Neale Donald Walsch – Conversations with God

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Kevin Moore was joined by aurthor Neale Donald Walsch who is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. Following high school he enrolled at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, but academic life could not hold his interest and he dropped out of college after two years to follow an interest in radio broadcasting. He then became a radio station program director, a newspaper reporter and, ultimately, managing editor, and public information officer for one of the nation’s largest public school systems.

After moving to the West Coast, he became creator and owner of his own public relations and marketing firm. He then moved to Oregon and became a syndicated radio talk show host. Neale is the author of the renowned With God series and with the help of his wife, Nancy Fleming-Walsch, created the Conversations with God Foundation.

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Dan Gee says:

Anybody know the track that starts at the beginning of the show? I've always been a fan of electroclash!

Malgeun Jabiloun says:

This so called Conversations with God is actually CONVERSATIONS WITH SATAN THE DEVIL. I've known it because I once have read it. According to the invisible person who pushed the pen in reply to Mr. Donald Walsch 'Jesus Christ is just an ordinary man like the so called Buddha, or Mohammed, this statement is clearly of the enemy of Christ. Personally after I read the 3 books way back 13 years ago I decided to throw those books, the Devil were so angry at me he ruined me financially and he attempted to drove me crazy, SATAN THE DEVIL YOUR DAYS ARE NOW NUMBERED

Leo Feza says:

"there are more things in heaven and earth horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy" William Shakespeare

Key Reverend says:

If you want to truly know God, and actually hear the words that come from His own mouth directly. Then you need this book…it will change your life…. It will lead you exactly where you need to be,

Nina Samantha Perez says:

I have been attempting to 'remember' all my life…my spiritual journey was at a stand still, and God brought me the 'Conversations with God' book and it has transformed me….Thank you.  I have no problem btw to say and KNOW that indeed  I AM GOD and GOD IS ME….

Roxa D says:

I really enjoy meeting you. I am so glad to have found someone else to whom the world can think is nuts. Because this is the impression I get from anyone I tell that I have met God. People need to open the doors to what is coming a new way of thinking & believing is around the corner folks. Are you ready?

The Moore Show says:

Check my interview out with Diana Cooper on The Moore Show Diana Cooper on the new paradigm, angels, 2012-2032 and the transition to the golden age.

Denise Michaud says:

God Bless you, this is good, why is so much good and Love, be evil. It is only Fear which brings denial of self. Why are so many afraid to look inside to find the Love and be happy so afraid that they feel the need to attack the messenger. We are all made of the same stuff with free will. We have the choice to become one or live with the lack of Love and imagine separation. Simplicity our thoughts deeds and emotion create our world. All we need to do is share what we want, as long as we share what we don't want we will continue getting that. There is the power "Love"

chris222c says:

Those who know do not have time to write!
RUMI 1213

Bill Rose says:

why do you go to the trouble to use your obvious intellect to put someone down

Correlation ImpliesCausation says:

Firstly, the religious stuff is psycho and you'll be better off without it. The reason Christians say the human race is 6000 years old is because they *dont' want us looking any further back than that*. Because before that, there were more matrilineal / matrifocal civilizations around the world, that's what I think. 🙂

But besides the religion, you are right. It's funny bc I was wondering if I was the only one who figured Walsch is a raper. LITERAL raper, I don't use that word as euphemism.

Aaron Davison says:

Very moving…. Eckhart is definitely tapped into something powerful. When The Power of Now came out it had a profound impact on my life. I wrote a song about that book called "All Things Subside"… all about living in the moment. Check it out on my channel.

Arjuna 1 says:

the mind talks aways to us and it is stronger than everything. it is the logical voice in us.. until we understand that the last work spoken should come from the heart/soul…
when this occures we will understand life and god..
than we can understand every aspekt in our lifes different than before…
we all the time just use the mind not the heat.. its like using hate insteat of love..

royal jewels says:

And my Japanese Fiance offered me this Book because since we both love to read books but at first i was hesitant to read it theres a fear and i don't know why but when i read it all of my questions since i was child totaly apear in this book.My Japanese fiance also bought his japanese version and same reaction on mine ihe said it seems like his own life and experience was written inside the book he was amaze.

royal jewels says:

I have waited this message for so long when i was a kid i could hear god talking to me ii never told to anybody because they might think that i'm lying or joking or worst crazy but now i knew i'm not alone asking those words too of why i'm here on earth or where am i why me where i am.I am from the Philippines and Philippines is known to ne a devoted Catholic but i will never denied that i have ask many question like Neal did and now i live here in Japan where i start to discover about Neal

lmo222 says:

God bless you Neale. A wonderful author whose books have been so helpful during hard times. Thank you!

polescot says:

OK, here's the deal…the beings on here who are negative with their comments are deeply unconscious. It's not their fault, do not blame or hate them. They are not ready for the truth. They are not ready to accept. Eventually, everyone will, I did.

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