his") doorway, as I souled, said to you, doorway into your soul. You as a soul, you as a soul, you as a soul. And you as a soul are, are love, light, peace, wisdom, or joy, joy, and compassion. So the soul comes from the One (20:00 mark) it's the, it's all spiritual, the One. And the One splits off as souls. And you as a soul, you're going along to get merged with God, with God, the One. But you as a soul have certain lessons to learn. And lessons that are incarnations. You are a soul in an incarnation. Wow. You're a soul going to God. You're a soul made up of light, and love, compassion and joy, and wisdom. And… see, the way you, awareness, I am I, I, I , I, the real I, the real self, is here (pointing to chest), the real self. And we're looking at the seperate self, the seperate, the seperate soul. And go deep into the seperate soul and you'll get to the One. Inside you. Like I'm a, a seperate soul, and I look at the, at the, at love, I look at it. I see it. And my guru, Maharajji, bes it. Be it. He's be love. And be light. So what I'm saying is, that in, inside you, there are three planes of consciousness. Or… yeah that's it. The ego and the mind, the, the individual soul is the second one, and then the third one is self, God and guru. That's within you. That's within you! That's what tells you truth. That's what tells you when you say, "I intuitive, intuit", that's you. The One is creator and it also is the creation. And you go into that place in yourself, that, the, three (third? at 27:11) level. Then you are love. You are the universe. You are, you are, you are. Wow. And most people, they get, they get captivated by the outside world. They get captivated, captivated in their sight and sound and tongue and nose, and skin, and they're captivated with the mind, and the mind projects our, our environment. So we are captivated by our projections. That is, um, you and I live in a different world, live in a different world, even in the same world, but different because of our projections. So, the spiritual art is a doorway to you, to you, which, to you the spiritual entity (30:00 mark) made up of spirit. And once (long pause), once we get identified with spirit, you look, you look at the incarnation and say, "It's all learning, it's all a school". Your incarnation is your karma. Your incarnation, parents, body, psychology, friends, culture, we got into this culture. Into this, into this time. And this culture in this time, it has suffering. And what we're learning is our seperateness, because we, they, the world is the seperateness, seperate, seperate, seperate… nations, seperate people. It's not when we get, when we get to spirit, we're not going to be seperate. And we can't quite let go of seperateness. And lots of things to learn to in, in this incarnation. Suffering, pain, compassion. I, I may (34:45 mark, not sure what he said, sounds like, "I may bakni as I slow you"), and I worship Hanuman. Hanuman is a monkey, is, he is big, and he serves Ram, serves God. And Ram says, "What are you monkey?" Hanuman says, "I don't know who I am, then I serve you. When I know who I am, I am you." That's the, that's the paradox. God serving God. And Maharajji serves Hanuman, and I serve Maharajji. And Hanuman serves God. My name, my Indian name, is Ram Dass. "Dass" means servant, I serve Ram. I serve by, by helping people to their, to their spiritual self, to their spiritual self. That's what I do for God. And so, this, this book we are, we are (two hands hold book in front of camera)… that's the book, that is the book. It says, "Polishing the Mirror". This book teaches you all the stuff for you to be here now, be…be. Be. Maharajji bes. I see, and he's be. It'll take reading and, and… go from the ego to the soul. I guarantee that you identify with your soul, you will find it another world, with ego, fear, and anxiety and blub blub blub, all that psychological stuff. And, wow, (40:00 mark) in this light, love, wow. You can be a soul. Yes you can. You are a soul. You are. Now, I think some of you are familiar with my, my story. But I, this, this transformation, it's like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. It's not going to become a flying caterpillar, it's a butterfly. Caterpillar (points to head), butterfly (points to chest). This book helps us get into our soul. It helps us witness our mind. It helps us quiet the mind. It helps us be here now. If you can concentrate in the moment, just in the moment. Not the minute, that's… in the moment. Just concentrate… See, uh, my body, my body, and my psychology is under, under, um, time and space. But since I'm a soul, my soul doesn't exist in time and space. Somebody, some, some, some, some of our friends said that I, that hold a birthday celebration for me. I said, "You can only hold a birthday for the, the soul – the, the, birthday for the body, because I, I am infinite. You can't hold a birthday for somebody that's infinite." Yeah. (Looks over) Do questions?

Assistant: (46:40 mark)Well, we're almost out of time where uh, maybe, what might be more applicable would be a um, a meditation, a meditation that might uh resemble a practice or a method that would be found in the book, the Polishing the Mirror.

Ram Dass: Straighten your spine, bring your awareness to your breath. In, out, rising and falling. Now focus on your spiritual heart. Keeping the breath going, aware of the breath, aware of the spiritual heart. Out breath, radiate love. In breath, collect unconditional love from the universe. Breath out, breath out love. Breath in, take in unconditional love. You're unconditionally loved. You are unconditionally loved. And you love all the universe. And pretty soon, you're in an ocean of love. Breathing out, breathing in. Radiate love. Imbibe love. Wow. The ocean of love. Namaste. (meditation ends at 56:00 mark)

Assistant: Thanks so much for joining today, ( there's a break in the audio, believe he says "just a reminder") Polishing the Mirror is available at Sounds True, and at Amazon for advanced orders at this time, and August 1, a week from today, it will be available for sale, Barnes & Noble, Ramdass.org, Sounds True, Amazon and all your leading bookstores. Namaste, aloha.

Elizabeth Long says:

..thank you

Evelyn Lauchengco says:

I, too, am a Christian and all I can say is My cup runneth over with love for Ram Dass, the man responsible for my transformation and awakening, I am forever grateful for the words of wisdom he so unselfishly shared with humanity. Few teachers can come even close to the depth of his spirituality, his unconditional love, service, and devotion helped thousands find their path to true freedom. I love you Ram Dass and will continue to say so until my last breath.

Chris T says:

Ram Dass, you are an incredible soul and I cannot thank you enough for the heart and soul that you put into your teachings. You were a guide to the youth in the '60s and today still you guide us. You bring Peace and Love to a world of strife. Namaste, old Friend.

Ze Cete says:

Must buy it…

xchristopher22 says:

Namaste, beautiful being

Elizabeth Long says:


Justin Bailey says:

( ( ( <3 ) ) )

cheapneasy2 says:


Shanti565 says:

I just finished you new book "polishing the Mirror", it was wonderfully written with great insight. You are such a blessing to me. Namaste!

Miriam Kramer says:

He will bring us all Home.

TheInfiniteWay says:

Much Love Ram Dass. Namasté

George Johnson says:

With you since 1971 ("Be Here Now")………..Love You Forever. Namaste'

PJ Grimes says:

Thank you for your beautiful teachings Ram Dass. Namaste.

Cold84 says:

I cried tears of joy during the meditation, I love you ram dass

Katherine Schindler says:

I felt his outpouring of unconditional love. I hope there are more livestreams

Thule says:

that was wonderful, I hope there are more livestreams in the future.

Jane Jones says:

today during this meditation i saw a huge hand over my head blessing me…I felt it was Baba Maharajji coming through the heart of Baba Ram Dass..WHAT A BEAUTIFUL VISION OF LOVE~ THANK-YOU~LOVE-YOU~ ((( HEART )))

Elizabeth Long says:

;":nice! 17:55 -18:05 ..the spiritual heart ;;wow';';yum;'yum;'yum;'yum

Elizabeth Long says:

Ram Dass:';;';';feelthelove{{;";';":;';Polishing the Mirror

Jane Jones says:

Thank-you with love~joy~bliss~for this lesson Baba Ram Dass….very essential is living from the heart chakra…and "witnessing your incarnation" by the Quiet mind living in the heart…((( <3 )))I AM LOVING WITNESS I AM LOVING AWARENESS…

cocoamancy says:

This was a beautiful webcast, Ram Dass, which helped me to get back in touch with Love. I have been experiencing a disruptive force within myself recently, due to too much association with the more destructive aspects of the material world, causing me feel much separation and fear. Thank you for helping me realign with Love I look forward to reading your new book, and strengthening my connection with Love in a more consistently strong way. Namaste!

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