Let’s Wake Up: Deepak Chopra

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Deepak Chopra talks about his journey from medical school in India and the United States to the experiences and research that have brought him to his present understanding – that the universe, the body, the mind, and everything that we have a name for, is a human construct. “No system of thought can give you access to reality,” he says. For that, you have to go to the source of thought, which is consciousness.

For more information visit https://www.deepakchopra.com/

Science And NonDuality is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in personal experience. We come together in an openhearted exploration to further our individual and collective evolution. New ways of being emerge. We embody our interconnectedness and celebrate our humanity.


Sean Titan says:

Couldn't help but giggle when he'd get a bit carried away at times… lol :]
Other than that great message.

Rosa Bertran says:

just love you

Bjorndal Jensen says:

Dearest Deepak please "where" is the collective conrsciousness in this non constructed context ?

Eternal_Inside says:

Human construct???? Why so anthropocentric? Claiming nothing was here before humans? No galaxies no universe?…. I think that there is a possibility that the universe was here when we was paramecium…. A protozoa swimming in a mud lake…..when we was a fish… a monkey etc etc…. and will be here in all stages of ourr evolution….( when I say OUR I don’t mean our current team of cells of course)…. Or go back further …….there is a possibility that the universe was here when we was chemicals bouncing around…. Or when we was Atoms….or even when we was in the infinite state of Brahman…. Brahman didn’t create the universe for humans… and of course humans didn’t create the universe for Brahman!!!! Namaste…Peace…!!!

peacefulislandgirl says:

It's very difficult if not impossible to find one language to sufficiently and efficiently communicate with everyone in the world. If you don't have the mental ability to accept an idea, or at least consider it, then much like a person who is colour blind, you'll never experience it. To become a great visual artist, maybe you NEED the colour red, but not to become a great physician, or gardener, or compassionate neighbour. Work deeply with what you HAVE and try not to deny others their experiences of what they DO have.

clemencia nijem says:

Thank you Deepak Chopra brilliant!,

Dianne Horvath says:

I’ve come to an important question (to me) in my desire to awaken, and that is, why has it taken humanity to learn or awaken to these constructs which Yogis have known for thousands of years? Not that there has ever been a past or any yogis, in fact, I’m beginning to be afraid that I’m the only person who actually exists in this dark matter.

K M says:

I am so so grateful for his presence in our reality! All what he says makes me crying with tremendous joy and appreciation! And you can hear his passion! I am so grateful! So grateful for him to be here and share all this with us! So much gift is coming out of his mouth! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

Butterfly Magic with Hot Tea says:

Deepak Chopra has always been brilliant and inspiring.

Keith Mc says:

Deepak confuses what are human constructs. Yes, Grenwich Mean Time is a human construct. However, the atomic and subatomic building blocks of reality are not. Chopra takes the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and quantum mechanics to areas unproved by science.

I agree that thought can’t take us to reality. But that doesn’t mean consciousness can either.

Juliea Hubbe-Baker says:


Sridhar Kaushik says:

Guy is a fake as per Indian standards.
He is called a "philosopher" in USA!
That is a fucking joke.
He made a lot of money pretending to be a philospher.
HE is just a well read man who knows how to talk in a language that Americans understand.

Raja Bhat says:

A thousand years ago the great sage Aadi Shankaraacharya stated this timeless truth, that we are pure CONSCIOUSNESS and bliss. Shiva can be a deity to worship but really means the mind, the consciousness of the universe. Shakthi can be a female deity to worship but really She is the ENERGY of the universe, intertwined with Shiva. The universe is ME, mind/energy.
Turn captions on to listen to and understand this timeless chant:

Raja Bhat says:

Ah, Buddhist "Science." The idea that the Universe is made of "nothing" is reminiscent of the Buddhist idea of 'Emptiness." And the idea of impermanence. The Buddhists are not stupid; they mean, empty of what we perceive as "permanent, or everlasting." One day we have a home, and next day an earthquake brings it to rubble. Buddhism is Deepak's new love. As usual, a huge mish mash of distorted scientific ideas of Space and matter, Buddhism etc etc. All his talks revolve around what he calls "Reality." The Hindu Vedas talked thousands of years ago advising us to go "From the unreal to the Real." He never really defines what "Reality" is.

ahamenata says:

'No other species on earth…. ! You mean,Mr. Chopra ! 🙂 Beautiful lecture though … lol

BuzzBroz says:

Great man. Honored to have him in our series THE FLANAGAN EXPERIMENTS.

Eclecticist 888 says:

🙏💙.gratitude. live your life according to the two II'S individualism and intellectualism and the two EE'S ethics and empathy regardless of your beliefs. An equilibrium of knowledge and wisdom i.e. Emotional Intelligence. Life reformulated in order to ascend to a higher form of Consciousness🙏💙

Sheldon Samuel says:

Nothing, Is happening nowhere!!??

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